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Ruthxxx 04-20-2002 07:08 AM

The Weekend - April 20 and 21
Good morning! My sides hurt from laughing! Don't we have fun - and are we ever honest and upfront! Next topic? Maybe English smocking for loose skin problems? And a merkin is a pubic wig, by the way. Isn't a classical education grand?! ;) (We need a smirk smiley!)

Lovely evening last night at our minister's house. Could have been very Churchy BUT he and Pixie invited 4 couples and we were the only ones from the Parish. Nice to meet new people - an artist, a writer, a doctor, a lawyer (not boring), etc., and not a word said about Church or religion. Whew! Harry was very pleased. Pixie served a great dinner (not BBQ as I expected) and made a dessert to die for - not LC but no sugar or flour. I'll post the recipe later. The "girls" stayed home guarding the house and did not wreck it in the 5 hours we were gone.

Today is Syrup Festival. I am going to finish the four pizzas that I need on hand for our visitors - Grandpuppy Bailey and her family and then take off to work the Syrup Festival. Looks like a decent day - our temps have moderated to normal for April - about 45 high today. Our Church is holding the World's Largest 25 cent Yard Sale today to clear "remains" out of the Hall. Perfect Claire and not-so-perfect K are running it - hope they are still speaking at the end of the day. On the other hand, it may bring them together.

Gotta get going. Hope everyone has a great weekend. And keep it CLEAN when I'm not around! :joker:

Pooky 04-20-2002 08:38 AM

Good Morning Ruth and my fellow hairless friends :lol:

Well, what an uproar we had yesterday and I can't say that today will be too much different Ruthie!

Dh has gone to the computer show in Toronto with a band of his coworkers. He should be back late this afternoon if I know him at all. I have the dubious task of getting all my cupboards put back on and to start taping them again to do the middle sections.

Gorgeous sunshine out today and I thnk I may take dd inot town for a little icecream from DQ--isn't mommy nice? As for myself, I'm going to eat a full lunch before I do that so I won't have as many bad urges to stuff my face with a peanut buster parfait (my fav). I'll let you know if I scared away the nosh monster!

Have a good one! :)

liz321 04-20-2002 08:50 AM

Morning all! Off to work...well I rejoined ww and it feels great! I was up 14 lbs from when I left in Nov and I think most of it was from my trip to Mexico anyhow, front and forward I go! Take care and have a great weeend! Liz

peach pit 04-20-2002 09:04 AM

Morning Liz, Pooky and Ruth and all to come!

Pooky? take me to dq too? please?

You know, (see me flipping my finger?) I TOLD dh early this morning that the house was shaking! He looked at me like I was nuts...nothing too unusual about that and I said, "look! the Easter Lillies are shaking". He told me they alwasy shake when someone walks across the room!!!

HA! so there Was an Earthquake!!! In upstate N.Y. and it was felt as far south as Baltimore and as far west as Michigan! Am I the only one who felt the earth move this morning? :s:

Susan...you must have felt it! Check in ok!

Opening Day for Little League this morning. The big kid is at the parade with Dh and I am trying to time the little guys meds so that we can go to the game this evening.

Jiff had a good day at work yesterday. Traveling home was a nightmare for her because of some really nasty storms. Mom's phone line is down so she will be MIA for a couple of days...unless she comes by!

have a good one!


Sooner or Later 04-20-2002 09:22 AM

Happy Saturday!
Morning Ruth, Pooky, Liz, Peach and all to come!

Lots to do this weekend w/in-laws coming in a few days. The weather has moderated (we had those storms night before last -- scawey!); the breeze is cool, blue and white sky which goes nicely w/my blooming daffodils and tulips!

Earthquake!!! Yikes! I was in one in California once and didn't like it one bit. You could actually hear this one before it started to shake. We were visiting in dh's aunt's apartment and as soon as the rumbling started, she began running around taking down breakables from shelves. I didn't know what the heck was going on until she said "EARTHQUAKE!" and I started looking for someplace to hide! At least in a tornado you can run to the basement. No thanks to California Dreamin'. Peach, you need to move to Iowa or someplace SAFE! (and in the meantime, I'll send your dh a clue by mail!)

Liz -- good luck at WW.

Well, I'm Rainbow shopping on Ebay for my MIL so I better get to it...that and about a thousand other things.

Sooner (who's getting a little more Spring in her step every day!)

jdoneil1 04-20-2002 09:28 AM

Peach -- You weren't dreaming. I live in NH and the quake woke me up at 6:50. Lasted about 30 seconds tops. Even woke up DH and he ALWAYS sleeps in on the weekends.

