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Meg 10-27-2008 05:58 AM

Maintainers Chat: Oct 27 - Nov 1
Good morning! I'm back from Florida and not ready for a forecast that's calling for an inch of snow tomorrow. :fr: Guess I better dig my sweaters out of storage today!

Florida was lovely and relaxing, except for the food situation. We ate almost every meal out and it's just tough to make good decisions and keep calories under control with restaurant food. But luckily I only gained .6 pounds, which is already gone. I'm sure if I hadn't gone to the fitness center for 90 minutes/day, it would have been a whole lot worse, like five pounds or so (been there, done that!)

As I was pulling out winter clothes yesterday, I was trying things on and discovered that all my winter pants can button and zip, but are just a little tighter than I'd like -- about five or ten pounds away from fitting comfortably (I hate tight pants and it's not a good look when you're 53! :lol:) So I'm really motivated to get back into all my nice winter pants, plus who can afford new clothes now? If I can't wear what I have, I'm doomed to wear gym pants all winter because I can't afford to size up and wouldn't even if I could. My goal -- which may seem insane given the time of year -- is five pounds in November. Five more in December would be a bonus, but staying the same would be OK too. Which reminds me, we'll have to start a holiday goals and strategies thread around the beginning of November. Which is this Saturday! :faint:

Do we change the clocks on Saturday night?

Got to do some exercise before the furnace guy comes this morning for our winter inspection. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 39, so I think we'll be using the furnace!

How's everyone doing with Halloween right around the corner? We don't have any candy in the house and I'll wait to buy bags of chips or pretzels later in the week. You know how they say to buy a kind of candy you don't like? Ain't no such thing for me :o so I just wouldn't buy candy.

Come on in and say hi!

rockinrobin 10-27-2008 06:31 AM

Hi folks.

Oh Meg, you are amazing. Who goes on vacation and only comes back a mere .6 lbs up? Oh, that would be - you!!! Great job as usual. Snow? Yuck. Defintely not ready for that.

I've been POP since Thursday of last week. Feels wonderful.

For close to a week or so prior to that - not so much. No excuses, I just made the choice to indulge a bit during the week long holiday that just finished up. Nothing terrible, probably about 500 calories over my losing calorie budget, but for me, lo and behold - that means a gain. Unbelievable. What most people LOSE on - I gain on. I've known that for sometime now and do accept that.

Just yesterday I was puttering around the house, cleaning up and what not. Very odd. I bent down to pick up some of my DH's dirty laundry, nice huh? and it just struck me - that I am a thin person. I'm not sure why at that particular time. But it did. And I was so thrilled and overwhelmed by it. Got me very emotional. So yes, I've accepted that I will always need to closely monitor my calories in order to stay this way. And closely monitor them, I will because I simply adore being a slim person. Adore it. :D

I went shopping yesterday, needed some gifts and found a couple of nice things for me. I really need to stop myself, because I really don't need any more clothing. But gosh it's hard.

Busy week ahead. My niece is getting married. And my daughter, yup, MY daughter is just about to get engaged. We're shopping for engagement rings. VERY exciting.

Have a great and healthy week everyone. :smug:

Mudpie 10-27-2008 07:29 AM

On track for holidays
I decided 2 weeks ago to lose 5 lbs before Christmas (9 week countdown) and I've lost 2 so far. No Halloween candy at our place until Friday afternoon when I pick up the stash from my dad's. I avoid eating it while the kids are coming around by organizing my filing cabinet in between trips to the door. The candy stays out in the hall and I stay in the bedroom, sorting all the paper I've accumulated over the past year.

Meg Whoohoo on only gaining .6 on the holiday. Older (I'm 51) people can look good in tighter pants but they (the pants ;) have to have 2% stretch woven in. I wear low rise jeans (short torso so lengthens it) but they're all "stretch" jeans. Last thing we want is the "sausage in a casing" look at our age.

Robin It seems a lot of us have had that realization moment that "yes, it IS all worth it" in order to be slim.

Have a good week all!

Dagmar :tired:

AnneWonders 10-27-2008 09:03 AM

Well, I ran myself ragged last week, but I got through it. I had to take some vacation time to get a workout in on Thursday, a swim, but I did that too.

DS is having some kind of issue now, my guesses are growth spurt, new cognitive development, or possibly teething, and he needs ME. All the time. Hates DH unless DD is also around. I desperately needed a nap this weekend, but he screamed every time I left him for more than a minute or two. So no nap. I have this rule that I should sleep when I'm tired and not eat, but that really wasn't working out for me this weekend. Ugh. I did get my hair cut Saturday night, and it looks great, but apparently the boy screamed while I was gone.

Anyway, they are off to day care, the coffee is cooking, and I'm vegging for the first time in a while. I might go back to sleep too. This week should be more calm, but the termite guy is coming on Thursday, so that probably means more time off for me. Thursday is also DD's gymnastics day, so that'll be interesting. Saturday is the last of the motivational races I signed up for, a sprint distance triathlon. I've actually been training, and it is a little shorter than the last one, so I'm hoping it is much less painful!

