Country Chick...Chubby Chick...Cyanide Chick?

  • Hi, my name is Laci, and I have a secret love affair with food. I have been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. I have ADHD and Anxiety, two things which you would think would lead to me being very active and skinny...Nope...

    I have always been bigger. All except the first 4 years of my life...I went from a normal healthy four year old to the stay puff marshmallow girl in a matter of a winter. So I guess you could say in a way I've battled my weight since age 5. Always being the butt of everyone's jokes, I make quite a few of my own now. I am sarcastic, witty, and hilarious. So I gain weight pretty easy, but I also can lose a lot of it with effort, not a LOT of effort, but I do have to try. Part of it is in my genes, the my jeans.

    I'm proportionally heavy. I carry my weight EVERYwhere. I even have chubby toes. I just wish my hair had some of my body...but that's another forum.

    I have a boyfriend who is a complete jerk, but he's supportive in a non-jerk way, and I love him with all my heart. His daughter is pretty amazing. She's 5, and since he and I have been together for about 3 years, I've been there through a lot of the "mom" moments. Her mother is still a very active part of her life, they have 50/50 custody. I deal with the hard stuff, I potty trained her, I had had enough of changing a four year old's diapers...eww...anywho...< prime example of the ADHD...

    I am a full time student, and I work part time. I'm going to get my masters in counseling. I go to counseling once a week and see my shrink once a month...I'm crazy..but it's fun

    Any questions? I like questions?!
  • Quote: Hi, my name is Laci, and I have a secret love affair with food. I have been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. I have ADHD and Anxiety, two things which you would think would lead to me being very active and skinny...Nope...

    I have always been bigger. All except the first 4 years of my life...I went from a normal healthy four year old to the stay puff marshmallow girl in a matter of a winter. So I guess you could say in a way I've battled my weight since age 5. Always being the butt of everyone's jokes, I make quite a few of my own now. I am sarcastic, witty, and hilarious. So I gain weight pretty easy, but I also can lose a lot of it with effort, not a LOT of effort, but I do have to try. Part of it is in my genes, the my jeans.

    I'm proportionally heavy. I carry my weight EVERYwhere. I even have chubby toes. I just wish my hair had some of my body...but that's another forum.

    I have a boyfriend who is a complete jerk, but he's supportive in a non-jerk way, and I love him with all my heart. His daughter is pretty amazing. She's 5, and since he and I have been together for about 3 years, I've been there through a lot of the "mom" moments. Her mother is still a very active part of her life, they have 50/50 custody. I deal with the hard stuff, I potty trained her, I had had enough of changing a four year old's diapers...eww...anywho...< prime example of the ADHD...

    I am a full time student, and I work part time. I'm going to get my masters in counseling. I go to counseling once a week and see my shrink once a month...I'm crazy..but it's fun

    Any questions? I like questions?!

    Well--you and I are the same height--what is your goal weight? I have taken off about 25 pounds--and now in my healthy BMI catagory--my doctor is real happy with me--but I want to lose another 6 pounds to get down to around 140-142 range. That's where I really feel good. I Jazzercise 3 to 4 times a week which keeps me in great condition--and I am a social person too--so have to work out with others, otherwise I won't work out.

    You sound like you've got a real good people personality--do you exercise? If so what do you do.

    My food problem--is bread. I don't eliminate foods--but I have cut back my portion size--and never go back for seconds. If I see bread I might eat a little of it or not at all. That what works for me. I don't even like to use the word diet. For me it's a life-style change.

    Welcome to this board--I know everyone is going to enjoy having you here! Good Luck on your permanent weight loss journey also.
  • Welcome Laci! I also have binge eating disorder and seem to be finally saying good bye (or at least see you later) to it after 14 years. Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • Hi Laci! I am certain I have binge eating disorder and an addiction to certain foods, though not diagnosed. I also gain and lose weight fairly quickly. I am also have a sense of humor that has offended some unknowing victims before, most notably my classmates. Congratulations on trying to get a handle on these issues- wishing you great success!