3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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gracewriter 12-19-2004 04:20 PM

45, fat and highly motivated to lose 55lbs but need a buddy!

I'm 45 years old, have three kids and a skinny husband and I need to lose 55lbs before I lose my sanity. I'm so tired of being fat and could really use a buddy for hopefully daily email support. I just tried Atkins and failed miserably. (it made me sick)

Anyway, I've reviewed about 100 diets in the last three weeks and have finally settled on something that is sane and sound. I really think I can keep from getting so discouraged if I had someone else in this weight-loss boat with me.

I hope to hear from you!

greenlass6103 12-19-2004 04:59 PM

Hi! My name is Jill and my life sounds very close to yours. I am 39, have three kids and a skinny husband. I didn't do too well on Atkins when I tried it last year. I'll be your buddy, if you like. I need some motivation, also. What diet have you decided to try? I'd desperately like to lose 60 pounds. Let me know if you want to buddy up and we can exchange email addresses. :)


gracewriter 12-19-2004 05:36 PM

Thank you!

How do we exchange emails without posting them here?

I've settled on the Omega Diet. I love it cause I can have pretty much whatever I want I just watch the saturated fat and calories. I can't live without fat in my diet. I just checked the scale again and I lost two pounds in a couple of days after being stalled on Atkins for 1.5 weeks! I knew I needed those carbs to lose weight!

I picked this book up from the library and read it in about one sitting. the benefits of omega 3s are astounding. I found the book first on amazon.com and read a lot of great reviews. I never buy any book without first looking it up on amazon first to see what people say about it.

they have a recipie for butter I'm about to mix up. It's one part canola oil and one part real butter. fat is an important part of this diet, which I like but omits as much saturated as it can. also, it allows me to have as many as two glasses of wine a day, that was a real plus for me and I can still have some cheese (I can't stand the low fat cheese). He also has recipies for canola mayo and salad dressing, which I'll be using.

also he has incredibly simple meal plans. there are 21 Breakfasts, lunches and dinners to chose from while trying to lose weight. You can look at them in a glance, you don't have to flip through a bunch of pages finding things.

Most stuff you'll already have in your house. It's really simple. also, he does some kind of food combining so you are getting the right ratios of protien, fat and carbs, etc. It really takes all the thinking out of it for you just pick one of the meals, that's it.

I just went into the kitchen cause I was actually hungry and looked for something to eat. this is a dangerous time for me....Anyway, I first picked up the book and flipped through the meals for lunch and bingo, I found something I had in the frig. It's really cool!

I also use FitDay.com. it's free and you can log your food into it and find out everything you need to know, how much fat, calories and carbs and fiber, etc. This way you can monitor what you are taking in. Today for instance, I know I've got to eat another 637 calories to get in all the calories I need to burn fat. Then I plugged in some of the stuff I have on hand for dinner and figured out ahead of time how many calories are in it and what and how much I can have. I like it for planning ahead like that.

Mainly I just don't eat any processed food anymore. I stay away from sugar but don't treat it like the plague either. Stay away from refined stuff as much as possible. It's a really healthy balanced diet with little restrictions, something you'd actually want to stay on for life. Stick with whole foods as much as possible and stay away from the processed stuff.

Can't wait to hear from you!

gracewriter 12-19-2004 06:19 PM


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