My weight is generally going in the right direction, if slowly, so I'm mostly pleased. Except when I see the race pictures. Yikes! My running is getting stronger, too, although I still have to be careful of the knee.

Meg, is this weight left from the surgery fallout? I know you'll get your winter clothes to fit again soon.

Robin, we've known you're a slim person for a while, but I'm so glad you finally became one with that knowledge. Do a little happy dance!

Dagmar, good going on the weight loss.

Coffee's done and I desperately need it. I'll probably catch up with you guys next week.


paperclippy 10-27-2008 09:08 AM

Meg, welcome back! Great job not gaining! (or rather, gaining just a little water and losing it immediately)

Robin - congrats to your daughter!

Dagmar - great job on the loss! I read about your offleash dog area closing on the other thread. That really sucks!

Kery - :lol: We try to keep our dog away during, uh, intimate moments. We lock him out of the room, and he barks and whines the entire time until we let him in again! The one time we let him stay in the room he chewed up a pair of DH's underwear. :o

I'm getting my blood drawn Wednesday for another thryoid test. Not sure what the results will be. In addition to the occasional hypoglycemic episodes I started having night sweats. :?: I guess I'll find out soon!

DH and I slept from 9pm to 8am both nights this weekend. It's so hard to wake up before the sun! I got a boatload of exercise Saturday though -- 20 minute run, half an hour swimming, and then I went canvassing for my favorite candidate and ended up walking around the neighborhood for three hours to hit all the houses. :faint: My legs are sore!

I would love to at least get back to my red line (135) for my three year maintenance anniversary on 11/28. Whether or not I can do it is probably going to depend on my blood test results though. At least I am getting my butt in shape working on my triathlon training!

paperclippy 10-27-2008 09:09 AM

Anne - go back to sleep! :hug:

Megan1982 10-27-2008 11:29 AM

Good morning all,

Friday food was disastrous. I let myself overeat at social lunch & dinner by quite a bit, even though I wasn't hungry, or even particularly emotional, and then I snuck some snacks in between that really didn't need to happen. But I'm still reveling in the fact that I (rather easily) kept Saturday & Sunday below plan - below 1400 cals both days, and exercised. So I need to work on the stuff that happened Friday, but I'm glad that I managed to go through a weekend that wasn't an overall disaster, and the scale is actually down from last week. I also saw a lot of friends and had a good time with them. Yesterday I went to see the musical "Thoroughly Modern Millie" in the city and really enjoyed it. I'm on a good track.

Still laughing at the dog stories. :rofl: Once the little poodle that I took care of for ~6 months last year for BF's family, thought BF was hurting me when he uh, wasn't... and she started barking like crazy at him. Has anyone seen the comedic satire on dog shows "Best in Show"? There's a couple in there who are obviously very neurotic and keep going to the therapist about their "neurotic" dog (funny b/c it's just the dog reflecting their neurosees) who doesn't like it when they're together. It's a really funny movie.

Anne, are you back in bed? I hope so!

Jessica, I hope your latest blood tests lead to some answers/more effective treatment. Sounds like some good exercise you got yesterday!

Dagmar, WTG on the 2 lbs. Sounds like you've got a good plan to avoid the candy during trick-or-treat time!

Robin, congrats to your daughter! How exciting. What a nice realization moment you had. You are thin, chica!

Meg, great job controlling yourself on vacation! I echo Anne's question - are those few extra pounds still from surgery? How are your knees holding up, and how are your workouts progressing?

I'm glad in a way that trick or treaters won't come to my house. I won't be buying any Halloween candy. I am going to make these "Vampire Cupcakes" for work Friday, but I will just have one. They look so fun I can't resist. Hello to everyone else out there. Let's make it a great week! :witch:

WardHog 10-27-2008 11:44 AM

Hi guys! I had a pretty disastrous week-end foodwise. The Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's partying has begun. I am trying to do the right thing and not let the lapse become a relapse. Exercise has been good, but diet is more important for me.

I'll catch up with everyone later. :)

midwife 10-27-2008 11:52 AM

Hi guys!

I'm sleepy. Lots of babies (and I thanked God for the safe passage of each one). It's been a weird weekend. I think I'm a little depressed. The news depresses me. My dad has been having some health problems. One of my heroes died this weekend. The general negativity in the world is getting to me. My ladies are coming in telling me that their husbands have lost their jobs. People are just griping more often, and here I am griping to all of you. It's one of those days where I just want to sit and hold my kiddos, but they are all in school except for the 13 yr old who has an inservice and he might object to me cuddling him as much as I would like to. The kids are all growing up and I'm feeling melancholy.

Probably a good time for a nap....

