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Prazteam 10-09-2006 04:06 PM

A Thought For Today
Maybe it's me, but it seems to me that I'm seeing more and more "I fell off the wagon, I messed up, etc., etc." these days. And I'm no exception, please don't think I am, as I posted earlier, I had two meals last week that although could have been worse (double cheeseburgers), still were NOT POP!
We all make poor decisions or find ourselves in a place where we just can't be POP for a meal, a snack, etc. However, if we find ourselves in that situation for a day or a couple of days, then I think we have let our guard down and failed to plan for POP. Of course there are whirlwind situations like suddenly spending the day at a hospital, an unexpected loss in your family, etc. that takes presidence over what you are eating. And then there are vacations that we CHOOSE to eat at restaurants out of convenience, but still hopefully we are drinking our water, and using some self control in making our choices. I'd like to think of those as out of the ordinary rather than normal sitations.
So, that leaves us with our everyday routine. And I hope I word this in a manner that no feelings are hurt...!
I personally do not believe that we should "allow ourselves" DAYS that are not POP. Not if we are looking at this as a life change. Let's admit it. For most of us, food is our drug. We use it when we are depressed, lonely, frustrated, upset, stressed out; we use it to celebrate every "special day" in our lives, we "treat" ourselves with it for just about any occasion, and we convince ourselves that we "deserve" our little "cheats/treats", our big "cheats/treats" and yes, even a day or two of "cheats/treats". When the fact is that what we REALLY deserve is to good to our bodies and make those decisions that enforce our primary goal to eat healthy, to lose/maintain weight, and to do what we can to live a longer, healthier life.
With all that said (and perhaps not said well)
Here are a few things I use (thanks to all of the posts by others here!):
Including for our 1 week vacation, I have not "planned" to be completely off plan since we began in August. There have been times that we have chosen to eat things that were not POP, but they have been few and far between and like Sommer says, when I choose to eat something that isn't POP, I make sure it's worth the effort it will take to make up for it the next few days. In other words, for me (and I stress, for me) it is not worth it to eat a slice of cake, a piece of candy, or a double cheeseburger. Not when I can satisfy myself in a POP way for each of these things. For me, "worth it" would mean a splurge like a huge salad with crablegs for the protein (vacation). Or, going out with friends from church and have a carb Craver meal like pizza (we haven't yet, but we probably will).
Second - I try and have things on hand to replace those things that I "think" I want, like a brownie (sweet tooth - caramel rice cake or chocolate chip rice cake), a bag of popcorn (a popcorn rice cake) lasagna (Lean Cuisine manicotti or spaghetti squash with homemade sauce) a 16 ounce T-bone (a four ounce filet mignon with a huge salad)...
Second - Allowing myself a day here and there to be off plan would crucify my idea of this "way of life". TO ME, I'm telling myself that I "deserve" those off plan days. I don't. If I'm looking at those days as a reward or a treat, then I'm not accomplishing what I'm trying to accomplish by changing my way of eating AND MY ATTITUDE about food!
Lastly, I try to make my food MORE appealing than what everyone else is eating. If that means you have to serve your food on your best china, then do it. If you need to use the crystal stemware for lemon water, then do it. If you need to plate your food and put on a garnish, then do it! Whatever it takes to finish out your plan, get to maintenance and stay on your target weight, do it because you are worth it!
For those times when I'll be in a "situation", like Cassi has said (thanks!), plan, plan, plan. And if you can't plan to be POP, take your own food, eat before you go, or don't go at all. Ask yourself if it is the food motivating you to go!
I guess what I'm trying to say is, let's not convince ourselves that it is "okay" to have an entire day of poor decisions. Not if our goal is to change our attitude about food and our way of eating for a lifetime! We are just fooling ourselves. Or - maybe we're not fooling anybody!!! Maybe we're just hurting ourselves!

If you've been having a hard time staying POP, don't let this bring condemnation on you! My hope is that you will be motivated to REALLY look at your decisions and re-evaluate where you are right now.
As you can see, it's taken me 10 weeks to lose 31 pounds, so I'm not claiming to be perfect (for pete's sake), and I'm not claiming to have all the answers (if you only knew!). I'm just claiming to REALLY, REALLY, REALLY care about each and every one of you!!! I've never been acquainted with such wonderful, giving, amazing group of ladies! And for that reason, I want for each one of you, what I want for myself... a thinner, healthier body; an informed, trained mind, and a healthy long life with my loved ones.
I deserve it and so do YOU!!!!
If I've said anything to offend anyone, please forgive me... sometimes I stick my nose where it doesn't belong...

bizlawchik 10-09-2006 04:26 PM

Pearl, your words of wisdom are, as always, greatly appreciated.

It's funny that even after that last weekend where I gave myself the opportunity to cheat, it was still not as bad as what I ate before LAWL. I think of last week's "hiatus" sort of like an at-home vacation. We were running so much, and I didn't have much control over the food where we were going. But giving myself the OK to go off plan actually helped. I didn't have to "sneak" an extra starch, or pick here and there. I was able to choose what food I really wanted, not sneak and pick while "trying" to be good.