I started my day (after the quake) by going to the local Methodist church with our BSA pack to work on their yard. This church is our pack's sponsor and they ask us to help with the yardwork twice a year (fall and spring clean-up). Seems a fair deal for letting us use their facilities from September through May. I only spent a half hour their (picking up trash and sweeping the parking lot). We are celebrating (late) my stepson Brandon's 12th birthday. DH is taking him to the local mall to pick out a computer game. Then the rest of us are meeting them at Chuck E. Cheese's for pizza and games (kids don't know -- it's a surprise). Later, after a very light dinner at home, we are having "Chocolate Indulgence" cake from BJ's (Brandon picked it out yesterday). Don't think I'll be able to pass it up. Planning on having DH cut me an extremely thin sliver (if I cut it, it will be a 1/4 of the cake! :eek: ).

Hope you all have a great weekend! :wave:

jenniwookie 04-20-2002 10:20 AM

Hey all!

Headed out to my parents for the afternoon (not even packed) then off to my Grandmas to spend two nights! Should be a fun weekend. Was going to spend more time with my parents, but they have company that isn't used to two VERY busy little girls.

Earthquake!?!? Oh my! I lived in LA during the Northridge quake and was only about 20 miles from the epicenter. So much damage that I absolutely could not believe that concrete pillars could bend as if made from play-doh. Very, very scary. Let's see.....that was Martin Luther King Day and I moved home to Alaska by Easter!

Okey dokey -- I really got to get my butt in gear. I hope you ladies have a great weekend. Sure was nice to hear from LindaBC!


goodforme 04-20-2002 10:45 AM

Hello everyone
I am one aggravated and pooped chickie! Last night at 11 or so, my sister decided to bring dn (3 mos.) to stay with me so she could drive the limo BECAUSE ALL THE MALE DRIVERS SAID NO! Men!! Anyway, no sleep in this house last night. Now I've shipped off 4 kids that don't belong to me, as well as dd so I can spend the whole day CLEANING UP THE MESS THEY MADE! :mad: It's ok, though, I will survive. I hope.

Everyone has a busy day today, be good to yourselves!

L144S 04-20-2002 12:05 PM

Good weekend everyone,
Thank you so much for your answers and support yesterday. I know to some it is a silly question, but it was important to me and I knew I could count on you.

I have been out doing errands this am and I will do my workout later. The plumber actually showed up today and my tub is in the bathroom. It is about time. The bathroom has sat empty for 5 weeks now. I think with the time frame it will take 3 more weeks, and then I can use my own new bath.

The depilatory that I use for all you naked chicks and those who need to wear a swim suit this summer is a product called MAGIC POWDER. You can get it at the bigger drugstores in the men’s shaving department. It comes in a can and is meant for black men. I tested it on my arm at first and the hair has still not grown back. The results have been less long lasting in the bikini area, but absolutely no bumps or burning.

Linda BC, The skin condition is called Hidradentitis Suppurativa. I was very lucky to have a Dr that did a lot of research on this problem and is excellent on the reconstruction. I have a few magic potions for you if you are interested, you can PM me and I will give you the list. If by any chance you think that you or your daughter need surgery you must go to a plastic surgeon. The good news is that it is covered by insurance.

Well have a great weekend, I will check in later.


Goomba 04-20-2002 02:33 PM

Good Day Chicklets
Well, the hot and sticky temps have disappeared for the time being .. wont be long before they are back to stay :)

I have a friend coming to help with the gardens and such .. we are going to lay out where and what I want. I told her I trust her judgement. Ordered a HUGE bag of soil and I am slowly getting the white marble for around the pool .. that stuff weighs soooooo much.

Busy weekend here with kids coming and going. By the end of the weekend I will have had 7 kids here. I dont mind they are all older and seem to be very quiet and shy .. thats what happens when you take them out of there enviroment for a few days :) lucky for me. 4 of the kids I know well .. which is nice too cuz we get to catch up on all their "adventures" and I get to give them my 2 cents about it :o)

