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debkay 01-03-2003 07:53 AM

Daily, Chick Chat..Friday-Jan 2nd
Starting up

Off for coffee, right back

Ruthxxx 01-03-2003 08:13 AM

Hey, it's the third! I'll start this over for you.

jiffypop 01-03-2003 08:14 AM

good morning!!!
and where is tazcat??? that early morning riser is still sleeping? or is she digging out of a couple of feet of snow??

well, another day at home. aren't you all proud of me for paying attention??? made a quick run to a yarn store yesterday and got the yarn to make my niece the scarf she wanted,. trouble is: i could have bought one ready made for less money than the yarn!!! but she wanted me to make one, and i bought special soft yarn, and will make a matching headband as well. it's an auntie's job to spoil nieces and nephews!!!

and mom now has yarn, pattern, and help to make an afghan for peachie's boys. the store owner and i have promised to help her. and i'll get her started today. it's snowing/sleeting, so she'll be happy to work on this today.

wish i had some advice for the sugar cravers. oh. here's a tidbit.. stay away from spicy foods. for some reasons, they increase the craving for sugar afterwards., don't know why, but it happens.

what else can i add? not much, i think i'll ask the gas station to tow my car away to fix it. i haven't started it since tuesday, so i know it won't start easily, and there's a leak in the power steering, so they might as well just come and get it. and then we'll discuss the cost of a rebuilt transmission,.

yes, i need a new car., and i just can't afford it right now. even a brand spanking new trans is cheaper than a whole new car!

more later, i'm sure.

and deb... thanks for the coffee. you're not looking in the classifieds for a job, are you??? please don't.

love you all...

SonoGranny 01-03-2003 08:30 AM

GOOD Morning Jif, Ruth and Deb :D (and everyone else to come later) Hmmmmm, no one started the coffee, I guess I'll go do that! Strong and unleaded!
It looks to be a terrible morning to be out and about - sooooo glad I don't work until 3 today! (altho I am nervous 'cause dd2 is planning on driving in to the city to see dd1 and the kids today - she's a HS teacher and school doesn't re-start out here until Monday).

Jif, I'm glad to see you're following "doctor 3FC moms'" orders and staying home...... yummmm afghans...... shall we bring our yarn-work to lunch? :dizzy: I think I'm gonna have to try to work on that baby blanket for my niece...... if I don't work for hours at a time I might be able to do it - am just not ready to have surgery on my wrists (sorry Ruth - your experience scared me, not to mention that I wouldn't be able to work for a while!)

Ruth - you haven't told us lately how Hershey and the pups are...

BTW, I have a sorta silly question for any of you smart chickies out there - not related to lc tho, not really. Anyone ever have hallucinations? The kind where you smell something that's not there? I quit smoking over 5 years ago - the last couple of days, I swear that I am smelling cigarette smoke in my house - the only thing is WE DON'T SMOKE!!! I feel like I'm going nutz and dh believes it, too! Is this dumb? Am I cracking up from all the carbs I ate for New Years?????

Have a great day everyone....... will be back for more later......

peach pit 01-03-2003 08:36 AM

Morning Ruth! Morning Debkay! Morning Jiff!

SNOW DAY here! My boys are still sleeping....nothing like cranking up the heat a bit to get them to sleep in a bit more!

SamsG.....I think that you are doing fine with your basement and I am very impressed that you have a path to the circuit breaker.

My basement is without a doubt a disaster area. I did not move into a new house....there is ex wife crap down there, step children crap down there and then of course my own kids' toy crap and then there is my own crap and my dh's "I will keep my crap forever" crap . ...which adds up to quite a lot of crap! I never had the time to get to it but with Jiff living with mom and my boys doing so well, I am now finally able to begin digging out of the crap hole.

Bought next years teacher gifts yesterday!!!!! Pretty country angel ornaments that say either "hope, joy, peace" You heard it hear first....I wil do NO crafting next holiday season!!!

Had a consultation today to begin the ball rolling concerning getting the lap band surgery but with my mental lapse as to the school schedule :rolleyes: plus the snow today, I am rescheduled for Jan. 13th.

Welcome to all the newbies!!!

samsg....you snuck in on me....the smoke thing? Sounds scarey to me...are you sure the wiring in your house is ok? or is it just ciggie smoke you are smelling?

Ruthxxx 01-03-2003 08:46 AM

Yarn! Jiff, have you any idea how many half finished knitting and crochet projects are lurking in this house! A royal blue mohair sweater comes to mind. How about an Irish crochet table cloth?

