At my wit's end!! :)

  • Hello, everyone...

    I don't normally post on forums, but it's time I get help with this. I'm in my early-mid 30s, I have a pre-teen daughter, and have struggled with weight loss since she was born. I've always had addiction problems, and my problems went from smoking to alcohol to food... but there is a way out.

    My doctor told me a year ago I needed to follow up with him on some other health issues in 3 months, and "by the way, you need to lose some of that weight." I didn't go back until a week ago, because I was so ashamed that I hadn't lost any weight. I would like to lose about 120 lbs, and I am no longer ashamed to say how heavy I've gotten. I think it has to do with genetics as well - it seems that the women in my family turn into balloons when they're in their mid-20s.

    I'm going to a comic-con this year, and I've decided that instead of going as an Ewok or the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man, I should forego the costuming fun... Maybe as incentive or punishment, I don't know.

    Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you, and to helping you through your journey, and having you help me through mine!
  • Welcome and good luck. We are all on the same journey.
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!

  • Try not to punish yourself. Losing weight is a long and sometimes difficult process that we all have trouble with from time to time. If you have a bad day, you have a bad day; there is always tomorrow. Start where you are comfortable with changing your food habits (a diet plan may help, there are plenty on this site for you to try and find what suits you) and doing exercise for 30 minutes 3+ times a week. Even though exercise is only 20% of the weight loss process, and 80% is food, it is still very important.

  • Thanks, everyone!! I haven't started dieting yet, but I have gotten in touch with a dietitian through my doctor. It's a start!! Also, it is really nice to have the warm weather outside.
  • Welcome and Good luck!