New here and have questions

  • Hi All

    I just found this board yesterday and am very happy that I did.

    I did LA Weightloss a few years ago (I think it was about 3 years ago) and successfully lost 35-40 pounds (on the gold plan) before the time allowed and was doing very well on maintenance until construction started on my house. I had workers in my house every day (Monday - Saturday) and ended up doing nothing but sitting on the sofa to stay out of their way. Meals ended up being the quickest thing that I could grab since they took few breaks and very quick ones at that. I ended up gaining most of my weight back.

    I went back to LA Weightloss and bought additional weightloss weeks and was doing fine until I went off the diet a little because I wasn't feeling well. I still lost 2-3 pounds in spite of that but the counselor proceeded to lecture me about diet and excercise (as I was sitting there pale and falling asleep) and that was the last time I went back.

    Unfortunately I am now at the same point I was before starting LA Weightloss at all (maybe a few pounds higher even).

    I am always getting cards in the mail to come back and have recently received one that discusses the XCEL program - it says "With EXCEL, losingyour weight is fast and easy. Imagine...a weight loss program that lets you eat guilt-free and still lose weight! Dine out in restaurants with friends, enjoy the foods you love, like pizza, pasta and ice cream - even fast food!"

    Has anyone heard of this?

    I have also heard that the regular plans are not as restrictive as they once were - would anyone have any ideas on what types of items were added? I was on the gold plan.

    I am very interested in going back but would like an idea of what the program is like now so I know what to expect.

    I'm sorry that my post was so long but I look forward to a response.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Denise!

    I haven't heard yet about the XCEL plan - they often release new things in different parts of the country to see how well they do before they are go national.

    However, I can tell you that the program is MUCH less restrictive now - it changed about the start of the new year. There are more starch, veg, fruit, condiment choices - basically very little is NOT allowed -- at least for stuff that I normally would eat.

    But the other stuff is probably the same - the counselors, the supps, etc. .

    If you want more info, just post!
