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yoyoma 07-28-2011 07:20 AM

Regarding finding pants that fit for an apple shape, I've found that juniors sizing (odd sizes) often fit me best. At nearly 50 years old, I have to be choosy about the style so that I don't look like a crazy old lady, but I have a few pairs of very flattering pants/jeans that I bought in odd sizes.

SarRawrNaomi 07-29-2011 10:13 PM

I wish that'd work for me. I'm 5'10'' Juniors usually go up to my ankles.

ZebraBri 07-31-2011 06:13 PM

Thanks again for the replies everyone :]

SarRawrNaomi, I am digging those pants on the link you sent me. I think I'll start looking on there more :] And you have a great smile, by the way. I watched your video. :] Congrats on your progress so far!

I went to Debs and bought a pair of Amethyst shorts. I like how they fit after all!

I don't think I'm anywhere near juniors? Or does juniors MEAN odd sizes only?

yoyoma 08-01-2011 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by ZebraBri (Post 3965803)
Thanks again for the replies everyone :]
I don't think I'm anywhere near juniors? Or does juniors MEAN odd sizes only?

Odd sizes are "juniors" sizes. They are proportioned for youngsters whose hips have not fully developed. Apparently, it can also work for those of us stuck with an apple shape. You might find odd sizes sprinkled in other sections of the store, but you will mostly find them in the junior's section.

Sunshine87 08-01-2011 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by ZebraBri (Post 3959822)

I would feel way too intimidated to step foot in American Eagle OR Aeropostale. My younger, skinny sisters shop there, and all I see there are skinny people :/ Maybe when I'm confident enough though. Aren't their products usually expensive?

I wear x-long pants so I purchase them online but I first tried a regular pair in the store. I always purchase with an online code or when they send me an email alert for a huge sale but I can usually get them for about $30-$35 which isn't great but I have major issues with finding pants that fit me because of my shape and height. I wear a 14 and they had that size available to try on when I went in. I understand feeling self-conscious in there. I went in with several other people many times before I looked for anything for myself. I like their pants and shorts. I need to lose another 10 before I fit into any shirts.

ZebraBri 08-03-2011 09:25 PM

Thanks! :)

keekles 08-05-2011 02:43 PM

I have an apple shape and I usually wear stretchy skinny jeans with a top that hides my tummy. Also, jeggings at Old Navy are great and the waist is a little higher (great for us apple girls).

As for hair, I think straight hair only looks good when the hair is thick. Personally, I think big waves and a slightly "just been to the beach" look is far more attractive. Pin straight hair just looks too serious for my taste!! And it also makes your head look smaller (which makes your body look bigger). But then again on some people it looks great. :)

lyv33 08-07-2011 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by tkdtara84 (Post 3959254)
As far as jeans go, pinksparkles has a good point-- that's what works best for me, too. If I were you, I'd go somewhere and just get one of every different style (except maybe the skinny jeans-- those are super hard to wear) and just try them all on. It's really the best way to find something if you're starting from scratch.

My suggestion (and we all seem to have our own favorites) is Old Navy. They have a wide variety of fits, and they usually have a wide selection of sizes, so you should be able to try every style if you wanted.

It really all depends on your body-- I'm straighter, so I always get low rise boot cut, but if you have more of an hourglass shape, you'll need a different fit. You really just need to go try a bunch on. Don't be afraid to try different sizes, too-- it's just a number, and every brand fits differently.

As for hair-- I've read that something hitting you in the cheek area will make your face wider. I'd ask friends for stylist reccomendations, go in with pictures of what you like, and ask if he/she thinks it will work for you. At least for a first cut or a "new" cut, make sure you go somewhere nicer and reputable. You can get trims at Great Clips later if you have to.

I have an hour glass shape and the boot cut, low rise jeans look really good on me. I'm not overly tall either, just 5' 3". At least the Levi ones do. I think we all just have to try all the different styles on and pick the one that best fits and feels good.

patootie 08-07-2011 11:40 AM

Regarding your hair, I feel that curly hair can be just as professional and flattering as straight hair. First things first, conditioning is key. Be sure you're not over washing your hair and thoroughly conditioning, dry hair = frizz. Second find a good stylist. I really recommend checking out a website called naturallycurly.com for salon and product reviews. A stylist should be able to give you a flattering cut and recommend products to keep your hair looking fabulous.

I have very curly hair with probably 3 types of curl patterns, from 3/4" spirals to kinky curly. I used to hate my hair, but since I learned how to take care of it I love it. It's unique and beautiful and much more fabulous than all the straight, layered typical cuts out there.

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