Expert Opinion - Cassie & Katie

  • Here is a question for those of you who have been on the program for a while. I have seen the substitutes for LA Lites with other bars and have seen the Slim Fast Optima used as a protein/starch replacement on the 21 day boost, but here is my question. . . .

    After reviewing the nutritional content of the LA Lites and the Slim Fast Optima, they are VERY comparable, do you think it is possible to substitute a Slim Fast Otima for an LA Lite Bar? If so would it be o.k. to do it twice a day? I think the Slim Fast would satisfy you longer than the bar so I was just wondering......

    Here is the nutritional information for both

    Slim Fast Optima (Strawberry / Rich Chocolate Royale)
    180 - 190 Calories
    45 - 54 Fat Calories
    5 - 6 g Fat
    23 - 24 g Carbs
    5 g Fiber
    10 g Protein

    LA Lite Bars (Cookie Dough / PB)
    190 -180 Calories
    40 - 35 Fat Calories
    4.5 - 4 g Fat
    30 - 30 g of Carbs
    <1 - 3 g Fiber
    8 - 8 g protein

    Thanks Ladies. Your Opinion is appreciated.
  • I'll be interested in hearing the expert opinions. It seems logical to me and would probably like to substitute occasionally.
  • I'm no expert, but I have been at this game a long time.....and I believe it would be just fine. If nothing else, give it a try for a set period of time to see if you are losing.....if you are......then I say go for it
  • Interesting! I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I agree w/Nicole. Try it and see how your body processes it. Some people need the "chew" to feel satisfied (one of the reasons I add the string cheese to the slim fast to make it equal a slim down). But others don't. When it comes down to it, losing weight is a matter of calories in vs. calories out. But since everyone processes things a little differently, you may process carbs better than me. Or I may process protein better than someone else.

    They are pretty close. I would think it would probably work.
  • I agree as well. Why not, if you like them better and are satisfied longer?
  • Thanks Ladies. I will let you know if this works or not. I don't plan on it being my new style, just wanted to create some options.
  • Amy, Thanks for posting the comparison. I think I may try it too. I have stressed so much, because I love the Lites, and I have a MAJOR sweet tooth, But I didnt qualify for care credit and definitely didn't have the money to buy the bulk. I did however try them for a couple of days, but that wasn't long enough to see if they made a difference. What should I tell COD if I do choose to do them? Because I would go from Blue to Gold if I used Lites.
  • Kinmberly......I do not think you ought to go to gold at all. I WI at 200, and I do red w/o lites.........but if I did lites, I would do purple......but now as I am typing this, I remembered that the plans may have changed since I was last at the COD. Anyone else care to chime in on this one? Cuz I keep thinking you ought to be on Red with lites........
  • Kimberly-
    I am curious as to why you are on blue in the first place? I started at 256 and we are the same height. I was on red with lites until I got to 220 then went to purple until I was 180. If you weren't doing the lites, you would be on red1.
  • I wonder the same thing. I have been on Red w/lites all along and am now at 260...let us know what your center says?!
  • Just curious - the CODs say it's the "soy" protein that makes their bars so the protein in Slim Fast Optima coming from soy protein??

    Also, I'm with Cassi and need the chew/crunch factor. I really liked the lites, but Kashi Go Lean bars are my favorites now that I don't go to the COD. I can get small boxes at WalMart for $3.68 (4 bars I think) and my warehouse club had a gigantic box (but the price worked out the same as WalMart's).
  • Kimberly - I'm w/Deb on the Red w/lites thing. I'm supposed to be on purple until 181, but they switched me a little early because of school.
  • Just curious.....what is COD?
  • center of doom