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Meg 07-20-2009 05:09 AM

Maintainers Chat: Week Of July 20 - 26
I can't believe how fast July is zooming along!

When last seen, I was getting ready for a product launch party at the spa where I work. I was in charge of food (beautiful food, tons and tons of homemade goodies) and ended up dipping cookies, strawberries, and myself into gallons of chocolate. :o The party was Friday night and was wildly successful -- yay! I got on my scale and it was edging my red line -- boo!

My sister and BIL were visiting this weekend and my parents wanted us all to go out to some pancake house for breakfast, the kind where even an egg white-spinach omelet checks in at 1000 calories. I'm miserable when I end up at a place like that and don't enjoy the food, so this time I just said no and everyone was fine with it. I can enjoy spending time with my sister without eating mega-calories of unhealthy food in the process!

Then my mom made these decadent grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch -- think three kinds of cheese and tons of butter. I went for lunch but took a container of cottage cheese and ate it with fruit. And I managed to avoid the cherry pie and plate of cookies. The happy result is my scale being down 2 pounds this morning and I didn't feel sleepy and gross all yesterday afternoon. :carrot:

Thankfully, no one in my family would ever argue with me about my food choices and I'm way beyond the "I have to eat this so I don't hurt Mom's feelings"! I think my parents are puzzled why I can't eat like a "normal person" (a/k/a/ obese person) now that I've lost the weight but my slender sister and very fit BIL totally get it. They've been my biggest supporters over the past eight years. :)

So I survived the weekend and am setting myself up for a successful week! The gym opens in 20 minutes, then I need to do a big stock-up at the grocery store. I'm planning on grilling two pounds of shrimp before work so I have dinners for the week and making some Fiber One muffins. I'm mad that I gained a few pounds but am hoping they'll be gone by this time next week.

That's my weekend in a nutshell! How was yours? What's going on this week?

Mudpie 07-20-2009 05:51 AM

Back OP this week
I'm back from the cat sit. I wish I didn't have to do the dog/cat sits and be tempted by all my clients' junk food, booze, full fat items, etc. But I really need the money so I have to do the sits. And I console myself or relieve my boredom by eating.

The reason I am able to maintain at my house is because I just don't have those foods around.

So I'm back on plan this week. We have a 4 day mini-holiday coming up with mostly camping and the rest eating in small town restaurants where no one has heard of vegetables or salads.

I know I will gain on this too so I'd better get the pet sit lbs. off now!

Have a great week all!


WardHog 07-20-2009 07:28 AM

Good morning! It's 57° here in Atlanta this morning - it must be a new record low! So I ran a loop around the neighborhood before the kids got up and it was lovely. :) My daughter has science camp this week so I will have to work my gym time around dropping her off at 9am.

Great job on resisting temptation over the week-end, Meg.

Dagmar, welcome home!

Have a great week, everyone!

midwife 07-20-2009 08:39 AM

Meg, you are a daily inspiration. :carrot:

traveling michele 07-20-2009 11:04 AM

Good Monday maintainers!!

Hi midwife and WardHog. It is 58 here this morning. Quite cool after our drive home from S. California yesterday-- we kept taking pictures of the thermostat in my car as it kept rising-- it got to 114 and we thought it was done...then 115, 116, 117, 118! It was so hot!

Meg-- I am so impressed by the way you handle food around your relatives. I don't know that I could ever do that well. I usually make better choices around family but I don't bring my own foods.

Dagmar-- glad you are home. I agree about it being so much easier at home with our own routines. Can you not bring your own food with you when you pet sit and pretend the food there is off-limits?

I am glad to be home this morning. Dd and I left Thursday on our big road trip. We drove to Malibu and toured Pepperdine. What a beautiful campus-- right on the beach!! Then, Friday we drove further south to see older dd at camp. We picked her up and then spent a couple of days with her. It was a nice visit. The two girls don't get along well so that is always a tad interesting. I thought they would get along better once elder dd went to college but it hasn't happened yet. We ate way too much and got too little exercise. :o We saw Harry Potter, shopped, and ate...... Then we drove dd back to camp and left her and started our long drive back. Unfortunately there was a big brush fire along I-5 that cost us a couple of hours. It is scary to me how much my girls have matured and how little they need me anymore. Makes me sad and nostalgic. My older dd was always very sheltered and she is experiencing what I'm sure is normal life, but she has never experienced it before-- she is with mostly older people and they are going all sorts of places on their breaks-- she has her first boyfriend-- sigh... it is hard for me to let go. My younger dd socializes with much older kids so they are almost on the same level...... my dh and I just hope we have instilled our values and morals into them which we think we have.:)

The scale was okay this morning. I don't trust it since yesterday was a travel day and my eating was sporadic. I am back to the gym this morning and hope I didn't do too much damage over the last few days. I only have about 10 days before we leave for our cruise and have tons to do!

