3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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andreaphilip3 01-19-2002 01:12 PM

newbie to this forum

im new to this lc forum. would love to hear success stories!

Chickadee 01-19-2002 02:22 PM

Hello and welcome!
Hopefully you'll actually get to see this before the big move!
I'm feeling pretty successful these days, even though my weight's moving v-e-r-y slowly right now.

I do CAD (Carbohydrate Addicts Diet) and have lost about 32 pounds since September. I was moving along at a lovely speed and it slowed down at the end of November. I am confident that it will get going again though because I'm exercising everyday and feel terrific!

I'm sure you'll get more responses soon. Hopefully Nasus will check in soon. She's lost over 60 pounds and is inspirational.

Also, I'm being lazy and am responding to your other question here. I take GTF Chromium every day, along with my thyroid med and a multivitamin.


nasus40 01-19-2002 03:47 PM

How did you know I was following you???

Yes I have lost 65 so fat. slow and steady for now ithas been about a year and half (took a 5 month unplanned vacation) for this I have changed from a size 24 to 14 and trying for the 12 soon! I do PP which works great for me.

Do you have any plan that you are planning to follow? how much do you plan to lose? And most importantly welcome to this wonderful board!!

tammy fancy 01-21-2002 07:24 PM

new and looking for snack ideas
Hi I too am new to this board but am trying to find new low carb snacks especially for the evening hours. I have been following the weight watchers program for five weeks and have lost 12lbs and am finding that low carbs are the right way for me to keep losing. My excercise mainly consists of chasing around five children all day (1 mine, 4 I look after!) but I have bought an excercise bike and am planning to try to get on it daily. I would love to hear any tips of how to keep on the program when Dairy Queen is calling my name!!!

dottiejon 01-22-2002 07:27 AM

Check out the Menu thread, lots of ideas for what other people are eating, and I posted some ideas for you!


Pooky 01-22-2002 08:51 AM

Welcome Tammy and andrea! Please check us out on the daily thread (that's the one with the date on it) and let us get to know you a bit better! :) :)

andreaphilip3 01-22-2002 12:09 PM

thanx pooky. welcome tammy! im new too, but im not on ww. im on a modified atkins thing i created. i read on another board that meatballs are a great snack& i think i created a good low carb recipe if interested. good lyck!! pm me anytime:)

tammy fancy 01-26-2002 10:51 PM

Dotti: Thanks so much for the recipes. Variety has helped keep me on track this week and I lost 2lbs at weigh in on Friday.
Andrea: I would love to have your meatball recipe. I never thought of having them for a snack but it sounds like a great idea.
Is it normal on the Low carb diet to not be hungry at all some days? This is the first time I have tried a low carb diet. I have read that cravings subside but I have days where I just can't get to my point level. I usually drink 10-12 glasses of water a day and am not a breakfast person. Any advice welcomed!!

nasus40 01-28-2002 05:04 AM

Hi Tammy. sorry I have be3en busy lately and do not have much time today. one of the best things i do is have a protein hsake.(make sure it is low carb shake) they take a bit of time getting used to them after a high carb shake but after a while you can get to like anything. Vanilla is better you can add some berries to it they are relativly low carb and you need just a few to make the taste realy good. but i have a shake then make my self wait after about 20 min I do no longer have the cravings the protein fills me up. and yes it is noirmal to feel likenot eating it is because of the lack of insulin production. it really is a wonderful thing. but this is important time to make sure that you do get enough to eat. you will think well i am eating less now so that is good but if you remember in WW yous hould not go under your points well the same theroy is with this you should not go under your calorie limit.

are you following any specific plan?? have you read the book?? if not i suggest getting to the nearest library and checking it out.

some snack ideas that i have had. hard boiled eggs. pickeled eggs pickelled kielbasa. (If you buy a big jar just keep refilling it with kielbasa and eggs.)a can of tuna, protein bars. cheese but watch that do not eat to much. nuts like in peanuts and limit them too. to much salt and way too high in fat it tends to cause stalls if you eat too much.

Parsp 01-28-2002 09:29 AM

Just wanted to say thank you for the food ideas. I posted on another thread, "Anyone doing Fat Flush?" (The Gittleman LC plan) that I am trying low carb for the first time and really like it. I'm losing steadily and am rarely hungry. I'm also looking for food ideas and would love for us to keep up a thread like the WW Food and Points ideas for just food ideas. The recipe threads are great too. I'll let you know after my weigh in Friday, how my weekend in Atlanta eatting out went. I thought I made good choices (fish, extra veges no rice please, wonderful salad with strawberries and blue cheese, 1 egg and sausage at Cracker Barrel) but the wine probably didn't help :). Please keep posting your best food finds!

tammy fancy 01-28-2002 11:35 AM

Thanks for the imformation Sue. I am following weight watchers and using bits of what I have read about low carb to try to keep losing. I am going to the library to get more information. It is good to know I am okay in not feeling hungry( it really is a new feeling for me!) and I am snacking more to get to my point level.:)

andreaphilip3 01-28-2002 11:42 AM




McMom 01-28-2002 12:43 PM

Not sure how I sent that as a PM...sorry! Hope you got it though??

andreaphilip3 01-29-2002 02:10 PM

hi guys!

congrats to all of you!!! thats ALOT OF WEIGHT. im inspired. im planning to lose 50+ on a high protein, mod/high fat, low chol, high fiber thing i created myself.(basically it a healthy version of atkins wit unlimited veggies)

Parsp 01-29-2002 03:36 PM

If you're looking for a program, you might want to check out the "Fat Flush Plan". I know the title sounds hokey, but the book was written by Gittleman as a "healthy Atkins" as you said, and is very readable. It also includes an intro and endorsemant by Barry Sears. It incorporates unlimited veges as you say. I found it very easy to follow and includes lots of suggestions for eatting out, etc. If anyone has heard otherwise I would like to know because as I said I am new to LC also and wanted an easy introduction which I could combine with WW.

andreaphilip3 01-29-2002 09:05 PM

thanks:) good luck toyou:)

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