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mauvaisroux 11-17-2002 07:19 PM

Lowcarb Freestyle New~Nov 17
Evening everyone! :wave:

Wow! Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend and that some of you have got a lot of Christmas shopping done already:)

My clothing party was great! We had a lot of fun and I ended up buyin a skirt and two tops made out of a stretchy fabric that will be great for traveling.

Dance class was a blast! We are working on a routine that we may perform at a show in April.

On the dairy issue- I don't think I could give that up easily either. I love cheese and milk.

Well, I am off to have a nice relaxing bath. DH is at a friend's place so I have the house to myself for a few hours.

Have a great week!

aleka 11-18-2002 08:47 AM

Hi everybody,
Did any of you get that storm over the weekend? We were very lucky that we didn't get the icing that everybody else seemed to have gotten. We had about 1" of snow before it turned to sleet, then it seemed to be all rain. Everything is slushy outside now. I hear some people might be without power until Wed.:yikes: Our's never even hiccupped.

Suzanne has a new Quick & Easy cookbook (my kind of cooking) ;)
I've preordered it on Amazon. I should be getting it the week of Dec. 10th.

mauvaisroux, glad you had a good clothing party. I love buying new clothes! Hope you had a nice relaxing evening while your DH was at a friend's house.

nikki, I was watching HSN yesterday. Colleen was selling vitamins by Andrew Lessmen, and I noticed her diamond ring. While I was watching, they never did a closeup of her hand, but I did notice it was big.

Hi ANNE, Sue, & Jennifer.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


SuGeorgia 11-18-2002 09:08 AM

Hello Ladies!

I'm stilling :) as I did have a small loss this week, but any loss is a very good loss as far as I am concerned. I'm wearing my closet 'ghosts' now, including one sweater that I wondered why on earth I bought as it was MUCH too small :D

Nikkic- It is so exciting about the plastic surgery! I'd love to have that done, as well as some other things. I think I just miss the medically needed category though. So, everytime I walk through a bookstore, I research costs!

Aleka- After you and Nikkic talked about it, I had to look through ALL the technibond jewelery!!! Major drool now. I'll have to spend some reward $ on that!

Jennifer, Let us know how the grill works out. It sounds yummy. I've gotten in a rut of just using the crock pot because I don't have to babysit my meats. The grill idea might be a winner!

Anne, I love nuts as a snack too. I have to control them like you do, or they'd be all I eat. I tried to make that a reality last night!! :)

Mauvaisroux- The clothing party and the belly dancing all sound like a lot of fun. I hope you're enjoying the clothes.

Well, take care all! Su

ANNE D 11-18-2002 12:33 PM

Hi Everyone!::wave:
Boy, did we get nailed here in Toronto with the snow storm!!!
Somehow I don't beleive we are going to have the mild weather
that the forcasters are predictiing.
Aleka: I also have preordered Suzannes new book!!
Su, Nikkic and Aleka: we all love jewellery. I have quite a
collection of Joan River's tennis bracelets!! I just love them.
I also am collecting some of her faux pearl necklaces.

I did get weighed on the weekend and I am down to 235. Which
was a two pound loss from lasts time and a 35 pound total from
when I began low carbing in the summer.

Su, I have to tell you I made a pig of myself on the nuts last night.
I am wondering if they are going to be a "red light" food for me:o

Hope everyone has a great day.

mauvaisroux 11-18-2002 02:40 PM

I just bought her other two books last Friday. I am loving them. I made a level two recipe for whole wheat pancakes and they turned out way better than I expected! they were delicious! I have been craving pancakes for a couple of weeks and they did the trick!

Will the new book be available in bookstores? and if so when?

The only ones I don't have are the contest cookbook and the dessert book. I can't find the contest one and I'm in no hurry to get the dessert one though it is available-I'm not really one for sweets.

Have a great day everyone:wave:

Ever notice that stressed is desserts spelled backwards? :chin: :lol:

nikkic 11-18-2002 03:38 PM

Hi everyone,
I keep forgetting there is a new thread on Monday.
The storm missed us. We are having drizzle, but it's suppose to warm up into the 50's in a day or so. That would really be nice.
I really have to give up nuts for awhile, at least sunflower seeds. I eat them like potato chips. Before I know it, I've eaten 1/2 a cup and feel so dumb. I don't know if I can get rid of dairy. I know I can't get rid of salt. I don't use much of it anyway, but I do like to sprinkle it on at the table on a few things.
Su, so good to hear from you, I was starting to wonder where you were.
I want to get the new ss'ing book too. I bought the contest book off her website. I have used it a lot, but there are only around 60 recipes in it. I have the dessert book, and there are some good recipes in there, but I don't make desserts anymore. Maybe someday when I'm a lot thinner.
I'm up to 30 min. a day on the gazelle. I also started the work out video that comes with the smart technique tapes. They say it is for average people, they look average. I still had a hard time keeping up, but I did and my muscles are still telling me about it. I think it is a good one and I needed to do something a little different, to get my muscles moving in a new direction. There is another tape, but it is like dancing and I can't move like that. I'm still using the relaxation tapes at night and I love them.
Aleka, Colleen's ring is big, but when I put it on, it fits nicely. The sides are smooth and not bulky. I hate it when you try to put your fingers together and a ring is so fat it keeps your fingers from getting together.
I bought a lot of jewelry for the girls for Christmas. I got a Veronaise (sp?) bracelet today from QVC. It is so beautiful and looks so real. I want to keep it for myself. It's that 18 k over sterling stuff, but this is so believable and comes so exquisitely packaged.
Talk to you all later, stay warm, Nikki