So I get home from work (tired, stressed, hungry---all my triggers) and my house is like a junk food addict's dream (and healthy person's nightmare). Chocolate cake won at a cake walk. Candy from a carnival. Candy to pass out Friday night. Leftover pizza in the fridge (I know the man can cook, does he have to order pizza every Sunday night?). My mil must've taken the kids out to eat after church yesterday cause there are all sorts of leftovers, including bread pudding--must belong to my 15 year old cause we had it at that restaurant once together and she loved it. How much rum do you think is really in the sauce?

But things have a funny way of working out. I saw my friend's husband last week for the first time since I have lost the weight and she told me this morning that he said I look like "half the person" I was and wanted to know how I was doing it.

So that bucked me up quite a bit. I am no longer tempted by the junk sitting in my kitchen. I'll eat on plan, lift weights, go to the grocery store, clean, stay in control---and at least hug my 13 year old. When he wakes up....

paperclippy 10-27-2008 11:54 AM

Megan - :rofl: I think when my dog barks and whines, it's half because he thinks he's being punished for something by being locked out, and half because he thinks I'm getting hurt! When we let him in again he always comes to check on me right away and looks worried.

paperclippy 10-27-2008 12:00 PM

Midwife, great job avoiding the junk food. The world is pretty stressful right now -- my MIL just got laid off, and she's a nurse practitioner (nurses are really in demand around here). Luckily she works to occupy herself rather than because she needs the money.

I have to rant. At my office, it is common for people to eat their lunches while sitting in their cubicles. (Why anyone would want to do that is beyond me -- I always take a break from the computer for lunch!) That would be fine, except I CAN SMELL THEIR FOOD. One of my cube-neighbors is Chinese, and another is Indian, and both of them bring ethnic foods from home a lot, and OMG I SMELL THE CHINESE FOOD. :drool:

I wish those smells could be confined to the breakroom. Oh well. At least it smells good -- sometimes I get a nasty mix of canned soup and tuna sandwich smells. I think it's lunchtime now, and I am going to go to the breakroom and eat my winter veggie casserole.

WardHog 10-27-2008 12:02 PM

I hope you feel better after your nap, midwife. I had to respond about the cake walk - My daughter won a whole tray of cupcakes at one yesterday and I sent them to work with my husband today. She was so excited to win and she'll be so disappointed when she gets home from school and they're gone (she's 6), but I just couldn't have them here! :devil:

alinnell 10-27-2008 12:24 PM

Good morning everyone! No time to address all of you, though.

I had a good weekend. Friday night we went to the homecoming football game (we won!) and had a nice burrito (which is our football game staple food--chicken and rice, no beans, lots of salsa). Saturday we hung out all day and visited with DD on her one day home from college. She left after dinner. Food was good all weekend except for the "oatmeal raisin" cookies I made last night. It was one of those Pillsbury packs--just a dozen cookies so I only had four, but where on earth was the oatmeal? I couldn't see or taste any. And they weren't particularly good tasting. I probably should have bought a dozen in the bakery instead (and those you can see AND taste the oatmeal!).

WaterRat 10-27-2008 01:17 PM

Morning all! It was 2 degrees this morning. :brr: Even for Alaska, that's cold for October!

Had a quiet weekend. We went out for Indian food on Saturday night - I managed to eat only 1/2 and bring the rest home. Though Indian food can be really high-fat, this is a "home cooked" type of place, and it seemed better than some larger places. But I ate lightly rest of weekend to compensate. :)

Work is shaping up to be busy this week, but I have an exercise schedule planned out and hopefully that will help - since eating certainly doesn't. :lol: Tonight it's swimming right after work.

kittycat40 10-27-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by midwife (Post 2426608)
Hi guys!

I'm sleepy. Lots of babies (and I thanked God for the safe passage of each one). It's been a weird weekend. I think I'm a little depressed. The news depresses me. My dad has been having some health problems. One of my heroes died this weekend. The general negativity in the world is getting to me. My ladies are coming in telling me that their husbands have lost their jobs. People are just griping more often, and here I am griping to all of you. It's one of those days where I just want to sit and hold my kiddos, but they are all in school except for the 13 yr old who has an inservice and he might object to me cuddling him as much as I would like to. The kids are all growing up and I'm feeling melancholy.

Probably a good time for a nap....

So I get home from work (tired, stressed, hungry---all my triggers) and my house is like a junk food addict's dream (and healthy person's nightmare). Chocolate cake won at a cake walk. Candy from a carnival. Candy to pass out Friday night. Leftover pizza in the fridge (I know the man can cook, does he have to order pizza every Sunday night?). My mil must've taken the kids out to eat after church yesterday cause there are all sorts of leftovers, including bread pudding--must belong to my 15 year old cause we had it at that restaurant once together and she loved it. How much rum do you think is really in the sauce?

But things have a funny way of working out. I saw my friend's husband last week for the first time since I have lost the weight and she told me this morning that he said I look like "half the person" I was and wanted to know how I was doing it.

So that bucked me up quite a bit. I am no longer tempted by the junk sitting in my kitchen. I'll eat on plan, lift weights, go to the grocery store, clean, stay in control---and at least hug my 13 year old. When he wakes up....


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