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MamaJ 01-18-2002 10:30 PM

Prayer Line ~~ Real Life Issues
I've been around for about two years and I've met some wonderful friends here. Without going into much detail it dawned on me today that perhaps a prayer line would be appropriate.

I do not mean to be disrespectful of anyone's personal belief ~~ just offer joint prayer for those in need ~~ please join in IF you feel it's appropriate.

Today -- January 18th

My daughter and her children to be able to move forward with love and commitment to their belief in God offering forgiveness to those that have harmed them. And me along with them.

Susie (my dear friend) - for your family and your father.

Yes, sounds a bit corny, but I need to find a way to deal with the pain they/we are enduring too.

Please join me in group prayer for ones that we know could benefit from our support.

peach pit 01-19-2002 06:24 AM

stetching my hand from Jersey to way down there in Texas... sending prayers to your family and your friend Janice. Pray for Jif and my dh...one more cardiolite stress test for him and he will be given the all clear.


ps I don't think it is corny...I think it is lovely.

dottiejon 01-19-2002 07:52 AM

Great idea, Janice!

Prayers for
:) Debkay and her family
:) Janice!!
:) Peach's DH
:) Ruth's cough, it woke me this week!

and to keep us all healthy and sane~

DonDar 01-21-2002 08:12 AM

Janice, what a wonderful idea, I have always kept you in my prayers. And I always say a prayer asking that our dear Lord listen to the prayers of all my friends here at 3fc.

I ask that my dh can find a job that reduces his stress, he has become a basket case lately.

I pray for my dear sister, who is suddenly loosing her hair and is being tested for lupus.

I pray for all of us that we find success in our programs.

scooby2 01-21-2002 08:24 AM

This is a fabulous idea....


DonDar's sister
Janice and her family
Peach's hubby
my sister inlaw Becki who is struggling with many issues

God bless you all!

Leenie 01-21-2002 08:38 AM

To everyone in need and I believe that is ALL of us.

May You All Find The Peace That Passes All Understanding.

Love Leens

GOD IS GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cathyxxx 01-21-2002 10:06 AM

What an Awesome Idea!
I will check this post regularly and keep all of my 3fc buddies in my prayers!

Ok here's mine and its a biggie! My oldest son who is 17 has been diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. We have been struggling with this for over 2 years even tho he was only diagnosed in August, 2001. For anyone that is not familiar with it, it is basically a chemical imbalance which causes "imagined ugliness". Similiar to aneroxia in that it is a very distorted image of yourself - an aneroxic sees themself as fat, someone with BDD sees themself as ugly when in fact they are usually very attractive people. The thoughts are obsessive and never stop for him and it has been the most difficult thing that we have ever been thru!

I would appreciate your prayers for him!

I cling to this verse daily...

"So do not fear, for I am with you, Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

hugs & prayers,


Sooner or Later 01-21-2002 03:18 PM

Thanks, Janice, for starting this thread!

I haven't been around much and will stay a little sporadic in my jumping on to read and post for awhile -- but I will try to 'specially watch for this thread and keep you all in my prayers -- making a post - it note w/your requests for the fridge as soon as I get off.

Please say a short one for DH who was up for promotion and didn't get it. May sound a little trivial, but this -- along w/other major changes in his corporation -- has really got him down -- and when he goes down, I go right w/him!

Thanks again!


nasus40 01-21-2002 07:04 PM

count me in on the prayers too. I will be keeping all of you i my thoughts and prayers.

I do ask for one for me though it is so that my business will pick up and start to work out. (I am out of money!)

Leenie 01-22-2002 08:42 AM


I've been crying for days because tomorrow I have to go back to work after maturnity leave........I don't want to leave my baby but we can't afford me staying home. My insides are torn out. Don't get me wrong I'm Greatful To God that I have a good job and a great sitter, its just I don't want to leave Gracie. I'll only get to see her 2 hrs a day once I start work and it breaks my heart.

Thanks I need lots of prays to get me thru this.

Love Eileen (Leens)

Sooner or Later 01-22-2002 08:46 AM

I'm praying for you today and tomorrow (at least!) Eileen --

That God will take extra special care of Gracie and comfort you.


Pooky 01-22-2002 08:50 AM

Leens you are the bravest person I know. I know that you have the strength to do this, as hard as it may be. I wish I had had your courage when Miree was small but my bond with her was too strong for me and I just couldn't bring myself to go back to work. Here I am 2 years later and still fighting that same demon. It is fear--pure and unreasonable fear and there's nothing we can do about it but walk through it together and begin a new chapter in our lives. You can do this Leens, as hard as it may be right now, but Gracie will love you more in the years to come for showing her what a strong, courageous and independent woman you are. What a role model to give our children! Trust me, I have walked in your shoes and if ANYONE could have given me this same advice long ago I probably wouldn't be at home and struggling to rejoin my life today. God Bless Leens and take care of yourself, OK?

DonDar 01-22-2002 09:20 AM

Oh Leens,

I have gone throught the same agony. It has been almost 9 years since I had to return to work. I thought it would get easier when they became old enough for school, but different reasons for me to be home arise, I am sorry to tell you this. But you can make it work. We give our children excellant quality time. We are together from the time they get out of school until bedtime. There bedtime is a bit later than their friends, but that is our time with them. We can give our children more, because of our two incomes. You will find the benefits.

my prayers are with you

lodyangel 01-22-2002 02:21 PM

I am keeping all of you in my prayers....it's funny how your BIG problems seem so little and petty when compared to what someone else is going through...

For my friend Lori...she is burying her one year old son today...He was only 2 months older than my Trinity....

For my sister....She has been in constant pain for over 2 years...and they cannot figure out why...endometriosis...historectomy...exploratory surgery...and she still hurts...

This was such a great idea...We need this!

Eileen...I feel your pain as well. I have 3 children and every time I had to leave them to go back to work it kills me...but it gets easier with time. If I could afford it I would be a stay at home mom, too. I will keep you in my prayers as well...as for only seeing her 2 hours a day... can you cut back on your hours? What about changing jobs? Trust in God, and he will help you work it out. I will be praying for you.

You too Sue...I hope your business picks up and you make lots of money!

And (what we all pray) I pray that we all see a drop inthe numbers on our scales this week.

nasus40 01-23-2002 11:25 AM

Melody Oh my 1 year old? My heart to her and my prayers too. and to your sis ter too.
Eileen I did the same thing too and i can say it does hurt. My prayers to yu too for having to go through that. I will pray that a good job comes along for you.

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