Debkay, I know you liked 1-2-3 yesterday but today is a new day! Yesterday was Sillykin Day. Um...about getting a job ...

Peachie, are you sure they are asleep? Maybe you cooked them! Remember neither boy goes to school today. :lol: So, the 13th - it's no longer a just suppose situation then.

Samsgrandma, I'm sorry my tale of woe scared you off the operation. Part of the problem was my slow healing because I am Type II and also because I used the hands too much. Weird smells? I have nose hallucinations too. There is a medical term for it. I smelled butterscotch in a cow barn once!

So nice to see new folks joining us - either new to 3FC or wandering over from other Forums. We need new blood and new ideas to get our focus back sometimes. The "What Food Keeps" thread gave me some ideas for on-the-road lunches when I am in Ruthie-Road-Runner mode.

We have very cold weather and snow - at last! I always think there are more colds and flu around when we have an oddball winter. So far we have all been healthy although they are dropping like flies around us. Must be our clean living lifestyle! Or the Scotch! :lol: Lucy and I have had a morning romp in the snow playing find the tennis ball - very exhilerating but I am sooo out of shape. We start Show Handling classes on the 12th and I need to improve by then. They make you really hustle around the ring!

This afternoon we are going to Morna's to take Harry to see the puppies. They are just adorable and all have been sold. Poor DonDar missed out this time but Hershey will be having one more litter and Miss Lucy (believe it or not) will be 2 this time next year and probably having pups! If I can get the battery hatch closed on the darn digital, I'll take and post some pictures.

Remember two years ago, we put on a push to try recipes? I still use some of them. I thought of this last night when I made my Pork and Cabbage. I also copied a Cheesy Chicken recipe from another site and will try it on the weekend. Wings tonight with Caesar Salad (pork rind croutons). I love wings and love LC!

Off to get the day started. By the way, I was dressed and breakfasted and outside by eight this morning!

Happy TGIF!

debkay 01-03-2003 08:51 AM

I'm back, and thanks Ruth for fixing the date. I was just so caught up in the whole 1-2-3 date thing I guess I didn't want it to end. :lol:

We had a busy daily yestereday! Welcome Misty!! The CRS is kicking in, I can't remember a whole lot more of what was written.

Jiff glad your staying home. With the weather in the NE today, sounds like a good place to be. And yes, I'm thinking about applying for one of the part time bank teller positions. I think hubby likes the idea of me earning some spending money, but he does not like the idea of me not being here to have dinner ready or available to shuttle daughter to and fro. He has not said anything about the dinner thing, but I can see it in his eyes.......cooking is not something he likes to do :rolleyes:

samsgrammie, hallucinations!!! I can tell you about hallucinations!! Mine were all in the hospital and were some doozies, oh sorry, your talking about at home. Could hubby be sneaking a ciggie and not telling you? I'm just throwing this out as an idea, don't throw anything at me :lol:

I'm sure everyone remembers my search for gingerbread men cookie cutters. I never found any. Yesterday I was at Target where they had Christmas stuff at 75% off. Found a Gingerbreadman cookie kit that was $7.99 reduced to $1.49!!! It includes the cutters, decorations and a cookie mix. Now I have my cookie cutters for next year!!

I did okay yesterday following my plan, but the afternoon is hard!! I can do so well all day until around 3PM and I just want to eat!!

Not much on the plate today, house is in pretty good shape, laundry caught up, grocery trip done. Maybe I'll take daughter to Home Depot to pick out paint samples, she wants to redo her room. Told hubby I was going to take her to pick out colors, he groaned!! He's the painter, not me!

Have a good one all!! Stick to your plan


peachie and Ruth you snuck in on me. peachie I so understand the basement thing. I HATE going down to ours. About the only thing that can get me down there is a Tornado warning.

Ruth I'm looking forward to the puppy pictures.

Pooky 01-03-2003 09:54 AM

Puppies! Ahhh...puppies. Ruthie, I reallywould like to see your pictures of the wee things. As for my puppy, I sent a letter to the editor of the Toronto Sun (a major newspaper) and hopefully he/she will printit. One can only hope....

Miree is at daycare today and I am trying to get my house back in order. How is it that one holiday can cause me to neglect actual cleaning for one month and now I have to deal with it all?? Laundry will be finished today and then there's my ensuite--YUCK!! I'm thinking this is a rubber glove job for sure!