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Shannon in ATL 07-20-2009 12:15 PM

Good morning everyone!

Meg - you do such a great job of handling the family situations. I hope I do that well with it as time goes on! :)

Dagmar - sorry about the weight gain from the cat sit! It is always easier to stay on track in our own spaces....

Ward - it was very cool this morning! I get my AC fixed just in time for a cold snap. :) I bet the run was nice this morning! I just don't feel comfortable running on the streets around me, we don't have a lot of sidewalks and cars just don't pay attention.

Michele - glad you guys had a good trip! And, it is a little sad to watch the kids grow up, but your daughters will always need you. :)

I didn't do the greatest job this weekend - there were a couple of Hershey's kisses on Saturday, movie theater popcorn and a large meal at my MIL's yesterday, no exercise either day. Scale a little high today, but most likely water. Still lower than it has been in recent weeks. I'll exercise when I get home and get the week off to a better start.

Good day everyone!

traveling michele 07-20-2009 12:45 PM

I just went through and put together a large bag of clothes to donate.
It was weird because it was all clothes that I had bought when I lost weight but they are now too big. I tried everything on and debated each item. If they were a tad big, I kept them, but if they were really roomy-- I put them in the bag. It was just weird giving away size 4s. I just know that you aren't supposed to keep your too large clothes. I did keep some huge things that I just couldn't give away yet due to sentimental reasons...

alinnell 07-20-2009 12:47 PM

I had a nice weekend. We had planned on seeing Harry Potter on Saturday but that morning I got a call from my BIL who said he was in town and wanted to visit, so he came over for the afternoon and evening and we had dinner together.

Sunday we drove to LA to see Spamalot and had a terrific time. The musical was hilarious! We laughed and laughed and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We went out to dinner beforehand and I had a nice salmon dinner, a little too much wine and then we splurged on desserts. I had a few bites and stopped and felt quite fulfilled.

Today I'm back to work and back to the dieting. My weight was up a bit this morning, but I'm certain it isn't permanent. I think a lot of it had to do with a short night's sleep.

paperclippy 07-20-2009 12:55 PM

I had a pretty good weekend. Ate way too much at our cooking club Saturday night. However, it's not all bad. Why? Well, for one, I can't remember the last time that I ate to the point of discomfort. Therefore I must be doing it pretty infrequently these days, and that's good. Second, 90% of the recipes were from Cooking Light, and there were lots of veggies.

On the other hand, there was also a lot of dessert, and a fair amount of alcohol. I'm not saying it was good that I ate too much, just that compared to how I used to eat, it wasn't all bad.

In any case, one person left behind her leftover hot cross buns which I unfortunately munched on on Sunday, as well as my leftover steamed yeast buns and blueberry sauce that I'd made. I made a double recipe which made 25 buns, but there ended up only being 10 people there, each of whom ate only one, so I have a lot left.

In other news, DH and I went on a nice bike ride Sunday morning, I got lots of exercise cleaning the house for guests, and we went to see Harry Potter yesterday afternoon. So overall it was a pretty good weekend. I'm only up 1lb which will probably go away by tomorrow.

iriswhispers 07-20-2009 03:53 PM

I've really missed this place and all of you!! I have pretty limited internet over the summer but right now I have wireless where I am staying =). Unfortunately almost every meal is buffet-style and those that aren't are usually pizza. I was going to rely heavily on the salad bar but the lettuce has been found to have bugs in it fairly frequently... ick.

Anyway, I'll sure be ready to get back to cooking my own meals and being able to go to the gym!

Allison, I saw Spamalot in NYC and had so much fun! I love Monty Python.