aleka 11-18-2002 05:00 PM

Have you checked Suzanne's site for the contest recipe book? I think I saw it there the other day. Maybe you order it from her site. I don't know when her new book will be out in book stores. Suzanne is supposed to be on HSN Dec. 6th, 7th & 8th, and I believe she will be selling the book then.

mauvaisroux 11-18-2002 10:39 PM

I have seen the book on her website but after I pay in U.S. dollars with our lousy exchange rate, shipping and handling, customs/duties and Gst it is much easier and cheaper to buy it in a bookstore in Canada. I am sure they will eventually end up in our local bookstore~guess I'll just have to be patient and wait :D

aleka 11-19-2002 10:51 AM

Good morning,
I had a good weigh in this morning. I'm down 2.6 lb., which makes it a total of 10 lb. gone.:flow2:

I got Suzanne's bread machine yesterday. The recipe book is loaded with recipes, and I don't have to buy the bread mixes. I think the mixes are a bit steep for what you get. This will be an learning experience.

nikki, glad that the storm missed you. The temps today are just above freezing. Tomorrow and Thurs. are supposed to be our best days. Good for you doing 30 min. on the gazelle:bravo: That's fantastic! That's also good that you are mixing things up a bit.

ANNE, did you have all snow, if so, how much did you get? Way to go with your weight loss :cb: :cp: You really are really doing great! I've really never seen Joan Rivers jewelry. I think I'll pop into QVC and take a look.

Su, congratulations on your weight loss and getting into that sweater that was MUCH too small:dancer: :high: It really makes you feel good when that happens.:smug:

Hi Jennifer, hope you're doing ok.

Have a great day:hat:


ANNE D 11-19-2002 12:53 PM

Hi Everyone:
Aleka we got about 8 inches of the white stuff. It is melting like
crazy now but the weather forcast for the weekend is cooling off
and more snow. It is so odd because for the last few years we have had very little snow in Toronto.

Great weight Loss Aleka!!:bravo: It feels so great to make progress!:cb:

I am really educating myself on the carb charts in my protein power and atkins books. Lets see how much of a difference this
will make for me. According to everything I am reading I was
having way too many carbs.

Nikkic, you are doing great on that gazelle!!:cp: I am like a broken
record on that subject too many excuses not enough action. That will be my number one new years resolution!!!


nikkic 11-19-2002 05:17 PM

Evening eveyone,
Wow, you guys are getting the snow up north. It's funny how some years it seems like we have a snow storm all winter and others, it's a drought. So far, we have plenty of moisture, but no snow. It was 54 today. If the sun was out, it would have been a lot better. Tomorrow DH is off, so we're getting out the snow shovel and snow blower and getting ready for when we get some.
Aleka, great weight loss. :D I think I'll look at that thread you posted on about your woe. I'm just curious. Your new bread machine and cookbook sounds interesting, you'll have to let us know how it turns out.
Mauvaisroux, could you order the book from a bookstore? They might know where one is anyway.
Anne, I think with ss'ing, you get the wrong impression about carbs. I felt like as long as I ate them seperately, they were ok. But, they don't fill you up like a pro/fat meal and it seemed I ate a lot more to get full. One thing I always like about Atkins, it seemed more based in science and he really explains why something works like it does.
Well, guess I'll go slave over the stove. Later, Nikki

mauvaisroux 11-19-2002 11:06 PM

Yup! It snowed a bit more today. You would think we would be used to it but we still complain about it every year :lol:

Nikkic-I could probably order it from chapters if I can find out who the publishers are. I am assuming it will be the same as her previous books.

Congratulations :hat: to everyone on their weight losses!
Keep it up ladies! :dancer:

I want to make some bread in my bread machine but I can only find bread machine flour in white or rye flour. Does anybody know of a brand that makes whole wheat bread machine flour?

Jennifer 3FC 11-20-2002 12:57 AM

Hi guys! Been a crazy week for me with going back to work, so not getting much computer time. I have managed to lose 5 pounds for the month of November, so let's hope it keeps it up!

