New here for helping others and to also keep motivated!

  • Hello all!

    New here and I have been browsing around recently thought why not get active on here and get down and serious with getting healthy?! And getting to goal and onwards I think I would need some support along the way!

    Its been hard, I've been abroad and gained around 20 pounds since last year and its been due to stressful binging and going back to unhealthy foods that I used to hardly ever eat - basically getting addicted to sugars :/ such a cycle has gotten me pretty depressed and Im determined to breakthrough it and get back to healthy and to be able to enjoy food again. Right now i'm around 5'4 and 130lbs. Wanting to get back down to 110lbs-115lbs!

    If anyone wants to stay in contact and be weight loss buddies please say so! I would be happy to!!!!!

  • Sounds like you have some good thoughts already on what your issues are, and believe me that is great progress already! You might want to check out the Chicks in Control and Carb Counters forums in addition to the general support forums. Dive on in!