3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Meg 04-27-2009 05:03 AM

Maintainers Chat: April 27 - May 3
As I was typing out the date for the thread, once again my brain is saying -- how did it get to me the last week of the month? And Friday is the first day of May?? :dizzy: The weeks are just flying by and I sure could use one off.

Apologies for being so scarce this week! It was a busy week and I even missed the gym a few times, which makes me cranky. This coming week should be better and I won't have to work extra hours (:crossed:) and won't have company for the weekend.

Last night I fell asleep reading the new issue of Muscle and Fitness Hers and dreamt about workouts all night. :lol: There's a leg workout in there that looks interesting and includes a one-legged squat with a butt tap onto a chair and back up without actually sitting that I'm going to try (not a good description, sorry, brain isn't working this early). It will be the ultimate test for the new knees, I think! Good thing the chair will be there in case I collapse into a heap. :lol:

Legs will be tomorrow; today will be back. I'm thinking of doing 100 pullups (assisted at 40#) in however many sets it takes me to get there. Just pullups, just for something different. :D

Our weather is crazy, how about yours? It was 87 yesterday and will be again today. We went from winter to summer and blew right by spring. :crazy: I'm hoping spring comes back.

How is everyone? Check in and tell us what's going on. :)

Mudpie 04-27-2009 05:48 AM

Good Morning all!
I will be back at my own computer this evening - YAY! :yay: I didn't realize how much communication I do by computer and this has been a slow, frustrating two weeks.

And I will be back in my own kitchen. Even though I stayed OP from Friday for 3 straight days (a rarity for me) I gained a lb. since yesterday. I'm up to :( 138, an all time high since I started maintaining.

Diet time starts today :cheer2:. Writing everything down, weighing and measuring, etc. until I am down to 130 lbs.

And I missed my yoga and my weights (7 dog walks a day tired me out too much to do anything else) so I'm looking forward to doing a workout tomorrow morning. Probably yoga first as I'm all stiff from two weeks of sleeping with an 85-lb. dog (all sorts of strange positions :p)

Do or do not. There is no try. (Thank you Yoda)

Have a great Monday all!

paperclippy 04-27-2009 09:21 AM

Good morning!

Meg, sorry you had a busy week! It's hot here too -- 83 this weekend, 81 today. It's supposed to cool down again after that though. We took advantage of it and were outside all weekend though. Saturday we took the dog for a nice long hike in the park (where he took advantage of his retractable leash to jump into the reservoir -- oops!), and Sunday we took him to the "Mutt Strut." Basically it's a fundraiser for the humane society where you can walk your dog around the racetrack at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Anyway, the dog, me, and DH were all pretty tired!

I took last week off from exercise entirely (well, except for walking the dog, but that doesn't really count). Tonight I'm starting on a new workout plan. HIIT tonight, Wednesday, and Friday, and NRLW T/Th. Bike or swim on Saturday, and Sunday off. My boot camp class starts next week.

I've been weighing all my food and calculating which Volumetrics category it's in. So far it's working really well. I have a better handle on my portions, and the scale is down 3lbs. This week all my recipes are coming from the Volumetrics cookbook so we'll see how it goes. Last night I made volumetrics goulash, and it was only 300 cals for a huge bowl full. Tonight is going to be asian chicken wraps, which seemed like a great way to use up the steamed soy sauce chicken I made last week.

Megan1982 04-27-2009 09:34 AM

Hi everyone,

It's been a busy week/weekend for me. My theater group had their spring show, so I was busy creating the program insert, taking tickets/handing out programs at the door, and making food. I once again "catered" the food for the cast party, though, and it was a huge cast. All last week people kept remarking to me what a big cast it was and sort of panicked me about providing enough food (usually it's all eaten very quickly and latecomers don't get much) so I ended up being a bit more stressed out than enjoying the cooking process. I don't know if I could handle being a professional caterer. This time around part of the cast went to dinner between the show and the cast party, so there were many leftovers and I felt bad making so much... at least I've got tons of veggies and my co-workers have some other hors deouvres for today. I also did veggie and fruit/cheese trays for my catering friends who had a gig Saturday night. I chopped a lot of veggies this weekend!

