La Weight loss or DietDivas

  • hello everyone,

    I am a newbie, but i would like to say that La weightloss plan is similiar to Dietdivas. If you go to you can check out there website. Also, I have tried La weightloss, but got a refund because I felt that I could try a simialiar program for less. With dietdivas you are allowed to protein snacks a day, 3 fruit, 4 to 6 servings of vegetables, 3 starches, diet soda and they work with you over the internet. I am not pushing this program, I just wanted to let everyone know about. I personally will be starting a new program later this week.

    thanks for listening, and keep up the good fight.
  • Refund
    Good luck on you new start..How did you get a refund out of LA Weight Loss?? did you cancel within (3) days...just wondering...
