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debkay 12-10-2002 07:03 AM

Chick Chat..Tuesday Dec. 10th
starting up.......be right back

Help yourself to coffee!!

peach pit 12-10-2002 07:31 AM

Morning Debkay and all to come!

off to wake the little guy up, but wanted to say "hey"!

Linda, hope that foot gets better soon and L, I hope the surgery went ok and was nothing serious.

Robin! loved the moose card!

couple of errands and then off to the little guy's school.

I'm tired, but trying not to moan or whine!

have a good one!


goodforme 12-10-2002 07:36 AM

Morning Deb and Peachy, and a big GET UP to everyone else! Hey, why should I suffer alone? Peach, can I whine and have your share? My mouth hurts, went to the oral surgeon yesterday, that offensive tooth is history, and I am allergic to pain. The meds are barely taking the edge off today, but I have to drag my sorry behind to work anyway. Oh, well, they will excuse my mental state, we are all crazy!!

Oh, BTW, I forgot to tell ya'll the great news. I stepped on the scale yesterday and I'm back down to 223. That's from 240 about 2 months ago, so I'm happy :) Eating 3 squares a day seems to be helping me! Hope you all have a wonderful day today, I'll pop back in this afternoon.

Pooky 12-10-2002 07:44 AM

Good Moring gals and all those to come!

Sherrie, that is wonderful news! (about the weight not the tooth--OW!!)

Peachie, did you get all your crafts done?

:wave: Deb! :)

Off to drop in this morning to burn off some of Miree's energy. We made cookies yesterday--just the Pilsbury kind with the pictures in the middle--reindeer and snowmen. We're taking some to the drop in for the kids.

I am sick with a cold, my head hurts and my eyes burn but it's the drippynose that bugs me the most. It's not a terribly serious cold, more annoying than anything else. Yeah, not an excuse to skip out on the day's activities! LOL

Hope you all have a great day! :)

jiffypop 12-10-2002 08:19 AM

good morning girlie girls!!!!
and a special hug to all those in the 3fc infirmary!!! hope you all escape soon...

sherrie... super million gazillion congratulations on the loss!!!! you've been working soo hard on it! 17 pounds in two months is fabulous!

and pooky.. i bought those very same cookies for peachie's boys to 'bake' over the christmas week. they're living in the cold cold cold car at the moment.

deb... i had tea this morning, but thanks for the coffee. on sunday night, i weighed myself at the health club AND on peachie's brand new scale, and i was down a total of 257, and got to move the big clunker down a notch. but yesterday, a mere few hours after that, i went to see the nurse who had headed the obesity program and has now started her own business [i've volunteered to do a couple of press releases] and i had gained 4 pounds!!!!

now, which scale do we think is right??? do we take the majority?? well tomorrow i have to go to the gyn [ick!!!] and i'll check then.

yesterday's afternoon off also meant getting a wreath for the front door [mom insisted on a plain one so that she could decorate it], some pine roping, poinsettias, and an ordered christmas tree. and then a stop at the rag shop to get the doodads for the wreath because mom decided that she didn't want to go rummage in the boxes in the attic for stuff.

good thing everything was half price!!! she got some lovely gold and white picks with birdhouses and roses and things. so we added a few red fake flowers with glitter to tie it all together so we could use the traditional red bow. now, let's just see if she actually does this. don't get me wrong. she's physically quite able to do this.. it's just the focus thing..

and ruthie.. got a PM from your buddy marvin. he had the wls on july 9 and has lost 125 pounds. he asked me to tell you. now why didn't he want to tell you himself????? have you completely scared and intimidated the poor man?????

gotta run. make lunch. deviled egg for breakfast, protein shake, and iron pumping before work... must hustle.

love to all... hope it's a great day.

will try to post more later.

oh. and peachie dear... could i stop by on the way to work to get the snowman and gingerbread man??? please????

debkay 12-10-2002 08:21 AM

My be right back, took a little longer than I thought!!

Morning everyone! :wave:

Pooky I hope you feel better soon.

Sherrie, glad the "bad" tooth is history!!

peachie whine all you want!

We managed to survive the "marathon" band concert last night. We acturally were finished by 9:30, not to bad for four bands!! Brag Alert!! My baby girl, who is first chair flute, had a solo last night, which she aced!! We didn't even know she had a solo, she never told us!! Daughter's private lesson flute teacher was sitting right beside me and said. "that's Laura playing" or we wouldn't have known, it's very hard to see the kids so we couldn't even see her.

