3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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PoshyErin 04-14-2015 09:35 PM

Hey everyone!

My name is Erin and I am excited to be here.

I am a VERY busy WAHM of 3 boys, and live in Western Wyoming. I am currently watching the snow fall (and boy do I wish I was joking!!) :( .

I am working on losing 100lbs. (102.3 to be exact), and have already lost 10.6lbs. I have a BIG goal to lose 50lbs by 7/20/15 and 75 by Christmas. If I DO lose the 75 by Christmas, my family and I are going to Hawaii next Spring Break! I have considered WLS, but I would rather spend the money traveling with my family.

SenseAndSensibility 04-15-2015 12:38 AM

Way to go on the already ten pounds lost! Sounds like you're off to a great start and taking this seriously. Love your username by the way :D

I think making big goals are fine as long as you aren't too harsh on yourself, and willing to make compromises. Like, if you don't loose the desired 75 pounds, BUT you never went off plan for more than a day or two at a time (I.e. not giving up at a plateau or for months on end) I'd say still treat yourself, especially since the whole family benefits from a vacation :D I think you have to carefully balance what your self esteem can handle and what it can't, what's rewarding and motivating versus whats belittling and punishing.

Let us know what your plan is, I love hearing what others are doing! No two bodies, or plans, are ever the same.

PoshyErin 04-15-2015 10:00 AM

Thanks SenseAndSensibility!

Right now I am doing low-cal/meal replacement shakes 2x a day. I am making my own. I was going to invest $$$ in some others, but I just couldn't do it. I am doing a walking version of C25k (speed walking during the "run" portions), some strength at home stuff (mostly body-weight exercises) and I want to incorporate yoga too.

I definitely know that goals are important. I am working on 3lbs. a week right now. :)

SenseAndSensibility 04-15-2015 02:32 PM

Ooo, I've never tried a shake replacement but lots of people here do and have great suggestions and recipes I'm sure!

I think its awesome you're making your own, means you're taking charge and you know what goes in them! Plus you can shake things up and try new flavours so you don't get bored. Save that money for fancy new clothes!

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