But I have some things coming up where I have decided it's best to skip it rather than fight to stay OP. Oktoberfest is all about the beer. I happen to LOVE beer. I am staying home. Since there are so many things coming up that I want to go and do that involve the strong possiblity of temptation, I am carefully deciding which things to do, and which to skip. And I'm not talking about binging while I'm out, I mean having a few drinks, maybe a few snacks. Stuff that, when I get to maintenance, will be a normal part of life. But right now, those few drinks will cause me to take three or more days to get back to where I was.

If I'm on maintenance and I go out and have a few drinks, I know that I can cut down on my intake (maybe go back to WL mode) for a few days and be back at goal. If I do the same thing during WL, I have now added 1/2-1 week more to get to my goal.

Passing on certain things seems to be the workable option for me right now.

Thanks for keeping us all strong!

mbfarley 10-09-2006 04:34 PM

I absolutely agree with you Pearl! For me, I have to "die" daily to stay OP. I don't always, but I agree that I don't deserve an off plan day or two. Not if I want to reach my goal...ever!! When I eat off plan (like I did Friday), I choose (with the Lord's nudging) to start again. Some days I'm in the pits, wanting a cheeseburger or a huge plate of french fries. But I ask myself--is it worth it? Its not that food is inherently evil, food is a blessing and a requirement to live, and is provided to be enjoyed. Its what I do with food that is wrong. Right now, because my goal is a slim healthy body, French fries are just off limits. And when I'm slim and healthy, I can enjoy french fries in moderation. What I was doing before was eating with abandon. Never once considered what a portion was. What was enough. Food was my comfort and my drug. I now have to choose every day to eat what is healthy and what is the right portion for me to lose weight. I don't always make wise choices, but i'm doing better than before. And it is paying off.

2bfit06 10-09-2006 05:43 PM

Pearl, Thank God for you!

That was a lot to think about and I think much needed! I almost let the frustration that I faced at the COD on Saturday throw me into some eating that I would have lived to regret, but instead I focused on what I could do to make it better. See, I have had great success with LAWL some years ago and although last year I quit, I started back 2 weeks ago and I am determined that if it is going to be (good health and weight loss) it is up to me! I can't even hold the counselors ignorance against them. It's all about how bad I want to get to my ideal weight.

I haven't faced a day that I thought it was OK to eat whatever I wanted because it's not worth it. It just prolongs the time I will take getting to goal. But if I should face one in the near future, I will think of the post!


snowbunny2 10-09-2006 06:06 PM

Pearl what an inspiring post, I really enjoyed reading that. It is my birthday today and we are going to a really cool restaurant. I looked up the menu on-line and am having a hard time finding something OP (it's kind of an ecclectic menu). I've decided I am going to be as close as possible, and just because I can't find something that's perfect doesn't mean I'm going to go in the other direction and order the most greasy thing I can find! You reminded me it's not worth it, so I'll stay close to OP, and tomorrow morning I will feel good and be POP and tonight I will enjoy my birthday and my friends without a whole cake to myself!
I find all of you ladies' wisdom and dedication so helpful and inspiring.

reddeborah 10-09-2006 08:59 PM

Well said, Pearl. Thank You.

Joni135 10-09-2006 09:08 PM

Pearl - thanks for continuing to share your insights with us. What you say always rings clear in my mind; something always clicks. I'm here for the long haul since I believe in this program. My COD is okay, but everyone on this board provides me with my daily inspiration, which I still need. Thanks!

LittleBlueCat 10-09-2006 09:28 PM

Just wanted to add my two cents:

The day I walked into the COD, I was asked, why now? My answer was simple: I've had it. It's now or never. And I've made up my mind. I've signed up at the end of August. Right before my birthday. I done that knowly we be going out to, what my son calls: a feast. But I still signed up that day, because, there is always another holiday around the corner. There's the Labor Day cookout, the Halloween candy, the Thanksgiving feast, Christmas dinner, new years party.... the list goes on and on. So when is a good time to start a diet? A change of life? Your life?

I've decided that was the day. I'm 37 years old. Been "chunkie" all my life. I've had it. My weight loss so far seems slow to me, but the scale is going down, average 2 lbs a week or so. I'm heading the right way, and hope you all will join me here on-line.

ps. Happy Birthday, snowbunny2!!

winkie03 10-09-2006 09:34 PM

Thank god for you, Pearl. Thank you for your words!

Beentheredonethat 10-09-2006 09:43 PM

agreed...just do it!

Prazteam 10-09-2006 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by bizlawchik (Post 1432822)
It's funny that even after that last weekend where I gave myself the opportunity to cheat, it was still not as bad as what I ate before LAWL. I think of last week's "hiatus" sort of like an at-home vacation. We were running so much, and I didn't have much control over the food where we were going. But giving myself the OK to go off plan actually helped. I didn't have to "sneak" an extra starch, or pick here and there. I was able to choose what food I really wanted, not sneak and pick while "trying" to be good.

But I have some things coming up where I have decided it's best to skip it rather than fight to stay OP.

Passing on certain things seems to be the workable option for me right now.

Cassi - Perfect examples of what I was talking about. Your "last week's hiatus" was one of those whirlwind situations. And those things coming up where you'd have to fight to stay OP, you choose to skip! WOO HOO!!!
As usual, you are a great example to all of us! Also, I'd like to point out that you didn't use your "hiatus" to eat a dozen donuts and have hot fudge sundaes for dinner. You took a difficult situation and made it work without going off the deep end and then making excuses for it!
AWESOME!!!! (as usual) Did I say that already?!?

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