New Here!

  • My name is Vicki and I just stumbled across this site today. I have been overweight my entire life. I'm 23, married, and I stay at home with my 2 kids. My daughter is 3 and my son is 18 months. I recently started exercising for what seems like the first time ever. I go to the gym every morning before everyone wakes up so I actually have the time. I need to lose about 200lbs. I am tall, which helps, but I am far too big. I'm 5'11", around 400lbs, and in a size 28. I really need help sticking with it.
  • Hello! It sounds to me like you are on the right track with the workout, I am not much of a morning person, but am trying to get up early enough in the mornings to do a little something like some stretching and some ab work. Are you following any diet? I started on the South Beach Diet because my mother told me about it, but didn't really expect it to be anything different than the numerous other ones that I've tried and couldn't manage to stay on. I've been doing it for 5 weeks now and I Love It It has been really easy to stay on and I've lost 14 lbs!
  • Hi Vicki, I know what you mean as far as having to excercise in the morning. If I don't get it done in the morning it doesn't get done that day. I am also a stay at home mom of 3, (daughter 13, son 12, and another daughter 9) i'm 33, married, and also tall (5'10). Most of my weight is in my hips, thighs, and butt and I hate to shop for pants. I have the same question as mom of 3. What diet are you following? I'm doing the WW points on my own.
  • I am pretty much doing my own diet. I'm eating small portions 6 times a day. I'm combining a mix of the Dr. Phil plan and the Eating for Life plan. I actually started this 2 weeks ago and finally mixed in 2 miles of walking every morning. I weighed myself a few days ago and was down 12lbs.