Diet plan my personal trainer has me on..

  • I'm just starting today so here it goes.

    Chicken Breast 4oz
    Egg Whites or Egg Beaters 4-5
    Fish 4oz
    Tuna 1 can/water or Filet
    Turkey Breast 4oz
    Steak 5oz
    Ground Beef 90-95% fat free 4oz

    Complex Carbs:
    Rice 1/2 cup (cooked) 1 cup water
    Potatoes 4oz
    Sweet Potatoe 4oz
    Oatmeal 1/2 cup (with splenda or ground cinnamon)
    Grits 1/2 cup
    Cream of Wheat 1/2 cup

    Green Veggies:
    Green beans, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, dark green lettice (Romaine) etc..

    Now for a daily meal....

    120 Ounces of water a day

    1 Protein & 1 complex carb

    2.5-3hrs later
    Protein shake (whey)
    Advant edge (best)
    Advantage (atkins)

    2.5-3hrs later
    1 protein
    1 complex carb
    1 green veggie (1cup)

    2.5-3hrs later
    Protein shake (whey)
    Advant edge (best)
    Advantage (atkins)

    2.5-3hrs later
    1 protein
    2 cups green veggies

    2.5-3hrs later
    protein shake

    Do not use any dairy or sugar unless it is splenda
    Do not eat peas or carrots, tomatoes or nuts
    Meats should be grilled, broiled, or steamed.
    Protein shake mix must be whey protein (do not use protein bars)

    Snacks can be sugar free jello 0 carbs, or a Green apple. These are only allowed twice a day or less.

    What do you guys think? I will probably skip the protein shakes...they make me want to throw up.
  • I'm not a nutritionist and don't know why the person made the choices for you he or she did but it sounds like a number of other plans I've seen here, if a little restrictive. I think the big question is: can YOU live with the plan? It sounds like you can't, which makes it not a good plan for you!

    If you have someone recommend a plan that includes food you won't eat, then you aren't following the plan and should talk to that person about it! The trainer will assume you are following the plan!

    Do you know if the personal trainer is certified in providing nutritional information?? Mine isn't and talks in general terms about food, but cannot make meal plans.
  • Well it is only temporary for about a month or two. I just joined a womens gym near my home and this is the basic diet plan she puts newbies on to get used to smaller portions of foods. I just ate so in about an hour I will head to the gym to exercise and talk to her about it.

    I was supposed to start a week ago but that just wasnt happening! Hope she wont be upset!
  • I also wanted to add that if you don't like the protein shakes, then you need to tell her, rather than just skip them altogether. If you are not drinking them, then she needs to put something else in place of them, or your protein, calories, etc. for the day are going to be way too low...
  • Quote:
    120 Ounces of water a day
    Do not use any dairy or sugar unless it is splenda
    Do not eat peas or carrots, tomatoes or nuts
    Snacks can be sugar free jello 0 carbs, or a Green apple. These are only allowed twice a day or less.
    Does this person have any professional background in nutrition? Like, any dietician training beyond being your new gym's trainer?
  • I was wondering this myself...because calorie wise, and nutrition wise, why only a "green" apple? A yellow or red one would be fine as well...

    A personal trainer is trained in exercise/fitness...but they are not dieticians. This is why I also don't agree that someone should take dietary advice from a general physician/family doctor. They are supposed to have you see a specialist for particular things when you aren't being seen for everyday regular things like strep throat, UTIs and checkups.
  • Just a thought! I would be concerned about what happens after you stop the program, once you eat normally again it's a for sure you will put the weight back on, and quickly I would think.
    I wish you luck on your journey.
  • This type of diet sounds like you are training to put on a lot of muscle, what with the high levels of protein. Is that the case?

    I also find some of the details to be questionable. No dairy for 2 months?! Why no peas, carrots, tomatoes, or nuts? Did they give you an explanation for these restrictions?

    If somebody handed me this diet to follow for 2 months I'd think I'd fall over laughing. And then go have a nice tall glass of milk
  • Yes, the point was to help with putting on more muscle. I've found it sooo hard to keep up with considering I am a full time student and work as well. I am thinking about trying the 90/10 diet and see how that works out, it seems so much more realistic.