Looking for motivation? Have you seen it?

  • Well I am new to the site. Here is a little about me. I am 36, I am 228lbs and 5' 6. I am ready to be healthy again. 5 years ago I divorced my ex and I was able to lose close to 100 lbs. Today I am back to the same place I was 5 years ago.

    My problem is I lack the motivation to start and keep on track with exercise. Today will be my first day, hopefully it goes better then it has in the past.
  • Breakups do amazing things for you body, don't they? If I am at my finest and prettiest and slimmest, that sure means someone broke my heart.

    What will you be doing with your meals? Will you diet?
  • Yes, they sure do great things.....too bad it doesn't last, lol!

    I am going to start with low calorie lunches, sensible dinners with lots of protein and sensible breakfast as well.

    I plan on working out for 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week.
  • That sounds like a great plan PSJJJS!

    The first day is the hardest ... but it does get easier after that!
  • Hi PS! I have indeed seen motivation. It's over in the "Chicks Up for a Challenge" sub-forum under Support Groups, lol! Seriously, October Weight Loss and October Exercise challenge threads are just starting up and they are a great way to help get you motivated and to keep you accountable! Feel free to join us! And good luck in your journey! You've done it before and you can do it again!