Made an important decision a couple of days ago, I am not going back to school in January. I think it is more prudent to pay off my debt and then take some classes in April. My mother and father in law are coming in late August for about 6 weeks (Lord help me!) and we DEFINITELY will need money for that. Ruth, I have caught your busy disease and I am forcing myself to slow down! Now how hard is that!?!?

Peach, you need a crap guard--an alarm that goes off the minute anyone wants to store crap in your basement. :lol:

SamsG, I did the same thing not too many days ago! Of course it's easier to think something is on fire in our house, we have a woodstove :dizzy: but in this case I thought I was smelling burnt plastic. Turns out dh threw a plastic bag in the fire...

Jiff! Oh I wish I knew how to knit! I have no clue and my grandma (who is an amazing knitter) has no patience to teach. I can crochet but knitting just seems so impossible to me (along the lines of sewing too :rolleyes: )

Deb! That reminds me..I have to start on my bedroom this month! It's one of the last hold outs of ugliness in my house and I really do need to get to it. I ripped off the ugly navy blue tiny flower wallpaper (YUCK!) and now there's paper backing still stuck to everything. What a job that's going to be! Paint colours..I'm thinking one of those pearlized lavender/blues..

Well, I'm off to tend the fire--woke up to a house of 57 degrees farenheit--is that cold? :lol:

Leenie 01-03-2003 12:31 PM

Hi Kiddies,

Just another icky cold snowy icy day.......hurry summer ! Nothing much planned, just waiting for the :bb: to take her nap, she's bouncing in her crib yelling "daddy" and laughing. Then I'm going to make some lasagna, something I haven't made in ion's. This flu thing I have is keeping my eating kinda under control, good thing. Monday when I get back to work, and I'm hoping to feel better, I will be starting my low carb / kinda / program. I would love to lose some weight before the May chickies meet..... Maybe I should write that on my frig...to give me some inspiration huh.

Sam's ..... My hubby used to smoke, so did my Mom. My mom can now smell a cigarette a mile away, honest. When people smoke the smell gets so embedded into the furniture and walls it isn't funny, of course the smoker doesn't smell it. Check the insides of your lamp shades, bet they are tinted yellow. Anyway, your senses get stronger and stronger as the years pass, maybe you are smelling something in the house that is clinging on to the old smoke smells. Your not going nuts (because your nuts already :lol: ) Believe me, the smoke is in the carpet, walls and even the wood..... I'm so happy hubby quit, spring time I am going to do some royal cleaning.

Have a great day all !!

Huggs & Kisses, Leenie :chef:

L144S 01-03-2003 01:57 PM

Good afternoon,
I just sent the kids and DH out for the afternoon. I am on my 5th load of laundry and going to loose my mind. The time man is here so I am stuck for a little while longer.

I have had enough of TV and game boy! Nothing productive had gotten done in the kids rooms. can you say STY!!!!!

Ok, done :)

the house is quet, I had soup for lunch and I am pushing the fiber! My tummy is feeling the reward!

I saw Oprah yesterday and she talked about diets not working, but making adjustments to work for you. I so believe that. I have terrible stomach problems, high fiber combined with WW is what has worked for me. It is clearly my own plan.....so don't be afraid to make a plan work for you.

I also saw on the today show this am (I was doing laundry) that there is going to be an airfare price war. American airlines is the first to do some price dropping, but the others are soon to follow. Good for the chicks headed to Joisey.

Ok thats all I know today, I am going to finish the laundry, go through the mail on the table, have a cup of tea, and then do a little scrapbooking.

have a good afternoon and all of you plugging away, I am right behind you. I hope the cravings subside soon so you can focus on the task at hand.

scooby2 01-03-2003 03:32 PM

Good afternoon ladies!! First chance I have had to get in here today! I am having totally crappy day!! I was in our directors office this morning (he is not my boss but directs the center I work in, he is my peer so to speak!) Well anyway one of his people calls him on the 2 way radio to talk about me, and it was not nice....so of course the director turns beet red, is as embarrased as **** and tries hard to get out of it.....well, I got up and walked out. I have been mad ever since.... :mad:

Time to move on. Second day with no sugar, bread etc. Doing well so far....have taken to drinking green tea lately....like it alot. I have also found that I like Splenda on my berries and cereal..that is a good thing!!! :)

Well ladies, on th bright side DH is taking DS to my bro in law's for the weekend so it will be DD and me, yea.

