Need help finding my motivation

  • Hey Everyone,

    i am in desperate need to find my motivation again. to date i have lost 50 lbs. i'm 30 weeks into my LA weight loss program. and i have been stuck at this 50lbs mark for 6 WEEKS!

    it all started the beginning of may when i was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. i was showing everyone around me that i was strong, and i am. but deep down inside, i'm crushed. i just turned 24. my hopes and dreams of being a mom are not only harder (because i also have PCOS), but now have to work around this STUPID MS. i have been going to a fertility clinic here in winnipeg, which is helping me alot, but i'm just not interested. I don't know whats right or wrong for my body anymore.
    just recently i lost my job, so that is making things harder for me. i am getting unemployment insurance from the government for 41weeks (plus a extra 15 weeks of sick benefits if needed) which is not bad for my money issues, but i have NO motiviation. my weight loss has been hit the hardest. the day i was diagnosed, i thought i deserved to go to McDonalds. i didn't have a double big mac like anyone would, i just had a simple double cheeseburger, but thats where it started. i give into my cravings all the time, and i know thats not right, but i just can't seem to find the motivation to do anything. and then on top of that i'm stuck at home for most of the day....this morning i woke up and said to myself i'm going to get this house clean...and yup! you guessed it, i have yet to get off my ***. i just need to find the good in things and move forward. but how?!?!!?
  • Ahw, I'm sorry things have been rough
    for you. We're all here for you, though!

    If you ever get a blog, you can visit
    me on mine and I will help encourage you.

    Or, if you'd like to message me on here
    I'll be here if you need to vent.

    Good luck and don't give up!
  • Maintaining a 50 lb weight loss while all that is going on is a huge accomplishment! Tell your inner critic to take a hike for a few moments and think about how you lost the 50 lbs in the first place.

    I guess my advice (once you've let go of a bit of the negativity by remembering how great you are) is to take things in tiny steps. What's the smallest thing you can do right now to make progress on cleaning the house? What little thing could you do today that would make you feel just a little more in control of your eating? Maybe, make a big salad for lunch or fix some healthy meal that has freezable leftovers or, even, just read a lot of posts on 3FC and figure out which area of the site feels like "home" to you and introduce yourself. Another small thing you can do, if your physical condition allows it, is a bit of exercise -- that's a huge mood booster -- take a walk or put some music on and dance around the living room.

    My BIL was recently diagnosed with MS and it's really tough. He seemed to be handling it on his own at first, but he was mostly hiding his emotions even from himself and it started to wreak havoc on his marriage. He's seeing a counselor, now, and I think that can be really helpful when you've had a big unexpected and unwelcome change in your life.
  • When everything hits the fan like that, maintaining your weight loss is a huge accomplishment! Give yourself credit for not gaining any weight in 6 weeks, and maybe try just holding steady for a few more while you wrap your mind around your new diagnosis, then go back to losing when you are feeling more stable.
  • I had a similar issue-after about 50 lbs I stalled. It wasn't until I started exercising also that the weight started coming off again. The losses were slower than the first 50-but it was more noticeable since I was toning as well as losing.

    You're doing great! Even maintaining is a success!
  • Hey Kaylee

    First have to control your inner anger and frustration. Are you blaming yourself for everything?I sense you are very angry with yourself...stop doing that. has thrown some challenges at you but you are not alone!Many people all across the world got diagnosed with something or other ( may be even worse) at the same time that you did. Someone might have lost a loved one...or something bad might have happened to them. Bottomline...we all have to deal with it.

    Take baby steps...find out what works for you.It is never too late in life to start anything.If you feel like a cheese burger, instead of buying it why don't you make it yourself at home with fresh ingredients?Appreciate the small things in life...and start by feeling blessed and grateful.You might have a beautiful house...but there are many who live on streets. So appreciate it may be by doing some light cleaning or decorating with fresh flowers if you have a garden.
    Don't force yourself to jump into the WL mode right will come in time. Start by NOT going to Mcdonalds and making meals that you love from scratch.

    Take care. We are here to support you.
  • Hey Ladies,
    Thank you soo soo much for your support! tomorrow i head to another weight in. starting tomorrow morning i'm going to be giving it my absolute all. i'm going to start jogging in the morning again even if it is only a short distance. i know my puppies are going to love me for taking them for a walk again. i'm going to keep going... i CAN and WILL do this
    until then, i have been doing a little bit more searching on this website and start finding a thread that i can fit into. it will be nice having support from everyone, and i can also share my strengths, and weaknesses for other the learn from.
    again, thank you so much....i was having a really sad day, and you all sure did brighten in, the little bit that i needed <3