Seeking Help

  • Hi, I feel my guides led me to this forum and I'm really pleased to be here. I've been struggling with my excess weight for over 3 years now since having my last child 2 years ago. Long story! Anyway I really need help and support and I need to bow down, listen and humble myself instead of thinking that I know everything because I don't. However I've had an eating disorder for over 30 years now. I need a buddy, is anyone keen? I'm in New Zealand
  • Hi seekinghelp! You'll find lots of support here, so you've come to the right place! Be sure to check out the Weight Loss Buddies thread under Support Groups: There is so much to see here and lots of nice people, so browse around and jump right in! Good luck!
  • SeekingHelp

    Like Jacqui_D said, the support group here is flipping AMAZING- jump right in and you are sure to find a buddy or dozen very very soon!