Have to run and start thinking about dinner


AdoAnnie 04-20-2002 03:13 PM

WOW, WOW, WOW!! and not as in potato chips!!!:joker: I miss a couple of days and now I couldn't tear myself away from the board because I had to read everything to find out how it all turned out! New jobs, the end to Atila, Linda BC, Debkay, shaving, jerkoff men.....I am never going MIA again!! I love you guys!!!
While I was MIA I can proudly say that my eating has been VERY good!!! Have only eaten OP food and my one slip was a vodka martini last night :o DH made one for me and I was so amazed that I HAD to drink it!;) I wish that I could say that I had been good about exercising--seems I can't get both things going at the same time!! That is my goal for next week. Writing things down has been a good thing. The weather here has been CRAZY--we have had several over 90 degree weather days, then thunder boomers, and then today it is so cold we had to turn on the heat and they are talking about a chance of rain mixed with snow tonight! Go figure!! We've been very busy with track meets lately--DS has been doing really well as a freshman--he kind of pulled a muscle the other night, but he says it feels much better-he has a meet Mon. so we will see. Tonight he is going with the Lettermen's Club to a Arena Football-AF2 game. He is really excited about that. I THINK DH and I might go out to eat--that would be amazing! Of course by the time that rolls around we will probably be too tired. :rolleyes:

Good to be back-want to post to all of you, but can't even think where to begin.:) Take care all of you!!!

goodforme 04-20-2002 05:02 PM

Whew!!!!! Pant pant pant
No, I haven't turned into a dog, but I just worked like one. Why didn't you ladies tell me how HARD gardening is? We need a sweating smiley!:lol:

"Gardening" may be too generous. I dug up grass with 15 foot roots along my sidewalk and planted salvia. I don't know what it is, but I looked it up on the web and all I could find was "sage" and that it's used as medicine and a hallucinogenic (sp?) in many cultures!:eek: Hope dd doesn't eat any!!

I also put double ball petunias in planters on each side of my steps. That is it for now, I am wiped!! May dig up some more around the front of the house tomorrow, but I quit for today!

Talk to ya'll later!

Ruthxxx 04-21-2002 08:12 AM

Happy Sunny Sunday
Sunny but cool this morning - 4C. I have been to the Hall to start coffee for the Syrup Festival, am leaving for Church shortly and will be flipping pancakes by 9:45! HAve to make a loaf of egg salad sandwiches in there somewhere - wish me luck! Had pancakes yesterday with syrup and feel absolutely no guilt! Today my lunch is veggies and chicken breast, however.

The hyper people and pup did come yesterday afternoon and we had a wonderful time! The pups played for 4 hours straight and then collapsed. I had to carry Lucy outside for her final pee last night! This morning she has recovered and has managed to finish demolishing the sofa cushion she started on last week!

Hope to get in here later today.

Tippy 04-21-2002 08:25 AM

Ruth, sometimes I wonder if Lucy and Brat the cat are somehow related! Oy vey! DH caught Brat trying to rip open a bag of pottiing soil the other night.

Guess what! We're supposed to get a snow storm tonight and tomorrow with up to EIGHT INCHES. Of course, by Tuesday the temps will go up to the 60's but still!!!!

DH said he heard kittens in the garage. I guess Pixie must have had them up in the soffit (sp?). She was born there and how her mother found that area is beyond me. Her mommy was a stray that showed up here with her brother. They actually looked like skeletons with fur coats. Since they chose to live by the heated pipe by the side of the house, DH built them a house over it. Anyway, they are long gone, but her descendents live on.

Nothing else new here.....!

MamaJ 04-21-2002 10:38 AM

Good morning all !
Warm temperatures in Houston with rain moving our way for the next couple of days. Only good thing about the rain coming is that I don't mop the kitchen for a few days. Our patio area gets so dirty that no amount of entry rugs saves my poor kitchen floor. Someday (I hope) we'll move and build our "retirement" house...it will definately have a "mud" room !

DH threw his back out yesterday so no fishing trip for he and DS and no quiet time for me for the weekend! Michael (ds) helped me detail out the suburban and it looks brand new! Sure hope a potential buyer will feel that way and buy it quick! :^: I want a Jeep Grand Cherokee sooooo bad.

Melissa (dd) and the kids are going stir crazy , so, going to drop them off at the big dollar store to browse around while I get my nails done. Then probably a short trip by the park so they can run around a bit. We still haven't had much luck with any form of victims assistance for them. It's so frustrating. I spoke with a school district representative for Project Head Start that told me there is so much government money set aside that goes unused for victims assistance. I let her know that doesn't surprise me as we've called over 50 different agencies which just sends us to others and here we are five months later and there is still no help! Very frustrating. Anyway out there know another route to take? Help! ;)

Poor dh is calling for me again.....gotta go! Have a wonderful Sunday and do something special for someone you love!


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