Good Body Detox before Starting New Diet?

  • Hi Everyone!!

    I have until January (big birthday coming up!) to get into really great shape. I am at about 225 right now and I want to be at about 140-150 [healthy weight for me].

    So I got a personal trainer, I'm going to be working out 6 days a week, doing ALL -natural and no hypoglyosometing or another in any of my food until January.

    I want to something to kick start my program with a body detox or something to really help me get started in the right direction. Anyone have any ideas?!?! Thanks a bunch!

    [ catie ]
  • Hi Catie, welcome to 3FC! The best detox is water, exercise, and a balanced diet. Seriously - your body is naturally detoxifying. It's very efficient, and if you give it what it needs - including 8 glasses of water and 25 grams of fiber, mother nature will take care of the rest. Just spend your extra time and energy in creating a meal/exercise plan you can stick with, and that will be the best kickstart you can ask for.

    Good luck!! Please feel free to hang out with us throughout your journey and in to maintenance.
  • Quote: Hi Catie, welcome to 3FC! The best detox is water, exercise, and a balanced diet. Seriously - your body is naturally detoxifying. It's very efficient, and if you give it what it needs - including 8 glasses of water and 25 grams of fiber, mother nature will take care of the rest. Just spend your extra time and energy in creating a meal/exercise plan you can stick with, and that will be the best kickstart you can ask for.

    Good luck!! Please feel free to hang out with us throughout your journey and in to maintenance.
    Jennifer 3fc has right info.
    If you want to still try some other detox item my suggestion is to ask a certified nutritionist or registered dietician. They would be able to guide you to something safe and noteworthy. Perhaps these groups have forums or bulletin boards where you could get a good reply. However, there is nothing like meeting with one yourself. You have invested in yourself with a PFT - a registered dietician would also be a good investment. PFT's can give general advise, but specific diets are not within the scope of our practise unless they have special training in the area.

    Enjoy your adventure and congratulations ahead of time on your success. I lost 6 sizes a few years ago and ended up in fitness as a career a little while after that.

    The best to you!
    fitmom1 certified PFT
  • Has anyone ever done a real colon cleansing?
    I read Kevin Trudeau's book in Chapters (did not buy) but he talks about doing 15 in a 30 day period - is this healthy or unhealthy- is it a good kick start will i be attached to toilet all month??? has anyone ever tried it and what was it really like ??
  • Well - you either love Kevin, or you think he's ridiculous. See our front page for our review on his book.
  • *cough, cough, cough, ridiculous, cough, cough, cough*

    (That was my impression of Mr. Subliminal from Saturday Night Live. )
  • Kevin Trudeau - hmm. I would take the advice to visit a registered dietician if you can. Some insurance plans will pay for one if you are overweight and your Doc prescribes it.