3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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scoobysnackz 08-07-2017 09:55 PM

New Member (sort of)
Hello again 3fc :D. I had joined previously, but kind of fell of the wagon and really struggled with finding a routine that works for me.

I'm back trying to find some balance in my life, I'm looking to ideally lose a few lbs a month.

About me: I'm 26 from Michigan, and I work a kind of crappo call center job for a hospital (I'll thankfully be leaving soon). I'm in school earning my masters for health administration and will be working on an internship this winter probably. I'm very busy, but if I have free time it's probably going towards netflixs, korean sheet masks, family, cats, or my boyfriend. My boyfriend cooks as a hobby and he is fabulous at it (too bad for me haha).

I'm here because I got an eating problem. Aside from being a huge foodie and living to eat, I have a hard time saying no. I get very worried that if I don't eat the delicious food NOW it will grow legs and run away from me and I'll be sad later. Not to blame poor ma, but growing up she was very strict and monitored what I ate like a helicopter. She was always very thin and thought being thin was one of the most important things a person should be. I think that is where my problem has stemmed and I still struggle with it to this day. (Ok seriousness over).

Growing up I was always just a bit chubby, I weighed 130's in middle school, and 140's in highschool. I did have a very nice golden time between the ages of 18-22 where I weighed 115-125 and looked amazing. Sadly, I've gotten quite fat, and it's been negatively affecting my self esteem. I know you are supposed to love yourself the way you are and "right now", but I do believe it'd be a bit easier if I got closer to the size where I felt my best.

I hope we enjoy getting to know each other (I'm not that bad).

EagleRiverDee 08-08-2017 01:11 PM

Hi Scooby!

That would be hard having a BF that is a great cook! That was one of my husband's and my issues is both of us are good cooks, and we both love to eat. I got sick last year, though, and developed very serious food sensitivities that pretty much killed my gourmet eating habits. As a result, he and I have both lost a lot of weight.

It's amazing the effect our parents can have on us for the rest of our lives, isn't it? I remember growing up my mom always giving me that "finish what's on your plate, there are kids starving in Ethiopia" routine and thus I always feel compelled to eat everything on my plate, whether I'm hungry or not. I eat when I'm hungry...but I don't usually stop when I hit full. Usually I'm over-full by the time I stop.

And I hear you about loving yourself as you are...but that it'd be easier to be a healthier size. I feel similarly. It's not that I didn't love myself before...but I like who I am much better now.

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