3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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JDLAStew 06-20-2007 10:04 AM

I just finished my TO and for the last 2 days I've been able to eat "regular" again except I'm having a LA shake instead of lunch. I've also upped my walking from 3 miles to 5 miles (since I'm in the competition). Anyway I've gained 2lbs back! Is this because a TO is water weight lost and I'm gaining it back or am I walking to much? Any ideas from you veterans?

Kimphin 06-20-2007 10:09 AM

There is almost always rebound weight from TO. I usually shoot for keeping half of the original TO weight off at the end of the week. I don't think that it is due to the walking.

JDLAStew 06-20-2007 12:11 PM

Thanks! That's good to know. I'm back up half that I lost but at least some is still gone. I freak over every pound...I've got to learn to stop. Maybe I will when I hit goal? Ha!

bizlawchik 06-20-2007 12:23 PM

Also, did you weigh youself yesterday, and then this morning (so you know you lost 2lbs), and then again after you ate (so you know you gained 2lbs)? Because your weight will fluctuate throughout the day, AND after you exercise. Better off to stick to once a day at the same time if you weigh every day. I know it's hard sometimes, but you will drive yourself crazy otherwise.

Mama Nicole 06-20-2007 12:34 PM

Keep exercising. I have a girlfriend who is not on LAWL, but she has been eating low fat and exercising regularily.........and her weight is comming off really slow, but she looks GREAT. She is 36, and even her arms are starting to look great. She's like 5'6" and about 175, but the exercise makes her look much thinner and healthier. Keep exercising.......the truth is in the way your clothes fit :)

Debbie367 06-20-2007 12:35 PM

So true Nicole! I really really need to get my butt out there and exercise...

marzbe 06-20-2007 07:52 PM

Whatever you do DO NOT STOP EXERCISING! Muscle is denser than fat.

I'm 5'5" and 156 pounds, my BMI puts me as moderately obese. My body fat percentage is on the low side of normal. My mother is 2 inches taller, 10 pounds lighter, and wears a size 12. I wear a size 8! I've learned to not care what the scale says, COD tells me not to worry about the scale. I've lost 24 inches to 16 pounds, I should've lost 8. I ain't complaining!

JDLAStew 06-22-2007 09:40 AM

I appreciate the words of advice. It's coming off sooooo slow. After my TO I was down the 10lbs--then went back up 2. And I weigh in 1st thing in the morning in the nude everyday. Now I'm back down to 186 but yesterday I was 186.6 today I'm 186.2. It's going soooooo slow and I've lost like this the whole time--point by point. I'm averaging about 1.2lbs a week maybe? What really aggravates me is yesterday I walked on an 8 mile long trail and drank well over the 64 oz of water. I used to hate water too! I had a jetstart for breakfast, with a small unsweetened applesauce, and toast with a small pat of butter. For lunch I had grilled chicken, 1 c. brocoli, 2 cups of salad with ff ranch, 1 small piece of cantaloupe. For dinner I had my LA Shake then for a late snack a celery stick. I got in all my categories, had all the water then some, and walked that great a distance. I wonder if I am doing something wrong that my COD isn't telling me? I'm even eating off the Excell plan. It's just not "falling off" like they said. UGH.

Lynx 06-22-2007 10:38 AM

If I was marketing LAWL - I would use the tag line - EAT TO LOSE! As I read your last post, it seems to me that as you say you are eating your categories of food, but maybe not measuring to eat the recommended full portion allocations. In addition, with the exercise you are doing which is great, your body may think you are in starvation. My suggestion is number one, eat the suggested allowances. It probably would help you to use the free software at fitday.com so you can gauge your calorie intake and your exercise on a daily basis.
So many of us that have weight to lose, have been conditioned by messages all around us that we have eaten too much and that is why we are overweight. On this program, we must eat the recommended amounts to lose. Also be sure that you are having your fat servings. You need a little bit of fat in your diet in order to burn fat. Lastly, I personally am not a fan of TO's. I don't believe that they work for everyone and in some cases, may do more harm than good. Good luck and keep the faith.

Lynx 06-22-2007 10:50 AM

I forgot to add that I keep almonds on hand for my fat serving. I have learned to love them. Some people use peanuts or other unsalted nuts. Try cutting your lites in half and eating them like that instead of eating them whole. I believe that this keeps your body on a more even keel sugarwise through the day.

JDLAStew 06-22-2007 02:10 PM

I get all the amounts--at first I wasn't. And I don't do the Lites at all. Too costly at this point to keep up with every week. I was talked into buying some supplements today. The OmegaTrim, the VitaMax, the calcium, and enhance750. Did I get jipped?

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