
  • Is anyone here Somersizing. I have been thinking of going on it, but wanted advise from someone who has had success on it.

  • I Somerized a few years ago, but life got in the way and went off the program and I have a hard time getting back on track. Somersizing is a great program and you get to eat great food. Have you read any of her books? Suzanne does have a website where there are some long time Somersizers that can answer any of your questions plus a lot of recipes.
    I sent you a PM.
    I wish you great success Somersizing.
  • Hi Mookie,
    I've been somersizing since September, I've lost 86 lbs so far. I love it. I get to eat so many good foods, a much wider range than just low carbing. If you have any specific questions, I'd love to answer you. Just post or pm me if you want. Yes the website does have lots of good recipes as do her books.
  • Tammy,
    Your weight loss is fantastic!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
    I dearly would like to get back Somersizing, but I just can't eat eggs without having a slice of toast anymore. I get queasy not long after I've eaten. But, if I have a slice of WW toast with my bacon & eggs, I'm fine.
    Continued success with Somersizing!
  • I Somersized several years ago and did really well. I felt great while I was eating this way. In the meantime, I changed jobs (new job had an enormous amount of stress and overtime) and quit. I gained a lot after that.......I went off the deep end and it was totally my fault!

    I have been trying to start back up and this is my 6th day back on. I also highly recommend that you read her books. She is very good about explaining her program in an easy way. I like it because I am eating real foods instead of processed foods, and I personally feel like it is an easy way of eating once you get the hang of it. I am re-reading her books to get re-motivated. She seems to learn more and more along the way. I am reading her most recent book and am anxious to see what new things she's learned....especially about reaching plateaus.

    When I first bought her book, I flipped through the recipes and didn't think I could do it. I'm a picky eater and some of her recipes seemed elaborate. But a friend of mine borrowed the book and read it. Once she read the real premise, I realized that it was very simple. I have gotten a lot of recipes from her website as well and have quite a few recipes that I LOVE now. I'm glad I found Somersizing and am looking forward to life long success. I just need to stop coming up with excuses and just keep with it.
  • trying again?`
    I too used to follow suzannes plan and had good success years ago. Then I became lazy and was diagnosed with hypothyroid and have seemed to be struggling every since. Looking for the quick weight loss fix which isn't happening. Is there anyone here that has the same illness but yet finds success with her plan? I find I really have to watch my carb intake as far as pastas and breads in order to stay slim and not bloated looking.
    Any suggestions or advise is appreciated.
  • Hi cutieshirl,

    ~ I have hypothyroid also. Actually, I didn't know that I had it until I had already lost about 50 lbs on the program. I went to the doctor for a checkup in January ( it had been over ten years since I had been to the dr. )and after my blood work came back in, she told me I had it and put me on Synthroid. To be honest, I can't particularly tell a difference one way or another from taking the Synthroid. I was already feeling so much better from eating right and from losing the 50 lbs, that I don't know how much to attribute to adjusting my thyroid level or to the weight loss plan. Maybe I just have a mild case, as I can't say that it's affected my weight loss at all. I don't know an awful lot about hypothyroid, I just wanted to jump in and say that it isn't impossible to have success with somersizing and be hypothyroid.

    As far as watching carb intake, I generally wouldn't have more than 4 - 5 carb meals a week, and these are almost always breakfasts.

    Good Luck to you.
  • Good for you
    Wow, you really are blessed with having a great metabolism still!!! Do you exercise as well? I try to exercise at least everyday, weights and cardio, but somedays there seems to be no time. I think I might try somersizing again, but I just made these deadly pancakes that have oats, egg whites and cottage cheese, so if I remember correctly this is not a food combo. Will have to freeze them for awhile til I can have a little imbalances..........thanks for the help
  • Mark me down as another successful somersizer...I lost 20 pounds in one month after I had my first baby. I'm loosely following it again now and losing 1-3 pounds a week.

    The only thing about it thats hard is getting back on the wagon once you fall off...the first few days without sugar and remembering how to eat are tough...after that its sort of second nature.

    If you do it and still have things you "aren't allowed" in the house put them all on one shelf and thats your red zone...don't eat from there. Then I divided the rest of my pantry according to the guidelines to make it easier to start with...
  • I'm reading the book now. I'm on atkins now but I'm not feeling too good and
    I'm constipated. I did lose 15 pounds so I'm happy about that but I miss fruit
    too much to keep this up.
  • Catcookie, I still love somersizing, although I have definitely tweaked it a bit to suit my tastes and habits. But for the first fifty pounds, I did exactly as the book said. I ate until I was full, didn't count anything, enjoyed full fat foods, etc. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. PM me if you need support or have any questions. I don't think any other way of eating could have got me started losing weight as well as somersizing.
  • I have just started this program this week. Is there still anyone around doing this. Id like to talk with you about it.

    Im finding that I am hungry way before its time to eat my next meal. I guess Im afraid to eat all that fat.

  • Maryann, I still do a modified version of Level 2 Somersizing (I count calories also).

    If you're hungry before next meal time, eat something! Quick choices for a protein snacks could be a boiled egg, cheese, a slice of ham with cream cheese and a pickle rolled up. Or if you need a carb meal (although I had to be careful with eating too many carb meals) - some plain yogurt and fiber one mixed together. I have to admit that I frequently had fresh fruit with my plain nonfat yogurt, even when I was very strict about everything else.

    Most types of fruit make great snacks, you just have to be sure you're not eating it to close to the time you will eat lunch/dinner.

    Also, maybe you're not eating enough at your meals. One of the beauties of somersizing was that I could eat until I was full. So I would always have 2 - 3 types of vegetables (think large large servings) with my protein.

    As I said, I don't do a strict somersizing anymore, but I have loads of respect for the program and I DON"T think I could have lost 164 lbs without it. I'd be happy to answer any questions about what I did or how to work the program (at least what I remember of it.)
  • Hey Tammy,

    I suppose I do need to eat more. I have always been a big eater of starches. I think Im starting to miss those. Ive only been doing this for three days.

    I cant eat dairy products too much as they bother my stomach. I can tolerate a small amout of hard cheese, but I only have that at night, when Im not going to be going any place.

    Id love to hear how you did the program.

    This is more of an experiment as a loved one has been telling me for years, that Im still fat because I eat all those carbs. I like bread, pasta, potatoes. So, this is quite an adjustment for me.

    Congrats on your weight loss. You must be so proud.

    I have 20-30 to lose. Maybe that is too much, but thats what I have in mind.

    Mary Ann