Let's Do Lunch

  • Is anyone else using the "Let's Do Lunch" book for weightloss? I have been using the plan and have lost 9 pounds in the past two weeks. It is awesome!
  • Hi -

    I've been reading the book off and on over the past few weeks and am trying to decide if this would work for me. I like the focus on "real" foods and know that giving up sugar would be a good thing for me, but I don't know if the no snacking part would work. I've never been good at going hours without eating anything. Are you sticking with the part about only eating protein at lunch? I have also been reading a book by Kathleen DesMaisons about sugar addiction, and she recommends getting protein spread throughout the day to help with sugar cravings - I guess I read too much - I just get myself confused!

    Let me know how it's going for you and if you have any suggestions for me in regards to trying this plan.

    Good luck!

  • Laelle,
    I have tried so many "plans" and none of them work. When I have to weigh and measure food, if I make the slightest mistake then I give up for the rest of the day. This is the first time I have gone for more than a week or two. It has been 24 days now and I am down 13 pounds! I have been a real sugar addict(as in a pounder bag of almond m&m's a day) for a while now. The book suggests that if you are a sugar addict that any time you get a craving for sugar, eat a high sugar fruit. The author has a web site where he actually answers your questions himself. He told me to eat fruit any time that I need to until I reduce my cravings. (Even between meals)
    This morning I had a cup of grapefruit juice, a banana, and a small box of raisins for breakfast. For lunch I had sloppy joes on wasa crackers, corn, and a boiled egg. I ate until I was full. For dinner I had canelope and mushroom vegetable soup. Tonight for a snack I had popcorn. My energy level has skyrocketed, and I don't have the afternoon sleepiness I used to have. I sometimes have a little chicken or an egg with dinner just to get a little extra protein. But I have found I don't need it as much as I thought I did. Because I lift weights and run I have always been huge into protein. Now all of the veggies and fruit are giving me the energy I need.
    My husband is not overweight like I am. He started a little over a week ago. He has lost 4 pounds. My mom has lost 8 pounds (She started when I did.) One of my sisters started last week, and she has already lost 3 pounds.
    I have to keep rereading the book to make sure I keep everything straight, but it is an easy read. This may not be the diet for everyone, but like I said, I have never been successful before. I am amazed at how it has fit my needs.
    THanks for the best wishes. If you decide to try it, I'd love to stay in touch.

    PS. I do allow myself a splurge on Fridays- a little chocolate- not the pounder bag though