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Shannon in ATL 07-27-2011 04:22 PM

Thinking about you guys, Michele.

silverbirch 07-27-2011 04:47 PM

Me too, Michele. Thinking of you all.

Mudpie 07-27-2011 05:14 PM

:hug: Michele.

saef Long striped bug with many, many legs and large whip-like antennae? These routinely make an appearance in my bathtub (come up through the drains) and I have been known to yelp (or even scream like a girl) when I see one early in the a.m. For some reason we refer to them as silverfish.

I think I am going to be very, very busy :spin: in August. I apparently booked a couple of cat sits around May that I had forgotten about :dizzy: and now I am going from a leisurely 4-hour day next week to some action-packed ones :hyper: about 10 hours long + a live-in with a dog the following. Self-employment always seems to be feast or famine. Glad I have the work - gotta make those car payments.

Speaking of the car poor Laffie got his baptism (by barf, rather than fire) today. Not one, not two, but three dogs all hurled :barf: in various parts of Laffie during 3 separate walks. All my dog towels and paper towels were used up by hurl #2 so I had to borrow from a client. She totally got it immediately and told me no hurry getting the towels back to her.

Then I got home and Mudpie also contribued HER hurl in the middle of the living room floor.

Dagmar :cool:

bargoo 07-27-2011 05:56 PM

Dagmar, we have silverfish in California, too.

alinnell 07-27-2011 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by :
saef Long striped bug with many, many legs and large whip-like antennae? These routinely make an appearance in my bathtub (come up through the drains) and I have been known to yelp (or even scream like a girl) when I see one early in the a.m. For some reason we refer to them as silverfish.

Actually silverfish are a bit different. What saef is referring to as a Palmetto bug or waterbug is actually an American cockroach. They're big, but not as elongated as the silverfish. I hate them. I loathe them. Fortunately we see them very rarely in our new home. Our old house had a tree that was infested with them (we didn't know about the infestation until the tree fell over and we hired someone to remove it--HE told us).

I'm still dealing with stupid ants. They come in by way of outlet switch plates and cracks along the floorboards. Ugh.

Dagmar~so sorry about all the upchucking! Is it leather interior (for easier clean up?). I think I'd be storing a few extra towels in the trunk for future use!

bargoo 07-27-2011 09:07 PM

I googled Palmetto bugs and they are way more gross than silverfish. Silverfish do seem to like to hang out in the bathroom. Dagmars description of silverfish is what I see from time to time.

Megan1982 07-27-2011 10:26 PM

Oh, you ladies are talking about the Florida state bird! Here they are. Jk, but that's the joke around here. :D I used to find them in the old wooden house I lived in, but this house is newer and I only find them outside on the porch. Emma likes to eat them. I do find the occasional scorpion in my house - a much bigger pitfall to living in Florida, I assure you! :yikes:

Michele, your family is in my thoughts. :hug:

Mudpie 07-28-2011 05:52 AM

I googled "silverfish" and they can EAT BOOKS!!! Arrgggh! But they are not what I'm talking about. I'll have to look around to see what the critters are that are scaring the cr*p out of me in the mornings. Ain't Google grand?

So I found ice cream in the freezer. It is melting outside right now. If DH gets mad too bad! He knows where the store is.

I feel like I'm dealing with some rebellious teenager. I say diet and he buys chips, beer and ice cream.

Next time he mentions our lack of a sex life I'm gonna tell him exactly why that's no longer part of our life together (if we even have a life together).

Today is "Friday" for me :yay:

Good day all!

Dagmar :yoga:

bargoo 07-28-2011 07:55 AM

Dagmar, I have found through a long life that telling (nagging) somebody to do something for their own good seldom works. The other person will make up their own mind when they are ready, if they are ever ready.

silverbirch 07-28-2011 08:46 AM

Originally Posted by bargoo:
The other person will make up their own mind when they are ready,if they are ever ready.

Yes. I am an onlooker in a situation like this. If the person does make up their mind, it will trigger duties and obligations for me. Until then, I wait.

