*Waves Madly* Hello! UK Newbie on the FSD - Loads to Lose...

  • Hi there,

    I was googling the FSD last week and stumbled upon this forum. I've spent the last few days lurking and reading through and thought its my turn to say hello!

    I've been overweight my whole life, I've been on countless diets from weightwatchers to Cambridge and nothing really worked. I'm lucky that I'm quite tall so no one actually believed I weighed as much as I did but I didn't feel any better for it.

    In 2007 of this year I reached an all time high weight which finally made me sit up and go no more! My mother, aunt and grandfather and many members of my father's family have diabetes which is something I'm desperate to avoid getting but the rubbish that I was eating was leading my right into the hospital.

    I was vegan for about six months in 2008 - the result of reading Skinny *****! During that time I got down to my lowest weight that I can remember so I think the initial Detox of the FSD will do me some good. Im on the third day and already feel much better.

    If you're reading please do stop and say hello! how are you getting on?

    C x
  • hello coco
    i have to say that this is the healthiest diet i have ever been on.
    i have a closet full of medifast stuff that i won't ever eat because i didn't end up losing any weight on it. what a waste of money!
    i joined weight watchers, but the people over at weight watchers.com were so hateful that it totally turned me off, NEVER to return! (i have a very thin skin when it comes to stuff like that!)
    i have had success on atkins, but it is SO unhealthy for me (i am a pastry chef and, i swear, my food was so incredibly loaded with calories and cholesterol i have NO idea how i ever lost a pound!
    but i really love fatsmash!
    i am back today after taking a few months off. i love that you can basically eat any fruit or vegetable. i love hummus and red peppers and i also love brown rice, so it is really and easy diet for me to do.
    good luck to you. i hope you find success!!!
  • Hi Ms. Coco!

    Good luck on your journey. I'm currently doing extreme fat smash, which I've had great success on in the past. I just started back last week and am trying to get and stay motivated.
  • hey miss coco
    how is it going?
    i'm still in phase 1. i'm doing well and don't want to jinx it by switching to 2. i cheated a little bit this weekend as it was my youngest daughter's birthday (a little pizza and a little red velvet cupcake), but other than that, i haven't cheated at all!
    i hope all is well.
  • I am currently on the Extreme program too and it is awesome. My body is transforming so fast. Thank God I have taken pictures so that I can truly see my progress.

    Stay with the plan! It works!