Have a great rest of the day!

missedbeinhere 01-03-2003 03:45 PM

Well, I did not know you people posted early in the morning--it is now 3:00 and it took me a long time to catch up.

Still haven't officially started the program--Monday is my day though--I am still researching though. I went and got my hair cut today--is that a chore for everyone else too? My hairdresser claims that in the 14 years she has cut hair, she has never seen anyone with as much hair as me--and llet me tell you --it gets BIG! I got it layered out again today--it just drives me crazy--if I get it cut short, it poofs out all over the place--thinning it is not an option--so it is past my shoulders right now and a real pain to take care of.
Anyway--that story had a point--I was sitting in the chair with the cape on you know...and WOW--did my face ever look fat...I mean I KNOW I am fat--but when it sneaks up on you and slaps you in the face like that.....I feel ridiculous!...To make matters worse, when I got home I put on my Ohio State sweatshirt to wear tonight for the Fiesta Bowl ( a 2x and I had to strech it out some so it would hang a little) and I turned sideways in the mirror and BOOM!! It hit me again--I am humongous!
I know--I really need to see myself --how I really look--so I can be more inclined to do something about it--but it is funny how I can just act like I am normal until I catch myself in a mirror or worse yet a picture and have it thrown in my face that I am not!!

Well, ladies--I needed to vent!

GO BUCKEYES!!:cb: :cb: :cp:

BTW--thanks for the welcome, and Ginamarie I will be anticipating your results!!!!!:D

L144S 01-03-2003 03:54 PM

I too have very thick hair. I bucked up and had it chemically straitended. What a huge difference! I finally love my hair. It was pricey and time consuming, but it is a once a year thing and well worth it! I don't have wild woman hair and suprisingly it did not take all the life out of it. I still use the stairtening iron when we have a night out.


RobinW 01-03-2003 04:29 PM

Hi everyone

Im home for a bit this afternoon, snuck away to have a calm cup of tea.

I was down the street today, and guess what is in the window of one of our competitors???!!!! TWIG furniture! I flipped!! Walked right into the store, and talked to the owner about it.....she being so concerned about other stores carrying the same stock as her, and here she has units in her store, that I carry. Her main concern was wether or not they were the same design. I told her that it didnt really matter, and that if she didnt care about the fact that I had the same thing 2 blocks down the street......then she wont mind lowering her prices. (mine are approx 35-50% cheaper than hers) I make my own! She's been in the store several times in the last few days, and now I know why! So, Ive quit being the nice guy....Ive been walked all over too many times. This time, its my store, not some big corporation.

Time to bring out the BIG guns!! More furniture, better prices and nicer pieces!!!!!!!

Ok, Ive vented now, I'll go make my tea.

Samsgramma.......Im not a smoker, but......when I used to go to my exmotherinlaw's place in southern ontario. Every once in a while I would smell smoke. Specifically ciggie smoke. But......only when I was alone in the family room and only in the family room. No one smoked in the house ever, and there nearest neighbour was about 1/2 mile away, and lake ontario was across the street. So....there wasnt any reason to smell the smoke, however, I seemed to be the only one that could smell it, and it was that smell when someone first lights a cig.
.....personally I think it was casper....with a smoking habit. It was also the kind of house that gave you the willies in certain areas of the house.

lol.....no, im not a nutcase. So who really knows why your smelling smoke.

Have a great day everyone

MandaPanda 01-03-2003 05:41 PM

Hi Everyone!
Its nice and sunny today. I weighed in this morning only to find not a pound gone, but my pants are so lose, its funny! I walk around the house and they are so baggy they look bad. I tried on my nursing scrubs today..I havent worn them since I went on Atkins, and the pants are so much better feeling. They arent too tight, and I can actually sit down in them..much nicer!

I am having a huge craving for peanut butter today! Its amazing..when I was on low cal/low fat I couldnt eat peanut butter. Now, if I could just find some sugar free stuff, it would be great!

Im feeling good, I have so much energy, and I havent taken my prozac in five days! I dont feel like I need it. Im so "up" its unreal!! My body is definately loving this program!

I was watching my niece today (shes 2) and I was sitting on the floor with her. Usually its a chore to get up and down off of the floor when the phone rings, but today I just got up..and didnt have trouble. Very nice!

I hope you all are having a wonderful OP day! You are such a great bunch..Im glad to be here!!:)

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