Heart attacks - a laughing matter

  • When life throws curve balls at you, having something to laugh at can make it all the more bearable. My Mum had a heart attack yesterday (she is ok atm, she may need bypass though but fingers crossed she doesn't). My sister (K) and I went to visit her yesterday and my sister remarked:

    K: Do you remember when I thought I was having a heart attack?
    Me: No, what happened?
    K: I had been having stabbing pains on and off, in my left side and right under my armpit. I went home and told my husband and he said quick lets go to the Dr. I said no let me have a shower first, I'd been at work all day and didn't want to go in stinky.
    Me: Yeh I can understand that, although if I thought I was having a heart attack BO be damned I'd be off to the hospital.
    K: Anyway, I went into the bathroom to have a shower and stripped off and what do ya know, the pain was gone. Turned out my underwire had broken and had been digging in!

  • my husband once woke me up in the middle of the night because he was having a heart attack. He was 29, played soccer competatively, and had no family history of heart trouble. We had been to a wedding the night before. I basically burped him and he was fine
  • Thanks to the both of you for the good laughs this morning
  • -LOL- I just had the image of an adult being burped like I do my lil boy... Hopefully there was no spit-up!
  • Haha, thanks for sharing. I'm going to tell this one to a friend!