hello everybody

  • Hi, this my first time posting anywhere I have a long road ahead of me and hope that by posting I will assume more accountabilty for what I eat and how I exercise.
  • Welcome!
  • Well thought i'd post a little more. I'm 29. ..well ok not really (35) I have a 9 yr old daughter and have the illusion of freedom with my common-law hubby of 10 yrs. I have tried many different times to lose the weight but it keeps coming BACK. The socks I lose in the laundry never come back why cant the fat? I hope that by writing about my progress helps ands I've since many successful people on here so I hope it helps me too.
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!
  • Ainslie lets be workout buddies since we are starting and the same time I need a partner lol
  • Good morning all. Well yester day wasnt too bad . Weighed myself this morning and lost 4 pounds. Now I know that the first week cab be really dramactic but still yea me. My goal to today is to do some walking. I used to be athletic but not anymore. I hope to walk 1km. Going to start small and work my way up. Wish me luck
  • Newbie!
    I just join this community. This is a first for many things. I am wanting to start the Metabolism Miracle eating plan to gain some control and looking for support.
  • Welcome to the boards!
  • Welcome to 3fc !