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jaskom 12-05-2001 08:55 AM

ok... Asking for help - AGAIN!!!
Hello everyone!! I was here for a short time a little while ago - freaking out because i wanted to lose weight, needed a program, and that i wanted to lose so i could fit my fat @ss into an airline seat. Well... the trip was fantastic - but i have still the weight to lose.
I have read Atkins program ( i find it waaayy too restrictive) and the heard of the zone and cad. I understand you can locarb with WW - wich sounds much more sensible and easier than the others. However, wouldnt following a high fibre program almost be better? I'm so confused in which plan to follow. I'm hypothyroid, love my pasta's and bread, and am in desperate need of a good program that has produced results for others.
(Also,, i seem to have "misplaced" my WW info! GRrrrrr!!!! Does anyone know where i can get the point listings?)
Ok.. so.. i could use some good advice with this. Is WW the way to go if you're hypo and should be watching carbs? Or should i lookat the zone or cad?
Well.. any input is GREATLY appreciated. I've been lurking for quite a while now, and i'm ready to get this butt in gear. (ps. If you follow a lowcarb plan - is it true that the slightest slipup produces a major gain?????):dizzy:

MamaJ 12-05-2001 01:20 PM

Hi Jaskom and welcome back!

I personally follow CAD/CALP. I find it doable with my eating habits and lifestyle. I can have the occasional pastas, breads, fruit if I desire with the proper application. I know there are several here that have combined WW/LC with success. LindaBC seems to have had great luck with it!

I'm sure others will come along soon and offer their great knowledge!

Good luck!


nasus40 12-05-2001 02:55 PM

Chjeck with linds. I personally do PP which i have lost over 60 lbs with. I have had great success and plan on continuing. It is similar to atkis so that ould not work with you. but if you combined ww/low carb in a cad format that should work great. HMMMMM now why did i not think of that before???

LindaBC 12-05-2001 09:12 PM

MamaJ, I have to correct you. I am on WW but I'm not really that low carb with it. I just found it too confusing and difficult to try to count carbs AND WW points. However, having said that, I just want to emphasize that although I eat high fiber breads, grainy type oatmeal, potatoes and pasta (in limited amounts) I very rarely eat sugary desserts or deep fried foods.
I wouldn't say I've had great success, but I'm managing to keep the carb cravings away by eating smaller meals several times a day. I don't mean real meals. For example I may have my low carb veggie soup and a grainy bread sandwich with chicken, lettuce and tomatoes for my lunch and mid-afternoon have a bowl of fruit and yogurt to tide me over until dinner. Yes, I allow myself fruit but only in combination with yogurt or a protein.
Breakfast is usually two slices of high fiber toast with light cream cheese & a bit of jam and later in the morning I may have a bowl of oatmeal with some chopped fruit & low fat milk.
To date, since starting this woe in June, I've lost 19 pounds which is not what I'd call a "great success" but at least the scale is going down instead of up and I'm feeling good.
Jascom, I think the main thing you have to do is settle on a plan and stick with it. Really give it a fair trial before throwing your hands in the air and saying "This doesn't work". It takes a while sometimes for your body to get used to a new way of eating and it will hang onto those pounds for dear life at first.
Been there, done that.

jaskom 12-06-2001 09:33 AM

Hello,, and thankyou everyone for your responses. Linda, i know your right.. and i am leaning towards WW-lo carb,, (as much as the impressive results i've heard about Atkins impresses me, i miss bread too much - go figure.) Does anyone know where i can download the point values on food for WW? I have misplaced my literature and i would like to get going!
Again , thanks everyone.

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