3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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testarossa 06-15-2005 03:39 PM

new to all of this...
I just joined/restarted a diet and would love some support/buddies. I've always tried to go it alone with weight loss in the past and that clearly hasn't worked... but I feel very inspired by looking at peoples success stories here!

msbeeverhausen 06-15-2005 04:01 PM


thats the link!

kn50443 06-15-2005 04:38 PM

Looking for a buddy, too!
Hello! I'm new to this as well - just new! I stumbled across this site and thought I would check it out! It looks pretty neat!

I'm a 32 year old mother of 4 boys (13, 11, 10, 8) and am suffering from my love of food.

I was a twig throughout school (college included) and could eat anything I wanted. I was also constantly playing volleyball or swimming, so I have a suspicion that had something to do with it! :D

I now would love to get down to 165 - a nice healthy weight. I used to weigh 150, but being a mother and older, I'd be happy with 165. I'm 6'1 so anything less, would be too much.

To help lose the weight I'm eating healthier: yogurt, salads, fresh fruit, etc. I'm also going on bike rides with my boys. They are very supportive of me. My husband says he loves me no matter how much I weigh, but this is personal. I need to lose the weight to feel better about myself.

Tell me about yourself, if you like!

Carrie :dizzy:

thnkngthn 06-15-2005 04:48 PM

Looking For a Buddy Too

I'm also new to the community, and am looking for a buddy.

I am a 34 yr old, married mom with a 12 yr old son. He keeps me constantly going with his sports, so my weight has always been on the back burner - literally.

I started dieting on April 1st and have been struggling over the last month. I hate plateaus, but finally lost 2 more last week. It's hard to do this alone, :?: and not give up.

testarossa 06-15-2005 07:54 PM

Hi Carrie!
I added you to my buddy list, if that's OK.
I'm 27, been in grad school in SF for 3 years. No kids (but 2 cats), not married, but I just moved in with my wonderful boyfriend 2 weeks ago! :D

I'm trying weight watchers now because that had worked for me in the past. I'm not going to meetings or anything, I just have the handbooks from my mother who did it a long time ago. My boyfriend (who also wants to lose weight) and I tried the general "eating healthier" attitude for a bit, but I found it a bit too vague and am hoping the more structured approach will work better for me.

I'm 5'8" and would like to get down to 150, although I think I'd be happy in the 160s because that would put me at a healthy BMI. As long as I can start losing weight and keep it up I'll be happy with any progress!

Talk to you soon!

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