Michele, I agree that it's hard giving away clothes sometimes. I tend to fluctuate over the course of a year or so, so I tend to keep things that are a little too big and a little too small - if I didn't I'd have to buy new clothes all the time. Does giving away size 4's mean you're wearing a 2 now? That's fantastic! I have my grandmother's hips and think they're the limiting factor that make 4 the smallest possible size for me.:p

traveling michele 07-20-2009 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by iriswhispers (Post 2834989)
Does giving away size 4's mean you're wearing a 2 now? That's fantastic! I have my grandmother's hips and think they're the limiting factor that make 4 the smallest possible size for me.:p

Believe it or not I am wearing 2s and mostly zeros. I can't believe it myself. When I started my weight loss journey, my goal was to be able to wear a size 8. I know that vanity sizing is part of it as I'm not that much smaller than I was in high school and if I remember correctly I wore a 6 or 8 then. :carrot:

WaterRat 07-20-2009 06:31 PM

Howdy! I had a good weekend with DH away, though I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. So I've decided to take Wed off as well. :) I have a doc's appt anyway, so it just made sense.

Michele - are you staying at the Hilton at SeaTac airport the night before the cruise, or are you flying up that day? The Hilton is near nothing with a restaurant with healthy selections, which is not to say that their restaurant isn't good, it's just basically a steak house, with limited veggie selections, and quite pricey. Just warning you. :)

I did a little retail therapy yesterday, mostly underwear, but also a pair of black Dockers for work in the next size down. Yay! Wearing them today with a blouse I don't wear often (because it's a linen blend and needs ironing :lol: ) and have gotten lots of compliments. It's a little more fitted than my usual attire of knit tops and jackets...

Other than that, life goes on its quiet way. Eating was a little over the top this weekend, including some Chinese food, so my weight was up 3# or so, but I'm slugging down plenty of water.

:wave: to you all. Got plenty to do at work as well as home. Hard to belive they want us to work on next year's budget already......

traveling michele 07-20-2009 07:23 PM

No, we are flying into Seattle the morning of the cruise.
However, the day we disembark we are staying overnight, but not at the Hilton (we got a great rate at the Westin).

Yea for retail therapy!!

Mudpie 07-21-2009 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by traveling michele (Post 2835267)

Yea for retail therapy!!

I think that's why I don't go to the mall much - I like this type of therapy too much! :p

We're having a bit of a crisis with DH's band thingee. He's been audibly :mad: sulking since last Wed.

I found some "contraband" empty containers in the garbage this morning. I wish I could talk to him about not eating to console himself because it doesn't work. But I :o still do it so "pot . . .kettle" etc. etc.

Funny how I still can't seem to talk to him about some things after all this time. I don't know whether I should jsut totally ignore the slip or tell him I know how he feels or what??? :?: He's not big on empathy so maybe I'll just shut up about it.

We still have 2 weeks to go 'til the big garage band festival. I'm encouraging him in every way I can but I think he's determined to not enjoy this. Too bad as it's one of only two weekends we get away this summer.

I bought a sorta bathing suit that I'm determined to wear to the event so I'm definitely staying OP. I know I won't lose much weight so I'm trying to step up the strength training a bit. Better to be firm and bigger than flabby and smaller yes?

Have a great day all!

Dagmar :cheer2:

paperclippy 07-21-2009 10:06 AM

The water weight from the weekend is gone, and I'm back at 145 again. Why is it that it is pretty easy for me to maintain my weight (now that my thryoid is treated properly), but it's become pretty much impossible to lose? Weird. Then again it was always relatively easy to maintain, until the thyroid problem.

In other news, I am still deciding which triathlon next month to sign up for (as Anne throws her hands up in exasperation, since I have been "deciding" for months now). I had settled on one of them, but then I realized it's on a Sunday morning and I'm going to a wedding the day before. The wedding starts at 3:30pm so I don't think we'd be out too late, but still. Should I try to do it anyway? The other triathlon is on a Saturday and we have nothing planned, but I will admit I'm afraid of the open-water swim in the reservoir for that one. The one the day after the wedding is a swim in a 4-foot deep canal so I'm not afraid of drowning if I get tired.

Dagmar, definitely better to be bigger and firm than smaller and flabby!

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