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Shanna 04-21-2009 12:08 PM

Good Morning,
CONGRATS to Jessica and Megan!! :bravo:

I've felt like crud the past couple of days - my AF/"cycle" is all screwed up - I'll spot for 2-3 days (including cramps & just generally feeling icky and moody) then have maybe 1-2 heavier days, then back to spotting for a few days. This happens every 20-21 days, ugh! Peri-menopause is a pain. I know, TMI! Sorry. Anyhow, my eating has been off and no exercise since saturday, so I feel all bloated and gross.

Nuf whining!

I avoid artificial sweetners. I rarely have diet soda - I used to be a major addict and it was tough to break the habit, but I feel much better w/out it. I use Stevia in my coffee. I like it. They are starting to come out w/all sorts of stevia products recently, but along with it are reports that it's not as "safe & natural" as some believe. Not sure what to think now.

I've never heard of volumetrics, but it sounds similar to CRON (calorie restriction w/optimal nutrition). The focus of CRON is primarily on life longevity rather than weight loss, but the concept is to get the most nutrition from the least amount of food, and to stay near the bottom of your BMI range. According to CRONies, calorie restriction is the only "scientifically proven" method of extending lifespan. It's interesting research.

I'm behind on work - my brain is just moving very slowly the past few days, so I need to get back to it. Hi to everyone!!

WardHog 04-21-2009 01:49 PM

Shannon, I think exercise definitely helps regulate my moods. I was also on anti-depressants (lexapro) for a few years and then came off.

Shanna, where did you get that cool maintenance ticker? I want one!

Shanna 04-21-2009 02:07 PM

Wardhog, it's not a "real" ticker. I've never been able to find a real mntx ticker where it shows my "desired range" relative to where I'm at, so I made the bar and scale in Excel and I just manually move the "current weight" in my sig. as it changes. I made one when I first reached my initial goal of 135 on May 1st, 2008, but now that I've decided to lower my red-line & goal range, I wanted a new one. :)

Shannon in ATL 04-21-2009 02:20 PM

Shanna - it is a neat tracker! :) and, sorry you are feeling all icky...

Wardhog - I didn't even think about the similarities between the 'withdrawal' symptoms until last night. I took Zoloft and when I stopped cold turkey it was rough... I definitely am going to get back into exercising more regularly, though, because I haven't enjoyed my own company the last couple of weeks!

Allison - congrats on the 1.5 down, no matter what the reason! :)

Kitcat - just say no to all the convenient diet foods! They suck me in, too - I often overeat on them.

My DSS's daycare center is having a 'trike-a-thon' as a fundraiser for a local children's hospital. DSS desperately wants to participate, but we don't have all the details yet. I've never heard of an activity like this for four year olds, anyone else seen it?

I'm eating raw broccoli right now instead of the chocolate I was thinking about. Woo hoo!

Shanna 04-21-2009 03:11 PM

Shannon, the school my girls go to has a pre-school/daycare (in addition to the elementary school & before/after school care). The preschool has a trike-a-thon fundraiser every year, usually for St Judes or a similar charity. We never bought trikes for the girls, but they allowed bikes, scooters, etc. This year that also had a "math-a-thon" for elementary school kids and they were really excited to participate even though it meant missing a fun activity to do math problems for like an hour - I think it's cool that they are learning to have compassion for others and all that good stuff.

I have the munchies - probably at least in part because I'm cold. I ate lunch and one small peice of dark chocolate (my daily allowance - though yesterday I ate 3) but I keep looking around for something to snack on. I need to distract myself somehow.

paperclippy 04-21-2009 03:16 PM

Shanna, I get the munchies when I'm cold too! What's up with that? I've got the munchies right now and my toes are freezing. Yet another cup of hot tea sounds really unappetizing though. :(

WaterRat 04-21-2009 06:20 PM

I don't like artificial sweetners, esp Splenda, and have pretty much weaned myself off of diet sodas and artificially sweetened anything. I quit sugar on my cereal more than 20 years ago except for oatmeal. :shrug: I add about 1/2 tsp of brown sugar to it. I don't use sweetner in coffee or tea (milk in hot tea, though, and I don't like iced tea, sweet or not) and I add my own fruit to plain yogurt. I will occasionally put a little sugar in that if the fruit isn't sweet enough, but at 18 cal/tsp I don't worry. But I don't have - and never had have - a "sweet tooth." That's not to say I don't eat any, but they don't usually set off a desire for more for me. Now before I sound "too good to be true" :lol: I do have effect from other carb sources, like bread, rice and pasta. I've pretty much given up any "diet" foods, as well as a lot of processed foods. I do use light sour cream, and light mayo, and of course skim milk.

I've had two days of meetings, and just found out I have another at 4:30 today :faint: One more tomorrow, then I'm off for 2 days - to a meeting. :rofl: Really. Though it's for church. I'm one of our church's delegates to a Synod Assemby (Lutheran ELCA). It's in a town about 4 hours south, and I'll drive down Thurs. There's a dinner that night, and then meetings Fri and Sat, finishing up after lunch Sat. I'll drive home that afternoon. So a different kind of meeting, and different level of decisions. :)

Weather has been really nice here. :sunny: and 50ish. I'm hoping it'll stay that way awhile longer. Sure is melting things quickly.

Tonight after work we are bottling wine we "made" at a local wine-making business. Our part is pouring in the yeast and stirring, and another visit to do something else, and then the bottling. They guarantee it'll not be vinegar! Ours is a Pinot Noir, so I hope it's good.

alinnell 04-21-2009 06:36 PM

Pat~how interesting! Although I don't attend a church now, I did grow up Lutheran (ELCA not Missouri synod). Your wine making sounds fun! We used to have a neighbor who made wine from concord grapes and cherries (not together) and they were pretty good.

iriswhispers 04-21-2009 08:36 PM

ooo, wine making! My dad used to do that with his dad (my grandfather who I never met, he died before I was born) and I keep telling my dad we should re-start the tradition. No luck yet....

Shanna 04-22-2009 02:00 AM

My oldest son passed away today. He was bipolar... this is so hard to say - he did it to himself. It probably seems weird that I'm posting here. I guess I'm still very much in shock, and somehow it's easier to "talk" to all of you than people that are closer. The other two older kids know, but we're waiting until morning to tell the little girls. No one else in the family has been notified yet. I just can't yet.

I haven't eaten since I found out - tried to get a couple of bites down and almost threw up. My brother passed away in a car accident when he was 23 - 20+ years ago now, so I know it will get easier with time, but.... Don't know when I'll be around again...

thanks for listening.

Meg 04-22-2009 04:39 AM

Oh Shanna, what a horrible tragedy! I'm so very sorry about the unimaginable pain you and your family must be dealing with. :hug: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care of yourself and come here for a shoulder to cry on and ears to listen if you ever need to just talk or let go. :hug::hug:

BillBlueEyes 04-22-2009 05:14 AM

My heartfelt condolences Shanna. Sending you my warmest supporting thoughts as you work to heal through this.

WardHog 04-22-2009 06:42 AM

Shanna, I am so very sorry for your loss. I am praying for peace for you and your family during this difficult time. :hug:

JayEll 04-22-2009 07:11 AM

Shanna :cry: :hug:

You'll get through this, although it seems impossible right now. I am so sorry! :(


Mudpie 04-22-2009 07:58 AM

So sorry for your loss Shanna :hug:. I hope you find some moments of peace during this very sad time in your life.


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