Protein shakes/bars

  • Does anyone see a problem with having a protein shake or bar for lunch in replacment of a meal? Want to make sure I'm not jepordizing my diet..

    The protein shakes and bars I have are very low in sugar and carbs.
  • Well, there is a difference between meal replacement shakes/bars and protein shakes/bars.

    A meal replacement bar/shake will have a more balanced ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates...and vitamins and minerals. It is basically meant to fufill basic nutritional needs across the board, in place of a regular meal.

    A protein bar/shake is normally meant to supplement someone who needs extra protein for a particular purpose-such as heavy strength training and muscle growth, which increases the need for protein.

    You want to decide what you are using the bar/shake for, and choose the product best suited for that.
  • Well by the time lunch rolls around, I am never really hungry.. but I was told I should at least have some sort of protein. So I decided to buy a couple protein bars and shakes.