3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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firstsnowchick 04-18-2013 02:02 PM

Hello - Newbie here!
I've been reading threads here and there, and I'm excited about this journey I'm going to take!

I say, journey, cause I need to change my brain! I'm a wife to a supportive and gorgeous man, mother to my 10&5yr boys and 9yr old twin girls. I've always been in shape, but then packed on weight after each pregnancy. I was on my way back down after the twins - only 20lbs shy of goal (125), then I quit my job, and 1yr later had baby #4. I've stayed home ever since and slowly kept adding weight - not subtracting like the past. I'm busy at home, but you know - clearly not too busy to reach cardio capacity!

I use to run tons - eat right, low carb....so, I'm not stranger to common sense strategies to keep in shape - my problem... I didnt' think I was that bad! Until Spring Break - kids took a pic of me w/o looking - I coudln't believe my eyes! belly sticking out, i swear I saw four chins and ugh..it was crystal clear! Time to get it together!

Funny thing, I go to sleep most nights thinking tomorrow is THE day - and then sabotage myself halfway between on errand and the next - drive thru breakfast - grab a quick diet drink and treat in the grocery line. Cause, I don't bring the junk home to my family...I'm like a sugar junky in the car...no one sees, must not be so bad...um, nope.

The good news - I've cut out all pop, only water and unsweet tea for the past two weeks - and no more treats for the past week...i'm getting there. The scale has barely budged, but at least I'm not adding!!!

So - here I am! I'm looking for support from you all, and I hope accountability will also help me. - thanks for reading - maybe someone can direct me where/how to link up to a regular checkin forum...or something? I need this! thank you all!!

wolfgirl69 04-18-2013 02:06 PM

Welcome! :D I used to do that-telling myself tomorrow and then screwing myself up. Well we're glad to have you here! :D

irish51 04-18-2013 03:13 PM


Read through the threads, you will find a lot of good information. Most people here use an app like LoseIt or My Fitness Pal, to help track what we are eating. You may find one of these helpful.

Don't be afraid to jump right into any thread that appeals to you. There are so many people willing to give advice and support.

Good luck, I look forward to reading about your progress.

Mozzy 04-18-2013 07:26 PM

Welcome and good luck on your journey!

firstsnowchick 04-18-2013 08:25 PM

thank you!
Thank you all! I know this is going be a great resource and the experiences are going to help me as well! Thank you taking the time to respond! :)

WolfWolf 04-19-2013 02:25 AM

Welcome :o)
It's great that you're not gaining weight!!: ) That is a big deal in itself!

firstsnowchick 04-19-2013 10:27 AM

thanks, wolfwolf!

Originally Posted by WolfWolf (Post 4711937)
Welcome :o)
It's great that you're not gaining weight!!: ) That is a big deal in itself!

hahaha, i know, right - it's the little things that are getting me going on the weight loss, once and for all!:carrot:

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