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Ruthxxx 03-15-2002 07:12 AM

Daily, Friday March 15 - TGIF!
Pysanky this morning - that's the Ukrainian Egg Decorating course. I can't do it because of my arm but will do set-up and registration and really brain-pick during the course. Got 9 phone calls about whether the course would be cancelled as freezing rain was predicted. Told them no - we would still do it. Grey but not even raining this morning so we are OK. Weather worriers!

The "girls" went to my friend Claire's house yesterday for the day and had a ball. It made the drive into town to see my creepy lawyer a little better knowing they were not inside the house "redecorating". The deal on the condo is now closed BUT - get this - jerkhead wanted me to drive back to Ottawa on Monday to pick up the cheque. I told him to get one of his flunkies to deposit it in my account in Ottawa. The man is so self-centred, he does not realize it's a 3 hour drive! Anyhow, did have an excellent dim-sum lunch and friend Claire presented us with a beef stew for supper when we went to pick up the dogs.

Got a phone message from my usual Doctor who was off the day my arm/shoulder were checked out and X-rayed. He has looked at the reports and wants to see me. Darn! On the other hand, maybe I don't have a busted bursa but something he can fix with a magic pill.:lol:

Gotta get going - play quietly while I am away.:D

DonDar 03-15-2002 07:47 AM

Good Friday Morning to all!

Today begins a 4 day St. Patricks day celebration. Today at work we have some celebrating, tomorrow is green hair at soccer, Sunday is our SPD meal, and Monday is Shamrock brownies at school. All this and I am not even Irish. It is just fun. I really enjoy holidays, any holiday!

Ruthie, Oh, I wish I could sit in on your Pysanky this morning, I think I would love it, but the boss will not let me leave today. :(

Chickadee, love the lights idea, I just may have to use it next year!

Peachie, you crack me up "Hello doc, my baby just fell asleep" you are not dopey, just a special caring mom.

ST, Best of luck with your x-rays today, I hope they find an answer.

Pooky, Good for you! Standing up for yourself. I hope your day today with Miree goes better, it has to, you will be with dd!

Goomba, You need to eat. You will just have to schedule meal times and force yourself to stick to it for a few days and soon it will become a habit. Still drinking leaded coffee, that may have something to do with the anger. Best of luck to you, I know with your busy schedule nothing is easy, but you can do it!

Hi Janice hope all is going well with your dd and your dgd. hugs to you.

May the luck of the Irish be with you all!

Tippy 03-15-2002 09:26 AM

I feel like either Sleepy or Dopey from the Snow White story...maybe both! I am going through one of those times when I wake up at 3:00 or so and stay awake until the alarm goes off. I sit there and think like an idiot. Then, after breakfast and DH is off, my meds kick in and I want to go to sleep! Grrrrrr!!!!!

Well, the weekend is upon us and I'm still hiding from the senile lady from church who can't get it through her head that I cannot go traipsing around the countryside evangelizing with her. Oy vey! She s enough to make the Pope swear!

Happy weekend!

jenniwookie 03-15-2002 10:28 AM

:lol:"Enough to make the Pope swear":lol: Needed that this morning, thanks Tippy.

Ruth, your lawyer sounds like a real piece of work. Why are there so many people out there with that kind of egotistical attitude? Hope the doc has good news! Drive safe.

Pooky, I've worked with those kinds too. Seem to be everywhere and just can't shake em. Good for you for standing your ground. It's people like you who make people like them stop and think!

Today is bill day and post office day. Oh what fun. But, the GOOD news is that isn't raining! Took dd's swimming at the Y last night --it was WAY too busy for me. Have I ever mentioned that I don't care for crowds?

I am an Irish woman, through and through (thanks, Dad), but I don't really do anything special for the holiday. Isn't that awful? But, I do think I'll go grab some corned beef and cabbage and pop it in the crock pot on Sunday!

I hope you all have a great Friday! I will catch you later!

MamaJ 03-15-2002 12:09 PM

T.G.I.F. Everyone!

DH and youngest DS are planned to leave for the deer lease early this afternoon! That allows to me scrub down my house and enjoy it for two days! I know, I know, why spend Friday afternoon and into the night scrubbing house with no one around? (I could drag good4me down to the ice house and do some kareake! ;) ) Because I will get to enjoy NO MESS until they return Sunday afternoon ! And I'll have Sat./Sunday to play. Going to a chili cook off tomorrow and a Sunday will be a benefit for a passed over friend that we did many charity benefits with to assist his wife with his medical and funeral expenses. And in Texas that means lots of beer, chili and b-b-q for two days! I plan on eating before attending and not be tempted ~ BUT ~ that iced down frosty beer mug will be tempting! :D

Ruth ~~ fingers crossed for that magic pill! Your lawyer definately sounds like an arrogant so & so!

Peachie~~ What a good mommy you are! Hope he's feeling better soon!

Jenny ~~ thanks for your prayers for dd & dgd's. They sure need them. Green hair? Hmmm, I think Michael (15 yr old) did that last year - but NOT for the day! Hey Chick, didn't your DS do his orange?

Pooky ~~ Awww, it takes all kinds to make the world go round! Good for you to speak up for yourself. (Something I've never been good at!) Have a good mommy/dd day!

