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DezziePS 04-30-2012 08:12 AM

Possible Solution to Gross Problem
I've seen several people post on here in the past about boils/body acne/ hidradenitis suppurativa. I've suffered for years with the same/similar thing, mostly on my inner thighs/butt (I know, it's super gross and a total self-esteem killer). I've tried just about everything and nothing works. I feel like I wouldn't be half so self-conscious about my body if I was just fat and not bumpy, to boot!

Anyway, I had to post and share that about two weeks ago I started trying something that is working for me, and I thought I'd share in case any of you are still suffering from the same. It's really simple: hand sanitizer. I don't know if the alcohol is just working to dry out the skin or to keep infections at bay, but I just carry it in my purse and put two big bottles in my bathrooms and every time I go in the bathroom, and before I go to bed and after I wake up, I slather all affected areas with hand sanitizer. It sounds really dumb, but I have tried everything: accutane, antibiotics, every type of cream, lotion, soap, etc. out there, and this is the only thing that's ever given me real results- and so quickly. I haven't had a new bump since I started and everything is clearing up. I hope it helps someone else!!

Amy23 04-30-2012 08:50 AM

I've never had to deal with body acne, just skin problems on my face, but that's a great tip!

Raven132 04-30-2012 11:11 AM


This is the blog of someone with this condition who controls it with diet. Good luck, and I'm glad you've found something that works for you.

chickadee32 04-30-2012 11:56 AM

Dezzie, thanks for the post on this. It's something I've struggled with as well, in the same areas as you, and nothing I ever tried did much to help. It was also something I felt so much embarrassment over that I didn't want to talk to anyone about it (and my regular doctor was ZERO help, which discouraged me from seeking further medical help). I'm really glad you've found something that is working for you, and that you've shared it here to help others.

If it gives you any additional hope, this issue has become MUCH less of a problem for me as I've lost weight. I have no idea if it's the weight loss, the change in my diet, the exercise or what, but it's rare for me to get one now (I actually can't remember the last time I had a bad one) and when I do get bumps they are MUCH milder and not really even a problem - more like a regular large/cystic pimple than a boil, and not even painful. They seem to be hormone-related at this point; the only time one shows up is around the time my period is set to arrive, and then it goes away on its own. Anyway, I hope the same will be true for you! :hug:

4star 04-30-2012 12:21 PM

Oh wow. I get cystic acne and have never even thought about trying that! It should be benign enough since it's basically just gelled alcohol. You're using just the alcohol based sanitizer, right?

Hmm...now if I can find a moisturizer that doesn't give me black heads or make my wrinkles look worse, I'll have my skin on track..It's so sensitive!

DezziePS 04-30-2012 05:04 PM

Raven- thanks for the link! I am not sure if what I have is actually HS or not, but that blog was fascinating- I can't believe it was potatoes she was sensitive to! I am certainly going to start being more careful with processed/refined foods.

Chickadee- I have also noticed that the problem gets better with weight loss, (I've yo-yoed a bit through the years and it is always worse when I am heavier) and I have seen some other forums where others said the same thing. It is great to hear that you are pretty much cured- gives me hope and motivation!

4Star- yes, I am just using the cheapie alcohol-based kind from the dollar store. I had read on some forums where people were talking about cleaning every toilet they sit on before they sit down every time, and changing their sheets and pillowcases every day and stuff like that, which I just don't have time for. I thought the hand sanitizer might have some kind of similar effect. Whatever it is, it seems to be working and I just can't tell you how thrilled I am. Hope it works for you!!!

Natasha22 04-30-2012 06:04 PM

That's a nice tip! I do sometimes get breakouts on my back, especially in the summer, with all the sweating. It's never occurred to me that the hand sanitizer could kill off bacteria in places other than your hands, but it makes perfect sense :D

kaplods 04-30-2012 07:25 PM

Controlling bacteria and yeasts really helps a lot with a lot of skin conditions.

I went to a dermatologist for skin issues varying from seborrheic dermatitis (thought to be causes by yeast-like bacteria), boils and cycstic acne, rosacea and combination skin with extremely oily and extremely dry patches.

She recommended a zinc pyrithione shampoo like Head and Shoulders.

I also use zinc oxide cream as well if there's any sign of a flare up, and a steroid cream for more severe flares (which I almost never have to use).

The zinc oxide and zinc pyrithione are both bacteria killers, and it's been tremendous in preventing skin issues.

A low-carb diet also helps keep my skin clearer (although I'd say the zinc helps with everything and the low-carb diet helps with the small pimple break outs, the rosacea, and the autoimmune skin issues).

If you find that the alcohol is starting to dry out the skin, you might want to try the zinc shampoos. I use a head & shoulders shampoo as my only shampoo and soap. It's in my bathroom handsoap dispenser, and I use it as shampoo and body wash in the shower. I use the 2 in 1 (with conditioner) because my skin was getting very dry with just the regular H&S shampoo. The 2 in 1 works like a combination of shampoo, hair conditioner, and face and body moisturizing lotion.

tinkerbell4726 04-30-2012 07:52 PM

I've suffered with horrible boils under my arms for the past 3 years. My left one for at least a year had at least 1 that would grow to the size of a baseball monthly. I cannot tell you the amount of creams, lotions, soaps, ointments, doctor visits I have spent to get it under control. I cannot tell you how many sick days I had to take because I could not lift my arm.

I asked the doctor if losing weight would help, he said maybe. My mom has always suffered but it seemed as if I get the worst of it.

I have to say after losing 30lbs I have YET to have one at all in the past 4 months. My scars are healing and I am getting excited at the possibility of being able to wear tank tops again.

I'm glad to know I am not alone in this, although I wish no one had to deal with the pain and social stigma that surfaces with this condition. I really hope yours goes into remission as mine has for now.

tinkerbell4726 04-30-2012 07:55 PM

oh, and btw. When I did get them every month it was usually at the start of my cycle. I was on birth control about 6 years ago and I had to stop taking it because it caused me gullstones, that I eventually needed surgery for. I really have taken anything away from my diet, other than soda and fried foods. I'm not sure if it's the lack of those things, or just losing weight and being healthier.

Elladorine 05-01-2012 11:53 PM

This is sort of related . . . I used to get extremely painful, golf ball-sized cysts/boils in different areas of my vulva (of all places, youch!). It first started happening when I was running a school-aged center, but they went away after I quit. I didn't make the connection until they started appearing again several years later, when I eventually realized they only appeared when I drank apple juice! I never bought apple juice but sometimes drank it with the kids in the program since it was included in their snack, and all that time later I'd started drinking mixed juices, not giving it any thought that they often included apple juice. When I stopped drinking it, I stopped getting them. :) But then I got one again a few months later, and realized it was because they'd changed the recipe/formula of my then favorite cranberry juice; they started replacing the sucralose in it with apple juice so they could state it was sweetened 100% naturally! I rarely drink juice or other flavored drinks now, but when I do I read the ingredients. The funny thing is that I can eat the actual apples just fine (as well as straight cranberry juice), so I don't know what the heck is up with me and the apple juice. :dizzy:

You just never know what might trigger some of these horrible breakouts. I keep hoping my face will calm down someday, but my cycle triggers new breakouts every month. I like to complain I'm too old for acne these days but it doesn't discriminate! :lol:

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