Help!!! Can an A-line bob look good without having to style it?

  • So today I cut my hair from almost waist length to a bob. Why? Well after 10 years of long hair and pretty much just having it pulled up in a bun 95% of the time I needed a change. Also i have noticed my hair getting thinner and thinner and hair fall getting worse and I think it could be due to that style and it being pulled back all the time. Anyway, I wanted it cut and I am happy I did but I didn't really go with any style in mind, pics of what I liked but let the hair dresser see what was best.

    She gave me an A-line bob, it wasn't what I would have chosen perse but when I lift I was happy, she styled it and it looked great, but now that I am at home andtrying to see hoe I can do it myself I am worried, seems that it needs to be blowdried and ironed pretty much every time... I don't have time for that for one and I don't know how for another. I did explain that I needed something hassle free but now I just don't know what options I have. I am starting to painc and going from feeling good about this to feeling kinda depressed because I am gonna end up looking stupid because I can't keep this style. I literally run out the house some days with no time to brush my hair, blow drying and irons are not gonna work.

    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, I even tried finding hair styling forums. I guess I just need some advice or a point in the right direction. Anyway, thanks.

  • re:
    Here's my question to you:

    Why do you leave the house without making time to blow dry or even brush your hair?

    I used to do the same thing. I used to get up at the last possible minute and sometimes flaked out on drying my hair. I'd actually go to work with damp hair sometimes. That was before losing weight. For some reason, I started to care what I looked like and would never do that now.

    You're worth the extra 5-10 minutes it takes to dry your hair. A bob can be just fine without the flat iron, but if you don't dry it, it will likely be limp and wavy. Take the time to do it.
  • I would LOVE to be able to pull off a haircut like that!

    I have an Instyler brush/straightener and I love it. I have long, curly hair and it takes a little bit to get it done. But for you, I'm sure it wouldn't take as long plus you might be better to wash your hair the night before and then just run the Instyler through the next day. (It works better on my hair when it's fully dry.)

    Invest some time in your hair, it will totally be worth it!
  • I think it all depends on what kind of hair you have. For example, if I let my hair air dry without any product it will be frizzy and not so nice. I can put some product in it and scrunch it and it might look wavy in a passable way.

    Some folks can let their hair air dry and have perfectly stick straight hair. Or perfectly wavy hair. Certainly there is a difference in air drying longer hair vs shorter hair. You're just going to have to see what you've got.

    I've had an asymmetrical bob (longer in the front and shorter in the back) for the past few years and have always had to blow dry it (because my hair doesn't air dry well). Most of the time I just flipped my head upside down and ran my hands through it as I blow dried it. If I wanted to get fancy I'd use product and a round brush. If I wanted to get really fancy I'd use a flat iron.

    I totally agree with Elvis about washing/drying your hair the night before. This style looks pretty good slightly "messy", like sexy next morning hair (and if you've gotten fancy and put product in it and flat ironed or round brushed it, it looks like REALLY sexy next morning hair!). If I have to be up early in the morn, I always dry my hair before bed.

    Hope this helps
  • I got my hair cut in a bob last fall, and I'm in the process of growing it back out. :/ My hair does a funny thing, even if I blow dry, one side curves in and one side flips out. I have to flat iron it and it still never seems to look right, so I will try long hair again. I tend to flip flop, once my hair is long enough to do different styles, I get annoyed and cut it off, and then I hate it and grow it back out for a year or two.
  • I had that same style a while back, and I have curly hair that I straighten with an iron. I have to do it every day because of my type of hair, but I don't do everything the stylist does when I go in. I don't have that kind of time, but I do have the time to make my hair look good. When it was short like that it took me about 15 minutes to do my hair. Now that my hair is longer it takes about 20 minutes.

    I agree with Vex, try waking up 5-10 minutes earlier and squeezing it into your schedule.
  • Quote: I tend to flip flop, once my hair is long enough to do different styles, I get annoyed and cut it off, and then I hate it and grow it back out for a year or two.
    I used to do this too! I would always get this crazy a-symmetrical cut and then wait to grow it out...and then get annoyed and do it again lol

    To the OP: really, it depends on your hair. Like previously stated, there are some people to are blessed to have perfect hair if they just let it air dry. Others, like myself, look like their finger was stuck in a light socket if it isn't styled.

    I also agree that taking an extra 10 minutes is important for yourself. I am guilty of not doing it for the most part. On the days that I do it, I feel awesome.

    Just my two cents.
  • I googled a-line bob since I didn't know the term. Mine is a bob, although not a-line. When I leave the salon it is all straight, flat, and nice looking. You can see from my avatar what it looks like when I do it.

    I never brush my hair. To blow it dry takes all of a minute. I just bend over at the waist and blow it dry. I get a sort of tousled look. Maybe that would work for your cut?

    ETA: you made me curious... I looked up bob types. Mine is what would be called a layered bob. There. Now I can sleep tonight. LOL