3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jumperhop 10-23-2001 01:42 AM

???Is there a WW low carb program??
I was at a WW meeting a few weeks ago and I asked the head lady about a low carb plan and she very rudely told me that WW doesn't have a program because low carbing is unhealthy yatty yatty yatty. I love lower carb diets. Can anyone explain?

QuilterInVA 10-23-2001 11:47 AM

If you will set your brower to look at all the posts, you will see Eating the Right Mix, etc. This explains WW lower carb higher protein plan. It is the week 6 booklet you are given. The lecturer is right, any diet that excludes a food group is unhealthy. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to make a lifestyle change and come up with something you can live with the rest of your life. Check the earlier posts under this thread and we will be glad to help you from there.

JakartaJo 10-27-2001 08:25 PM

Hi Everyone,

I'm relatively new to this board. I've been following a modified version of Atkins (adding in lowfat yogurt, bran, and making sure I eat 5 servings of veggies a day). I have lost almost 60 pounds in the last year.

I don't believe that low carb is unhealthy as long as the carbs that are consumed come from natural sources ie. vegetables. My health and blood stats have improved dramatically by lowering my carb count.

I'm interested in how weight watchers offers a lower carb alternative. I am carobohydrate intolerant and have terrible sugar swings when I eat refined carbohydrates of any kind. Since I am near goal, I have added in one fruit serving per day and high fiber carbs (once a day). This has slowed down my weight loss but has not stopped it.

I am interested in tweaking my program more. I don't live in the States and have no access to WW materials here.


dmarkey 10-27-2001 10:56 PM

Hi JJ and Jen,

Welcome to this site.

I have pulled up the information re: the Right Mix for you to read. That is taken directly from the WW literature. I hope it will answer some of your questions.

I think the key is finding what works for you.

I tend to the the higher protein mix. I am more satisfied with those choices and also my body seems more willing to let go of the weight.

JakartaJo 10-28-2001 06:00 PM

Thanks Dmarkey,

I've printed out the facts from the 2 threads which you brought up. My next question is "How do you determine points"? Sorry I'm so ignorant of WW.


dmarkey 10-28-2001 08:03 PM

Daily Points Range / Points Calculator / Good Site
Hi JJ,

The amount of points you eat per day is determined by your weight. See the chart below:

Less than 150 lbs. (18 to 23 Points)
150 to 174 lbs. (20 to 25 Points)
175 to 199 lbs. (22 to 27 Points)
200 to 224 lbs. (24 to 29 Points)
225 to 249 lbs. (26 to 31 Points)
250 to 274 lbs. (28 to 33 Points)
275 to 299 lbs. (29 to 34 Points)
300 to 324 lbs. (30 to 35 Points)
325 to 349 lbs. (31 to 36 Points)
Over 350 lbs. (32 to 37 Points)

The way to determine how many points are in a food item is by using a point finder calculator. You need to know the calories, fat grams, and fiber grams.

Here is a site that lists several food items. I think it is based on the older WW 123 program, but the points really are pretty similar. http://www.angelfire.com/va/toni/A.html

Also, if you would like an on line calculator, you may email me at [email protected] and put points calculator in the subject line.

I hope this answers your questions. Fire away if you have any others and either I or someone else will try to pop in and try our best to help.

Glad you have joined us!!


JakartaJo 10-29-2001 06:51 PM

Hi DMarkey,

I don't know how to email you :o

I checked your profile and it didn't list an email address. I haven't yet figured out how to send messages through the 3fc system. I apologise for being so computer illiterate. It's amazing I can even turn the stupid machine on :^:


dmarkey 10-29-2001 11:20 PM

Hi Jo,

Do you have a email address such as Yahoo, AOL, etc? If so, email me directly at [email protected] . Or, if you just want to put your email address in your response to this post, I will send you the points calculator.

JakartaJo 10-30-2001 06:07 PM

Thanks Diane,

I've sent you an email requesting the points calculator.


dmarkey 10-31-2001 10:13 AM

I'm a goofball :)
Hi Jo,

I accidentally deleted a few emails. Would you please re-send the email to me at [email protected] so I have your email address. Then I'll zip it off to you tonight (or whenever I get it).

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