
  • I don't have a TV so rarely do I see Oprah, but I was at my FIL's one day and saw a show about Dr. Oz. At the end Oprah said she had got off all her meds which must include thyroid. I think it might have been a rerun but she looked a little thinner. The thing is, that was the last statement of the show and I wondered how she did that....just by following Dr. Oz's instructions? That is really something to get off all your meds. Anyone know any thing about this? Thanks.
  • I would guess blood pressure not thyroid.A thyroid does not start working again.........i think.?????
  • Yes, that show was a rerun. She'd been to several Dr's before she was finally diagnosed with thyroid issues and those Dr's put her on medications she got off of once she found out what was really wrong with her.
  • What was really wrong with her?
  • Quote: What was really wrong with her?
    From what I've read, Oprah suffers from hypothyroidism (low thyroid function).
  • Well, she said she go off all her medications so I thought that meant ALL.
  • Quote: Well, she said she go off all her medications so I thought that meant ALL.
    The show was a rerun, I don't believe she had been diagnosed yet with hypothyroidism. She mentioned she had seen a cardiologist and been put on several heart medications as well as other medications (she was not specific about) BEOFORE she learned of her thyroid issues, These are the medications she was referring to going off of.
  • Thanks so much for straightening me out.
  • There has been a lot of controversy about her saying she had gotten off her thyroid meds because thyroid conditions don't go away. The speculation I've read is that she had a thyroid "storm" where her thyroid levels fluctuated briefly and have stabilized since, so she is neither hypo or hyper and never was.
  • The show I saw was a rerun from before she was even diagnosed with thyroid issues. I don't watch her show everyday and have no clue what she's saying about those issues these days
  • It was my understanding that the issue resulting in the thyroid imbalance was an ovarian hormone imbalance. Once she started the hormone replacement, etc., then the problems hat she was having were mostly resolved. She is still obviously struggling with the weight oss, however, and so am I.

  • When she said she was off all her meds, I thought that was quite and accomplishment.