So now I've had a week to "recover" from my powerlifting tournament. I took it pretty easy last week and did some medium intensity cardio a few days. Now I've got to get back to it! I was doing a 5-day weightlifting split and some more higher intensity cardio before all this. I need to sit down and write out my plan for the next week or two to keep myself on track - no unprepared gym visits!

Dagmar, glad you will be getting back to your own kitchen. 7 dog walks a day sounds like a lot of exercise!

Meg, pullups are my nemesis, even assisted - no matter what else I do they never seem to get any easier! You are my hero! I'm sure the knees will hold up. Sounds like they've been performing wonderfully for you!

Hi everyone else! Let's make this a great week. :wave:

AnneWonders 04-27-2009 10:10 AM

Happy Monday. Or is than an oxymoron?


Things are more or less back to normal around here. DS is getting ready to walk, something like any second now. It is really fun to watch. And as I was heading out for my bike race yesterday, I told him "bye bye" and he turned and waved at me. I'm in love!

DD beat her little friend in her bike race, a 4 miler. He's a boy and a year older. Not bad for 3 y.o. I think exposing her to this "normal" healthy lifestyle might be working.

I finished my coffee and am stalling on going to work. I suppose I ought to just go.


Shannon in ATL 04-27-2009 10:17 AM

Good morning everyone!

Wow - almost May... Where has the year gone?

The scale is kicking me in the pants this morning - I know it is all water weight, as I didn't gain four pounds over two days, but it is still enough to shock me into being better today. I hope. :)

I did exercise the last three days, so am proud of that. I'm somewhat stiff this morning - kickboxing yesterday evening + no much (and what I did get was poor) sleep last night. Planning to exercise when I get home, but might take today off.

Meg - that squat sounds similar to the 'one legged chair pose' on my yoga fitness plus on demand video - she has you pulse up and down on the one leg with the other foot crossed up over the knee. For the second set she likes to stand us up on our toes - I'm not quite up to that yet! I bet your knees will be just fine! And wow! 100 pullups! I used to be able to do 9 at one time before surgery, now I can't do any... Wow!

Dagmar -I know you will be glad to get home! Being away so long is always uncomfortable!

Jessica -Volumetrics seems to really be working for you. High five on the loss this week!

Megan - I don't know how you do all the things that you do! Sometimes reading about your activities wears me out! I've got to write out my exercise plan, too. Going in not sure what I'm going to do every day ends up in a lot of wasted time.

Anne - I'm still drinking my coffee and stalling, too.... Seems like a day to sit and drink coffee while staring out the window, not a day to work! :) I'm glad DD won her race!

Have a good day everyone!

fiberlover 04-27-2009 11:28 AM

Hi gang! I cannot believe the weather - it is amazing! Low to mid 80s, shattering records. Going to cool off again by midweek though. Made my tulips just jump right up and start blooming, too!

traveling michele 04-27-2009 11:32 AM

Shannon-- Sorry you didn't get much sleep. Hope your coffee kicks in. Good job for getting in your exercise!:carrot:

Anne-- good luck with having another walker in the house! Does that mean a year has gone by already?!?! And kudos for teaching your kids healthy habits. My dh and I blame ourselves for not introducing healthier habits to our kids earlier. Our younger dd seems to have developed healthier habits than our older dd so we just wish we had started earlier.

Megan-- your activities do wipe me out! But so do mine....sigh... I could never be a professional caterer either. I get stressed out cooking dinner if I have more than a couple of things cooking at one time!