Ruth, husband and I are going to St. Lucia on Thursday......bright and early in the morning....we must be at the airport by 6:30 :yawn: Husband worked at IBM for years and they never did anything at all for Christmas, guess they are just too big of a company. Hubbies new company (very small) is taking the whole company plus spouses to St. Lucia for their Christmas party which will be Saturday night.

Off to start the day!!


Jiff you snuck in on me.........I say take the lower weight, after all if the scale was there once........it must be the correct weight RIGHT!!!!!!.

Ruthxxx 12-10-2002 09:20 AM

Busy in the Coop today!

I have been ready since 8 for the lads to come and install a new oil tank. Once again my cellar shelf stuff is on the kitchen tables and counters. If they don't show, it will be dinner out tonight for sure.

Made a big mistake Sunday night - took a new OTC sleeping pill that really zonked me out, not just for the night but off and on most of yesterday! Duh! Kind of wasted another precious day.

Debkay - now I remember where you are going! what a nice gesture by the company! My DH sent his Secretary on a Club Med holiday once - she still worships him and keeps in touch.

Jiff - Marvin? Right, I think I remember. He may have lost my email. Seems to me he came in with a really negative name in chat and we convinced him to change it. Is he the Montessori teacher from North Texas?

Pooky - did you ever try a plain old antihistamine to ditch the runny nose? Chlor-tripolon works for me. Of course you could also wear a false mustache to sop it up. I'm sure you could whip one up out of an old sponge mop. :lol:

Sherrie - excellent news on the weight loss. Sorry about the tooth but it's good to know it's history.

Peachie - hey back atcha! Any chance you can work in a wee nap or quiet time today? It sounds like you may need it.

Well the guys have not shown yet so I'll get off the line and phone them.

Catch up later.

RobinW 12-10-2002 10:07 AM

Good Morning
Congratulations Sherrie on your weight loss :cb: :cb: :cb: Good for you!! :)

Not much happening, just about to head out the door for work, but thought I would stop in and say hi

Hi :wave:

I hope everyone has a great day

Ruthxxx 12-10-2002 11:06 AM

The lads arrived just after I logged off. Rught now I have anew oil tank on my side porch and an old oil tank stuck halfway up the basement stairs! The basement men crawled out the cellar window and they've gone for a coffee and a conference.
If you never hear from me again, you'll know they demolished the house with me in it!

dyan_q 12-10-2002 01:21 PM

Ruth, at least you aren't stuck in the cellar too! I really hate cellars, very creepy places.

WTG Sherrie on the loss!

Pooky - I'm sorry you now have my cold, but at least you don't have the Bronchitis that I now have.

I'm off to make DH a detailed Christmas wish list and then back to work.

LindaBC 12-10-2002 07:50 PM

Well, here I am late as usual. I spent the morning at #1 daughter's home salon getting a perm and a trim. Now I'm all set to scrub the Christmas pots.
Sherrie...WOW!!! Good for you. I think I FOUND most of those pounds you lost though. NOT good for me.
Tomorrow, rain or shine, I clean my house and start decorating. Yesterday I found some pretty white placements with gold stars on them and a table runner. All will do nicely as runners for my coffee table and the two end tables. Found three gold star shaped candles that will look pretty on the coffee table AND some matching pillow covers to dress up the throw cushions. The part I hate is dragging down the boxes of ornaments and searching through all of them to find the few things I want to put up this year. Most likely everything I need will be at the bottom of the boxes. LOL
I'd like to send you each a response but no time right now. I'm keeping track of you though....just like Santa does. hehehe Better watch out, better not pout.

tazcat 12-10-2002 08:13 PM

End of another Tuesday.I was going to be off line at 9pm. That is not going to happen.
Chicks, I went to see this Flylady thing. I love it. Mind you I spend more time reading and printing off the e-mails, but I will use some of her advice.

LindaBC- when you get your old Christmas stuff down, what you don't use give to someone who can use it.

Who is Marvin that lost 125lbs.?

And last, "Sherri GFY!!!!!"
Must go, I have to clean my sink:lol: :lol: :lol:

jiffypop 12-10-2002 11:54 PM

marvin's this guy who simply sends PMs. he joined 3fc but hasn't posted publicly at all. ever. he found out that i'd had the weight loss surgery, and PMd me. he'd been thinking about it for a while, and just wanted some info and support.

so, he's been doing very well... isn't that great???

LindaBC 12-11-2002 12:17 AM

Taz, I don't want to give away my ornaments. I use them every other year when we host Christmas Eve dinner for the family. On odd years I just put up a tiny artificial tree and don't decorate the house as much.

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