Rachel ~~ Hey, a fellow crowd dodger! My shopping excursions & other outings are carefully planned to avoid the crowds! Have a great day!

Good4me ~~ Thinking of you & dd !

Any word from DebKay?

Hi to lurkers and all to come! DH is back in the office so have to run! I'll come back in a bit!


peach pit 03-15-2002 03:39 PM


Kept the little guy home today...he is still coughing....MONDAY>>>>he goes!

Picked up Mom and Jiff and went to Trader Joes...bought the orange roughy and will have it for dinner!

Still Trying? Would it be ok if I private messaged you to ask you a couple questions about my little one? I know that you have security concerns but when I private message you the 3fc site will send you an e-mail and that e-mail will take you to the message. Let me know, although I will not get to it till maybe, if I am lucky the weekend.


stilltrying 03-15-2002 04:36 PM

Dear Peach,

Just got home from being out so I will only answer this quickly, then post later. Yes, absolutely, please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.


goodforme 03-15-2002 06:21 PM

Hello, everyone! I'm getting prepared for my weekend!

Ok, now that that's out of my system, how's everyone? I'm doing okay after another day at the #$%^*() job. I hate to be ugly, but I feel like Pooky. My assistant, whose only assets so far are her gorgeous (fake) boobs and her gorgeous (fake) blonde hair, who didn't know who Janet Reno was because "I don't get local channels", I could go on for days here. At any rate, another location has stolen her and I may never get her back. Is that good or bad?? She called me today to "instruct" me on something that I distinctly remember "instructing" her on about 2 months ago. And, she told me the wrong way to do it! I just ignored her, I guess if someone is that stupid it's bound to come out eventually!

MamaJ, let's party! Dd is at her friend's house, I'm ready to go. Meet you there? I'm willing to bet you're a better singer than me!

Jennie, have a fun evening, after all those errands today you deserve one!

Tippy and Ruth, take care of yourselves please. Maybe Tippy could send Ruth some of her meds, then it would even out??

Peach, pass me some of that fish. Sounds yummy!

Dondar, what a busy weekend! I'm astounded!

If I forgot anyone forgive me, I'm working on that memory thing. I see alzheimer's in my future! Have a good one!!

stilltrying 03-15-2002 06:40 PM

Good afternoon, well, actually evening, ladies,

I am not accustomed to these busy days anymore and I don't know how you mommies get ANYTHING done. I just love retirement…
The very nice x-ray tech asked me if I'd had a bone scan, when she heard that I've had two stress fractures in my feet. I expect to hear something on Monday from my primary phys. Thank you for asking Jenny. I fear that I may be told to scale down on the walking and that would make me crazy! Hmmm, green hair soccer; COOL!!! Enjoy St. Patrick's weekend. This will be the first year I'll skip my favorite: green Entenmanns cupcakes. I better stop thinking about that RIGHT NOW!
Goomba, thank you for the nice thoughts. We are so pleased that DH will not have to go through this again, unless of course, he changes universities but somehow I doubt it. I thought about your not eating problem (one I definitely do not share). I'll give you a scenario: you know how on the plane they tell parents to use the oxygen masks on themselves, then cover the face of the infants? Well, if you take good care of yourself, just think how much more energy you will have to take care of your little chicks. You will also keep your immune system nice and strong so you'll be less likely to succumb to any "bugs" (i.e. colds and such), to which I am sure you are exposed with your schedule. When I was working, I had a pretty crazy schedule so I always had either ham and cheese roll ups or macadamia nuts, or almonds, on occasion a protein bar (those are tricky though, they LIE about the carbs), in order not to let too many hours pass without putting something in my stomach. You can do it!

Hi Tippy, we share the blasted waking up at 3am, then falling asleep when it is time to get up, pattern. I follow the advice of the sleep study experts: they suggest not suffering there, in bed, staring at the ceiling but getting up and doing something. I do not do THAT. Instead, I put on my headphones and listen to my audio books. Often I fall asleep before I imagined I would, but at least if I don't, it is a productive way of spending the hours. This also interferes with the thoughts that usually lead to my not being able to fall asleep in the first place. Nighttime ruminations are lethal! Doing something that is not compatible with THINKING is often an effective means of falling asleep again, at least for me.

Well, off to heat up dinner for DH. Be well all,


scooby2 03-15-2002 08:07 PM

Evening ladies!

Long day at my "godawful" job. But we are moving our department to a new location so maybe it will be better, although my interview went well on Tues I have NOT HEARD A THING. I hate that.

ANyway they gave me a raise nad more stock options this week so I need to quit *****in ;)

Had a fabulous day at the Y today, 40 minutes on the treadmill at 4.0 mph. I am moving on up!!!!!:lol:

Have a great weekend. Tommorrow I am going for 6 count em 6 hours at the SPA, my present for Christmas from DH I get a massage, body wrap, facial ,pedicure and assorted other wonderful treats. Then we are going out to dinner with friends..I cannot wait. Night all have fun!!!! :smug:

jenniwookie 03-15-2002 11:05 PM

SIX HOURS (!!!!!!!!!) AT THE SPA????? My Goodness, Girl! You're going to be a completely different person!!!

Hope you have a GREAT time! I am jealous! What a wonderful treat! You deserve it! Enjoy!

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