New to Pure Weight Loss

  • I am new to Pure weight loss. I did National weight loss in 1996 (what pure used to be before it was LA weight loss). Do they switch your plan as you loose weight? I asked my counselor how many calories was in my plan (purple) and she said around 1800. I have never been on 1800 calories to loose weight and I am constantly to full. I have always been put on a 1200 or 1500 calores to loose weight and that includes by a registered dietician. She told me 1800 calories to sustain my weight.

  • They do switch your plans as you lose weight. The plan you are on is based on the number of pounds you have to lose plus your activity level and age factors in too. I wouldn't worry about the number of calories because the major concentration is eliminating sugars and balancing out the diet plan with proteins, starches, fruits, fats, dairies and vegetables. It almost reminds me of the old weight watcher plans based on exchanges. My doctor loved it, said it is a very sensible way to eat.

    Just my 2 cents, but there are a lot of success stories here. The COD works with you if you hit plateaus, etc and there is a tremendous amount of information and support on this message board. Check out the newbie threads at the top, they go into program details, plan comparisons, etc.

    Good luck
  • Hi Dionne,
    You have to tell yourself that this is an "eat to lose" plan and it works. I started at your weight and height and I have lost 60 lbs and my age is not on my side. My plans have changed as I continued to lose. So many of us have been eating the wrong foods and maybe even too little food as we tried various other weight loss plans.
  • Dionne, I was on purple and I don't think it was 1800 calories a day. I suppose if you ate the highest possible exchanges allowed on everything you might hit that high, but I thought it was closer to 1400-1500 calories a day when I was doing it (I did calculate several days worth and that was about where I was ending up). You will vary day to day on the plan. They will recommend that you make the leaner and the lighter choices to keep your weight loss going. I was put on 3 different plans during the course of my weight loss. They really do try to work with you to keep the scale moving down.
  • I didn't know LAWL was National Weight Loss before. I know LAWL used to be called Quick Weight Loss when I first started in 1997.
  • I am on purple at 210 and I highly doubt it is 1800 calories. I wonder if there is a website where we can calculate such things.
  • I use is a free service to track your calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, exercise, etc each day. You register and create a username and password. You can search for common foods and enter custom foods that you eat. I found that the first few days you use it it will take you maybe 15 minutes each day. Then as you have already entered the common foods that you eat, you can go to either recent foods or custom foods and scroll down to the bottom of the list and select all custom foods or all recent foods and then you only have to check a box next to the foods that you ate that day to add them. Now it takes me less than 5 minutes a day because I just check off the foods that I ate and only need to add in the nutritional info for the new foods that I eat. I just use the nutritional info from the box or package of the food. Hope this helps.

    week 48
    LAWL franchise center
    total lost 60 lbs.
    Current weight 140
    Original goal of 50 lbs lost – achieved
    New goal to lose total of 65 lbs
  • That is such a great site. Its interesting to know just how many calories you're injesting every day. Thats the one thing that frustrates me about this program is that the higher calorie foods count the same as lower calorie foods, that is such a great way to keep track! Thanks!
  • Quote: That is such a great site. Its interesting to know just how many calories you're injesting every day. Thats the one thing that frustrates me about this program is that the higher calorie foods count the same as lower calorie foods, that is such a great way to keep track! Thanks!
    Well, you have to look at things realistically... You're not going to be eating the same number of calories a day when you're not dieting, so the plan compensates for that by allowing foods that vary in calorie counts...

    This way your body learns to deal with these differences and can more easily burn the higher calorie foods...

    At least that's what I keep telling myself!
  • Regarding my use of fitday - It is an entirely voluntary thing on my part. I am trying to lose my last 5 lbs and these are the toughest pounds to lose. That is why I feel that fitday gives me extra info to work with. I used it previously when I was stuck for 6 weeks when I had lost my first 15 lbs. Also it feeds into my extreme need to pay attention to detail. It helps me to tweak the program to test what works best for my body, my metabolism.

    week 49
    LAWL franchise center
    total lost 60 lbs.
    Current weight 140
    Original goal of 50 lbs lost – achieved
    New goal to lose total of 65 lbs