Jessica-- glad the volumetrics are working for you. I am all about the volume of my food too! WW new program (Momentum) emphasizes adding more filling foods too. I ran out of my filling foods last week at work one day (cherry tomatoes, baby carrots) and I was surprised that I was SO HUNGRY! So, they do make a difference. Your doggy walks sound adorable. I would love to do that with my doggies. There is a great walk around a reservoir near here and my dogs love it. There are always so many dogs and kids to see that make it tons of fun.

Dagmar-- glad you will be back at home and back to your routine. Getting out of our routines is just challenging for so many reasons.

Meg-- your dream is funny! Hopefully you will get back into your workout routine too so you don't have to dream about it. The weather here has been fairly crazy. It was 97 last week a couple of days, and now the high has been about 50 the past couple of days-- cold and windy. I wish it would warm up and stay there. I don't mind the heat though everyone here complains and complains if it is over 75-- cracks me up. They don't know what hot is-- living in humid and hot Houston most of my life has made me fairly immune to the heat....

Such a busy week and weekend. I wish I could say this week will be easier but maybe just a tad. I worked all day yesterday so I feel like I didn't have a weekend. I weighed in at an all time low Saturday at my WI. I think it was partially my antibiotics upsetting my tummy. Hopefully my UTI is cleared up now-- I have to go back and double check this week. My class I am taking is wrapping up but I still have tons of work to do for it-- since it is a Children's Literature class I am reading like a mad woman-- I love to read, but I have so much to read, plus my projects, that I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm hoping to be on regular schedule with the gym this week as I know that helps me with my stressful feelings. My dd is coming home! I can't believe her freshman year is already ending. It has flown by for me.... Dh is driving to pick her up-- we haven't driven there before-- it is at least 14 hours-- so he is planning on staying in a hotel one night each way-- once we do it once, we'll see if that is the best method for next year. He leaves Thursday and expects to be back with her Sunday. She will only be home for a few weeks before she leaves for her summer job. We have her signed up with a personal trainer until she goes. I hope he can get her started in the right direction. He is my favorite teacher at the gym (latin dance, boxing boot camp) and I think he will be very motivational for her.

Other than that, we are busy trying to make summer plans. Between our Alaskan cruise, dd going to work in So Cal (and us probably visiting her a couple of times), younger dd and I planning a trip to Houston to visit friends and relatives, younger dd going to camp for a week, me taking a class, my friend coming to visit from Oregon... I feel like the summer will be so busy!!

I better get to work.... Have a great week everyone!!!

alinnell 04-27-2009 11:46 AM

Good morning everyone!

Anne~yes, that is an oxymoron!

My DD came home for the weekend to say goodbye to my in-laws as they're preparing to leave for the summer. While she was here she spent more time with me than usual (grocery shopping, Costco, book store, pedicure) which was kind of unusual. She normally hangs out at home rather than going with me anywhere. I probably should have questioned it, but I didn't. Saturday night she and DS went to dinner and a movie with my in-laws and my MIL questioned her. It turns out she broke up with her boyfriend of 7 months. When MIL told me, I asked DD why she didn't tell me and she said it was because I hadn't asked her. Normally I don't want to be nosy....well, I think she felt bad that I hadn't asked her anything. I did ask if she was okay, and she said yes, it was she who broke up with him, which makes it a little easier. I was dreading the day when they broke up, mainly because I didn't want to see her hurt. She wouldn't go into detail on why it happened, but it had to have happened last weekend. They spent Sunday together at 6 Flags and by Thursday they were split.

Today begins my new diet program. I'm not cooking all week. I'm relying on frozen entrees for lunch and dinner--supplemented by fruit and salads. Breakfast will be what I had last week--grapefruit with some cheese for protein and an egg later in the morning. Today didn't start off right as I had a horrible niacin flush that lasted for 2 hours! I didn't even feel like exercising. My face was red and I was so uncomfortable!

alinnell 04-27-2009 12:43 PM

I forgot to mention: I got a new cookbook this weekend. I was at Costco and picked it up. From Cooking Light (my favorite!) it is full of recipes with 5 ingredients or less that take 15 minutes to prepare (and are low calorie, too!) Best part was the $10 discount off of the published price!

