Best "diet" ever!

  • hey everyone, I'm new here and its really inspirational hearing all of your stories and seeing your tickers that are marking your progress. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember and I recently had thyroid cancer and basically I realized that I have to change my diet and the way I eat. My doctor expressed concern because I gained some weight and I was almost at 200 lbs (I'm about 5'5) and it really scared me because I just couldn't live with myself if I crossed that boundary.

    Anyways, i was working at Barnes and Noble and came across a book called "Skinny B*tch" and I highly recommend it to everyone. Now, I must warn everyone, it uses offensive language to some people but the authors are hilarious and shed some new light on food.

    Its also a book about going vegan: that is, no animal products whatsoever. They talk about how animals are treated and go into the ethical as well as health problems that arise by eating meat and dairy products.

    I picked up the book without knowing this and never intended to go vegan (I'm not 100% btw, I still occasionally eat sushi and other seafood), but I've found that i feel a lot better when I am on-track (I've had a couple of slip-ups....dairy is dang difficult to give up!). It also talks about cutting sugar from your diet and using natural alternatives like agave nectar and not consuming sucralose.

    The thing I like most about abstaining from animal products is that it makes you so much more aware of what you're eating, you plan your meals better and you learn how to cook some great meals. And honestly, the non-meat foods taste really good.

    Anyways, I recommend this for people who want an absolutely serious and life-long commitment. If you choose to give up meat and dairy, after a certain time (I think its a few months) you won't be able to digest those foods. Just thought I'd share...
  • Quote: If you choose to give up meat and dairy, after a certain time (I think its a few months) you won't be able to digest those foods. Just thought I'd share...
    I don't want to be confrontational, but I don't buy that. My DH was a vegetarian (cheese and eggs, no milk) for about 10 years and now he eats everything. He had that same worry, but it was unfounded.
  • It isn't just meat/animal products. If you get your body used to not eating spicy foods, or high fat foods for a certain amount of time...and then partake, it can also cause stomach upset.

    It isn't proof that we shouldn't be eating animal products...a person who is on a very low fat diet for months, who then eats a very high fat meal, will often get diarrhea or indigestion. A person who used to have a tolerance for alcohol, but hasn't drank in years, can get tipsy off a single glass of wine.
  • Quote: I don't want to be confrontational, but I don't buy that. My DH was a vegetarian (cheese and eggs, no milk) for about 10 years and now he eats everything. He had that same worry, but it was unfounded.
    You'll get a very upset stomach. If you keep eating it though, then you will be able to continue to eat it and your body will get used to it again and develop the enzyme. I had to stop eating dairy by my doctor's orders for three months and when I started again i didn't feel so well but after about a week I felt better.

    It really depends on your body chemistry and for how long you quit eating meat and dairy.

    However, I should note, that most humans are not born with the enzyme to digest cow's milk and we develop it as we eat milk products in our early childhood.