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scooby2 11-07-2001 06:54 PM

Pooky!! This ones for you!!
Pooky, I got such a kick out of your little daughters antics because my darling one is about the same age she will be 2 1/2 in December and so far we have really missed the terrible twos !!!!:)

Well this afternoon I walked into the bathroom and she had smeared her sticky, pink Barbie toothpase all over the walls, the sink, the floor, everywhere...any idea how hard it is to get toothpaste of chrome and marble. What a mess!!! So I spent the rest of the day keeping a very close eye on her....I sent her back to the bthroom after dinner to pee pee(she is potty training) and to get ready for her bath(the toothpaste was safely out of reach.)

So you guessed it I went in to start the water and the darling one had dumped the entire jumbo size bottle of scooby doo bubbles all over the bathroom floor, the tub, the sink, the rugs.....another mess!!!!

What would we do without little girls!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel:

MamaJ 11-07-2001 07:39 PM

OK ~~ Scooby, Pooky and others---there is hope for those little angels!

When my DD (kudos) was around that age and I would send her to time out in her room, she would smear POOP everywhere!

So, consider yourself lucky that at least it's good old washable and not so stinky stuff! LOL

OBTW~~she did outgrow it! (at 29 she'd better !!) Awww, I love having grandkids!


Pooky 11-07-2001 08:40 PM

Scooby, she's just starting now??? You're so lucky! My dd started the minute she could walk--no foolin'! Today we made a huge d ecision--she's going to be going to daycare every monring and at night when she sleeps, the baby gate is going up in her doorway!

Happy cleaning--NOT!:dizzy: :lol:

MamaJ--my brother used to do that too at that age --eeeeeeuuuuuuw!

nasus40 11-07-2001 09:44 PM

My neice did that with desitin all over the bathroom walls, floor and carpet adn in her hair!! now that is impossible to clean!!!

my girls were good but the boys are another story. i have found my computer disks in the dishwasher from htem (they are a bit older now) and they used to carry around the tiolet plunger like a sword!!! what little angels!!! my one sone was so worried that his little brother could not get to the dirt to plan so he brought the dirt to him and dumped a ton of dirt on his proor little 16 month old head!!! i have a pict of that i alughed sohard and little ben just sat there and let him do it not crying or anything!!! the do outgrow it some what!!!

JHP 11-08-2001 09:30 AM

Can I tell ya'll what good birth control these stories are??!!?? :lol:


Chickadee 11-08-2001 01:10 PM

I'll never forget when my now 16-year old son stuck a peanut butter sandwich in the VCR where the tape goes. It never worked again!
Just wait though girls. When they're teenagers and they're out driving and working and doing who knows what, you'll remember these with fondness!

goodforme 11-08-2001 06:07 PM

JHP, you are killing me!!
Girl, I wish I had heard a few of these stories before I had Tommie. This is her latest disaster: You know that clear monofilament (sp?) thread you use for quilting? It's like fishing line only so fine you can hardly see it. She has tied some to one of her toys and proceeded to drag it through the house. I can't find the spool for the life of me, but every time you walk or move a chair you are all tangled up and falling! It's not as funny as she thinks it is, believe me!

scooby2 11-08-2001 08:59 PM

I laughed so hard about the poop stories...til tonite, I had my 4 yr old in the tub screeching to get out, DD dumped half a load in her pullup and dropped her drawers in the hallway and proceeded to finish all the way to the potty chair, then dumped her wipes and the insert from her potty chair in the toilet and flushed, water all over the bathroom floor, poop everywhere DS screaming to get out of the tub. DH is at the store!!!!!

I was the poster child for oral contraceptives!!!! :lol:

All is calm now and they are watching Power Puff Girls!!!!!!:dizzy:

Have a great evening and a pleasant tommorrow!

MamaJ 11-09-2001 01:04 AM

LMAO !!!

We do get revenge on our kids! :smug:

nasus40 11-09-2001 06:29 PM

Oh i was just reminded of the tie i had my friend over here when the roads had all flooded so she was stuck here with her 5 boys. when we were busy trying tio make dinner for 9 kids the little ones were up stairs dumping water out of the thoiet then flushing it and dumping itout again with a cup i used about 8 HUGE towels to clean it uw while i was trying to do that i was yelling to my friend to change the boys as they were all wet, she did not hear me because the boys had went into a side room that had white carpet and p[roceded to spread spaghetti O's all over the toy garage and carpet before they went up stairs. so she was on her hands and knees cleaning that up!!! i still have chills of that day!!!

Pooky 11-09-2001 08:21 PM

Sue, that is probably the worst day I have ever heard of! What a nightmare!

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