Mauv, are you wanting a mix, or just a flour suitable for machines? I am pretty sure my last bag of whole wheat flour was by Bob's Red Mill, and it was ok to use in the machine. It was either that or something like King Arthur...or some kind of medieval name!

Anne, I bet it was nice to see snow, did it get you in the mood for the holidays? I love to see it snow, but hate the slow melt.

Aleka, congratulations! 10 pounds is such a nice number!

Nikki, which tape is like dancing? I bought a regular tape on ebay. They had sets of 3 but you could buy them less direct from Fitness Quest than what they are on ebay! If I like this tape, I might buy the series.

Su, I hope the grill is easy also. I still want to grill on the back porch, but it can be done inside since it is electric. I especially want to cook fish on it on the porch. It would be nice to eat fish and not smell it in the house for 2-3 days.

Ok, here I go again. 1AM and I have to get up at 5:30. I think this is my cue to go to bed! See you all tomorrow!

aleka 11-20-2002 06:51 AM

Hi everyone,
Did you all see the story in the paper and on The Today Show about how they are rethinking the Atkins Diet? They did a study on the Atkins Diet, and the American Heart Assoc. low fat diet, and in the Atkins Diet, people lost more weight, their triglycerides went down more, and their good cholesterol went up more. But of course, they have to do more studies. :s:

We're supposed to have our warmer weather starting today. I hope it's true. I'd like to get this crunchy ice melted.

Jennifer, congratulations on the 5 lb. loss. That's terriffic!:high: We have a GF Grill which we use all the time. I do miss having our hamburgers cooked outside though.

mauvisroux, here is a list of whole-wheat flour that has been tested using SS bread machine. King Arthur WW & White WW, Stone Buhr, Bob's Red Mill, Arrowhead Mills WW Pastry Flour, & Gold Medal. Hope this list helps you. We also got some snow last night before we went to bed.

Su, I was wondering how you keep your points so low while combining low-carbing & WW. I'm having a hard time keeping them low. I do eat oatmeal most mornings, but when I have bacon & eggs I end up using 6 or 7 points! I do make a vegetable soup that is 0 points, and I rely a lot on that for my meals. I do use reduced fat cheese, so I can keep my points fairly low there. Any tips you can give me?

nikki, even with whatever moisture we've gotten these past couple of months, we are still in a drought situation. There was a news story about it last night as a matter of fact. We are hoping that we get a lot of snow this winter so that come spring our well will be up where it should be. This winter we'll probably have to live with our well being low. How are the new tapes working out?

ANNE, I'm sure the Atkins & PP will make a big difference. It's funny how most low carb books say you have to balance your carbs & proteins, and eating carbs alone will spike your insulin level. That does make a lot of sense. Good luck with Atkins & PP

It's time to go make breakfast, take my shower, then start my day. You all have a great day.:goodvibes


nikkic 11-20-2002 09:47 AM

Morning everyone,
It's a beautiful day, sunny, clear sky, suppose to be in the 50's and then drop the next few days. These days are so rare in the winter, I feel like I have to spend the whole day out there and soak up as much as I can.
Mauvaisroux, I forgot which book you were wanting. The dessert book, Somersize Desserts is published by Crown Publishers New York. The Somersize Recipe Contest Cookbook is published by SLC, Sweet, Inc.
Jennifer, the one that has dancing is Fat Burning Mommy Style. I can't do all those steps. I don't have a large area, my ankle won't do it and I'm so uncoordinated anyway. I grilled in the kitchen last night, pork chops and thought about you. We had to open all the windows because of the smoke. I don't have an exhaust fan. Guess the indoor grillling will have to stop for the winter.
Has anybody made fried eggplant? I always made it with saltines, but last night I tried it with parmesan cheese and it was pretty good. Slice the eggplant as thin as you can about 1/8 inch, soak in salt water for awhile (gets rid of the bitterness), drain and pat dry. Dip in a egg wash and let this drain off pretty good (I put it in a colander), dip in parmesan cheese (from the can) and fry in hot oil til nice and brown. Pretty good, even DH liked it. It would also be extra good to top it with some spaghetti sauce, what's that called? But, it was good without it too.
The diet with the Smart Technique says not to eat proteins or carbs alone always together. That if you eat a carb alone it spikes you insulin too high. I wonder if I'll ever find a diet that I completely agree with, but no matter what, I know I'm eating a lot healthier than I was last year. No more sugar, potato chips or junk. That is one thing all diets agree on and is easy to understand and makes such a difference.
I recently read in Muscle and Fitness that if you eliminate dairy, your weight lose will reduce by 70%, something to do with hormones and calcium. Anyway, they suggested taking calcium supplements too. They have thermogenic properties and get your metabolism going. I take them, want to help my bones as much as possible.
Got to go exercise and then run outside and keep DH in line. It's his day off and he's giddy.

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