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Rednest 01-08-2002 09:27 PM

I'm crashing!
My hubbie and I started the CAD right after thanksgiving and did fairly well through Christmas and New Years. I lost about 10 pounds despite it all. The problem is I've crashed big time, eating 10 cookies one night, orange juice another, ice cream another n ight, its pitiful. My hubbies starting to get cravings too and is sneaking treats. What can we do? Any tips to get over this hard time?? :?:

nasus40 01-08-2002 09:44 PM

HOLD TIGHT HELP IS COMMING!!!! What are you eating???? list the foods you may be eating to may carbs not enough fat not enough calories there has to be some thing if both of you are snacking!!!

nasus40 01-08-2002 09:54 PM

Also try taking chromium that does great at holding back the carb cravings. then eat some meat with a bit of fat. that should also help too. are you taking multivits???

jdoneil1 01-09-2002 07:33 AM

The absolute first thing you should do is get those treats out of the house until you've got your cravings under control! :nono:

Are you both keeping journals? Are you listing not only what you eat but your thoughts and emotions that day as well as your exercise? This tool is really a big help. It might not stop you from eating a "no, no" (although knowing you have to record it often stops you from eating it) but it might help you see why the cravings hit (i.e., not enought fats in your diet, stressful day, etc.).

Don't forget the water or other decafinated (sp?) drinks! Those not only help fill you up they hydrate your skin and hair and help flush toxins and waste out of your system. VERY important.

MOST IMPORTANT: EVERYONE has set-backs. DO NOT beat yourselves up over this, please! I had my first set-back on my very FIRST day OP. You have proven to yourselves that you can do this. Don't let this little (and, yes, it's little) set-back get you down. Take control and move on. :cool:

We are all in this together. Log on for support any time. :wave:

peach pit 01-09-2002 11:04 AM

:wave: Hi Rednest! Welcome!

The other gals have given you great advice. The only thing that I can add is that you might want to consider eating some sugar free pudding made with heavy cream as a snack or special treat. Calorie wise it is pretty darn high but it has gotten me out of more than one jam (so to speak).

good luck, post often!


MamaJ 01-09-2002 05:00 PM

Hi Red! Nice to have you join us.

Everyone has given you great advice and the only thing I'd like to add is........ Any time you start "binging" on those horrible carbs, please increase your protein and water! Protein and water will help decrease one off OP day into two or three. Flush your system out and chase that carb monster away!

You can do this! And remember how great you felt before the carbs started taking over again!

Protein and water!

Best of luck!


Chickadee 01-09-2002 06:04 PM

Yep, they're good with that advice aren't they!

My suggestion is to look for those hidden carbs and watch the artificial sweeteners. I think when we get comfortable with the program, we don't read labels as carefully or aren't quite as strict with ourselves. (I do CAD too, so I know of what I speak!) For instance, this morning I started to cook some sausage, assuming it was low-carb. I looked at the label and it wasn't at all. Also, there are certain foods that really set me off. Unfortuantely, I hate journaling and don't do it very often, but if I'm stuck it can be really helpful to find out what's making the difference.

Good luck!


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