Need to get over it my nerves r shot :(

  • Ill try and get this in a nutshell

    Basically whilst out shoppin with my BF yest he decided to direct me a different route home into a area i dont know (i was driving) Anyway were on a pretty buzy road and come to some lights he said i needed to turn right but i missed the turning as hes very blazzee about directions and its all finger piontin and go here n go there he gets me confused and we carried on down the road only to be blarred at by balsing horns from behind us realising i was going the wrong way. Then hes shouting get in the other lane in which i couldnt straight away as traffic was there, then a bus comes travelling towards me ive never been so scared , any way i finally got in to the lane feeling so stupid with what had just happened i felt like just stopping and cring my eyes out. I cant blame my BF but he know s the area and i trusted where he was leading me.
    It sounds bad and ive felt ashamed all day and havent slept all night, my nerves are shot and my confidence plumited my BF said some hurtful things that have knocked my confidence as a driver but later apologised and said realised it wasnt as bad as he was making out and that he was scared for a second.(this is coming from a man who doesnt have great driving history, and has been very careless in past ) .And although he says he did i dont think he even realised we were going the wrong way untill someone beeped and he didnt start screaming at me till after that , but he wont admit it.
    I didnt want to get back in car but i had to as i take my BF to work. So heres me taking the extra long route to avoid the motorways.
    Although were okay now , its still going on in my head , beating myself up about it which i cant afford to do as my business is my car. Just feel ashamed and cant let it go and im to ashamed to tell anyone about it. Doesnt help that my business is advertised on my car either
    Know you all prob all think im a lunatic that needs to get off the roads but nothing lik that has ever happened before it shook me up and needed to get it off my chest
  • If you are anything like me, you will play it over and over in your head for a few days, then get over it. Be thankful no one was hurt. We all do things like that at least once or twice in our lives.
  • Thanks MonicaM