JayEll 07-28-2011 08:58 AM

Withholding sex until someone diets is not a really good strategy... ;) And throwing out someone else's food isn't a good strategy either, in my humble opinion...

Maybe you need to take a step back again, Dagmar. The more you attempt to control someone else, the more they are apt to dig their feet in. Maybe he is acting like a rebellious teenager, but the fact is, he's not a teenager.

Hope you can work it out!


paperclippy 07-28-2011 09:00 AM

Michele - :hug: Thinking of you and your family.

I've only found a cockroach in our house once, but we get tons of silverfish. At least little tiny ones, not big giant ones. When I hear "waterbug" I think of those bugs that live in the water whose legs are like oars. I totally can't find them on google though.

I am totally annoyed at my doctor's office today. Yesterday I called up and left a message because I had a question about my medications. I gave them my cell number as the number they could reach me back. I didn't hear back, but when I got home there was a message on my HOME answering machine. In the message, they not only answered my question but said my labs were back in and the doctor had some ideas based on it and they wanted to talk to me about it. However, when I called back this morning, I found out the doctor and his nurse are off today and tomorrow. Had they just called my cell phone like I asked them to, I would have been able to talk to the nurse and find out my lab results right then. But for some stupid reason these guys called my home number instead, and now I have to wait until Monday to find out my lab results, knowing that something turned up in them. :mad: They did say they were going to mail me something, so maybe I will get that tomorrow. Argh. Why ask for a number they can reach me at if they're not going to call that number?? I need to stop ever giving these offices my home number because it seems like no matter how many times I ask them to use my cell they just keep calling the house.

alinnell 07-28-2011 09:24 AM

That is so frustrating, Jessica. It happens to me all the time. It makes you want to give up your land line so the only phone number you have is your cell.

I was afraid to go on my current diet because I didn't know how DH would take it. He needed to lose some weight, but not a lot. I suggested he go on it with me for one month (so it would be easier for me). He agreed and lost 15 pounds. Now I need to lose an additional amount and he's been watching me continue to eat the high protein meal replacements (not Medifast, I found some others that offer hot foods other than soup) and he said to me, "maybe I ought to eat that, too, to maintain my loss." He had been eating Smart Ones entrees for lunch (this is the only meal that we eat different right now). I said I'd order more and next week we'll do that. I'm glad he's both supportive of my weight loss attempt and sees that he needs to work to keep off his loss. Although I think it helps that he doesn't do the shopping himself (he often accompanies me).

Perhaps, Dagmar, simply tell him that unless he's willing to support you in your weight loss/maintenance, you cannot support him. And then let it go. Don't fight him--it'll only make it worse.

JenMusic 07-28-2011 09:58 AM

Catching up from yesterday, when I was driving up here to Kentucky . . .

Michele - Thinking of you and your family!

Yuck to bugs! I've always had a terrible cockroach phobia. Anything that could live through a nuclear holocaust is NOT ok in my book. I moved to Florida when I was 15, Megan, and no one told me cockroaches (Palmetto bugs) could fly! The first time it happened I think I shrieked for about 10 minutes straight.

Dagmar - My longest relationship lasted about a week and a half. :lol: So no advice for DH from me, but I will send you some support.

Can I just say I love my new internist/primary care physician? My urologist visit on Tuesday has left my head spinning. Last night I checked my email, and my PCP emailed me (after having received the report from the urologist) letting me know that she wants to see me for a couple of follow-up tests, and checking to make sure I don't have questions that she can help me with. She is on the ball. At least I have one doctor with a good bedside manner - because my urologist surely does not.

OK, off to spend the day with my family. I did indulge in a yummy burger and fries from my favorite place here last night, and I know my sister has a recipe for bourbon bacon brownies she wants to try, and you better believe I'm going to try a piece. :) Other than that, strictly on plan for this trip. I even ran this morning - first time since the kidney issues got bad! It felt good.

Have a good day everyone!

matilde 07-28-2011 09:59 AM

Delurking to suggest to Mudpie that house centipedes (google image it!) might be the funky FUNKY critter in question? (I used to confuse them w/silverfish myself.)

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