NightengaleShane 04-27-2009 01:33 PM

Howdy howdy!

I have decided I NEED to post here more often. It's imperative. Seriously.

In the last 2-3 months, I've mysteriously gained back around ten pounds. Fine, it's not so mysterious -- I've been working far too much which wears me down and makes me less motivated to exercise. Furthermore, I've gone the "grab 'n go" route a few too many times, I gorged on Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Easter, and several friends' birthday parties, I went on a lovely beach vacation to St. Augustine and set foot in a few too many bakeries, and between all the weekend parties and social events I've attended, alcohol and I became good friends again.

This needs to stop. NOW. I have a bodybuilding competition at the end of August, for cryin' out loud! :) I am NOT about to re-gain any more weight; it's depressing enough that I've gained as much as I did, as I now have half a closet full of expensive jeans that don't fit comfortably on my bottom!

:lol: Meg, I would hope your new knees would work a zillion times better than your old ones since you paid for 'em! ;) 100 pullups? I admire your dedication! It's in the 80s here, too, but that's to be expected since it's Florida. Oh, how I LOVE Florida :)

Dagmar - :hug: I am at an all-time high since maintaining as well... you have my sympathy and support for sure :) We can help each other get there :D

Jessica - I'm trying Volumetrics, too, what a coincydink! See... before, I just ate whatever I wanted as long as I was under X number of calories, tried to get in mostly fresh things, and 100 grams of protein... but I didn't always succeed at eating fresh, still tried for X number of calories, succeeded because I'd mentally beat myself up if I didn't, and remained hungry all the time. After a certain point, I just got tired of being HUNGRY... I hope volumetrics will kill the hunger and make me thinner again.

I have more to say to each of you, but I have to pick up my boss from a job site since his truck died.

JayEll 04-27-2009 01:35 PM

Hey Shane! :wave: :hug:


paperclippy 04-27-2009 01:52 PM

Shane, welcome back! Here's hoping Volumetrics works for both of us!

Allison, sorry to hear your DD broke up with her BF. That new cookbook sounds good though!

Anne - Wow! I'm impressed with your DD! Does she ride a real bike or a trike? Congrats to you on your own bike race too!

Shannon in ATL 04-27-2009 02:34 PM

Shane - I was wondering where you were just the other day. Welcome back! You'll get back on track and be ready for your competition, no problem.

Allison - sorry about DD & the boyfriend. I know when I was a teenager I didn't want to talk to my parents about my boyfriends, but I totally expected them to ask me about it. Way to live a double standard. :) Cool cookbook!

Michele - way to go on the weigh-in, hope you feel better soon! I hate working on the weekends - it seems to leave me more tired than work done during the week....

On track so far today with my food, and no snacks. Woo hoo!

kaw 04-27-2009 03:12 PM

Welcome back, Shane! Count me in on the "fell a bit too far off the wagon", um, bandwagon. But, it stops NOW. (Actually, two days ago, but who's counting.)

The good news is that I still managed to go to the gym 2-3 times / week. I can still do pullups and dips (personal barometers of strength), although admittedly fewer of them now that I have more weight to haul up and down.

The bad news is that my food intake has been completely out of hand this spring. It's not even been junk food, just too much food. Wish I had good excuses but, let's face it, there aren't any: the truth is that I slipped. Repeatedly.

In more positive news, my 7-year old is running a marathon! Well, actually, he's running the miles for a marathon over the course of 2 months. And, so far he seems to be as intrinsically motivated to run as I am, which is to say not at all. (I'm pretty sure he's just in it for the medal he'll earn at the end.) But, it's something.

Not even going to try to catch up with everyone individually, but I am happy to see so many familiar "faces" on the board.

Be strong,

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