Just got new (acurate) scale :(

  • Hey Everyone
    I've often lurked here but have never posted.
    I just wanted to say that tonight I bout a new scale because my other one didn't seem very reliable. Well...
    I'm about 3 pounds heavier than I thought I was, which is disappointing...
    but hey, at least now I know the truth.
    I've been trying to lose weight for about 2 months now, I need to take off about 18, most of which I put on after starting Remicade treatments for crohn's disease.
    New scale, new start.
    Hopefully I'll see results soon, the drugs are making it hard.
  • Don't take those 3 lbs to heart! It could just be water weight, or a slight difference in what you were wearing or time of day.
  • It could also be a difference in scales. Even accurate ones are accurate to themselves but not necessarily to other scales. It's not like time where we have a standard, but it is kinda like everybody's clock is set a little differently..lol.