3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jmblankenship 07-19-2011 12:19 PM

I'm new here... and still a work in progress!
Hi there! =)

Thanks for stopping by.

My name is Jacob, and I am 30 yrs old. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, and believed that I had finally got control over it by my late teens. But after ten years of caring for ailing family members, I found myself almost 29 years old, and tipping the scales at 600 pounds. How did I even get here? I would think to myself, and I gave up all hope that my life (which surely wouldn't last very long at the rate that I was going) would ever be any different. When my size 66 jeans became so tight that I could barely sit down in them, I knew something had to be done.

I consulted my doctor and he put me on a balanced, nutritious meal plan, and slowly but surely I began to move as much as I could. Now, in the beginning, moving was difficult and painful. I remember just walking the hundred feet or so into the grocery store would render me so winded that I would have to stop for several minutes and pretend to browse that first display in order to catch my breath. Trying to do thirty minutes of any exercise was too difficult, and I felt defeated. I finally decided, instead, that I would simply start by doing what I could do. Two minutes at a time, ten times throughout the day. And I slowly built up over time, until walking around the neighborhood was manageable. Soon short walks became long walks, and long walks became hikes, and I knew that it was finally time for me to join a gym. I went every day even though it was hard in the beginning to get over being self conscious and feeling judged by the muscled he-gods around me. I made exercise a priority, just part of my routine, splitting my time between vigorous cardio and weight training.

Today I am very proud to say that I currently weigh 240 pounds (Yes! You read that right, I have lost a staggering 360 pounds... and I have earned each and every single one of them), and I am now comfortably in a size 38. I would like to eventually get down to 225 pounds, but am currently in no race to get there. My journey isn't over, nor will it ever be. This is something that I am going to struggle with every single day for the rest of my life. But I am okay with that. My life no longer feels hopeless, and the future is filled with possibilities and all it took was getting off of the couch and making the decision to change. Was it easy? No. Was it impossible? Absolutely not. I promise you: if I can do it, anyone can.

My problem now, after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, is the constant fear I now have of relapse. Like everyone, I have my good days and my bad days, and know that finding a support network is going to be key to my successful maintenance. I don't quite have the courage yet to seek out a group in my area in person. But thought this might be a good step in that direction.

It isn't easy for me to express my emotions or to say that I "need help." But any and all support that I can get at this point would really help, and can only help me toward becoming my best self. Hopefully one day NOT living in this constant fear of falling back into old habits. I am new here, hoping to find support and share my struggles and triumphs, and to be accountable to something outside of myself.

I look forward to reading your stories and sharing our weight loss and maintenance journeys together.

Thanks for having me! =)

I hope this message finds you doing well.


Liliann 07-19-2011 12:25 PM

:welcome: Jacob! Wow! Congrats on your amazing progress!! I am so very proud of you!! Keep up the great work!!

Jmblankenship 07-19-2011 01:10 PM

Thanks Lilian =)

fattymcfatty 07-19-2011 01:40 PM

Hi Jacob. Your progress is amazing.
I was talking to my DH the other day, thinking that since I've lost over 80lbs and been on plan for over a year, I should simply "not want" candy and sweets anymore. Yeah, right. I don't think it matters how much our new WOE is a pattern, my heart will always pitter-pat at the sight of chocolate cake or cherry pie.

DH pointed out that there are things we really don't miss (like fast food or certain pizza places or fried foods) so that is a victory in changing our habits. However, I'll probably always like sweets. That is the way that it is. At least now I can change the way I indulge in sweets now, and make smarter choices once I am a maintaner.

I think the aknowledgement that it will always be a battle, accepting it, and getting tools together that help us deal is the key.

carrieanne4 07-19-2011 02:10 PM

That is amazing. Reading your story makes me think why am i struggling to lose just 28lbs!! you definetly are an inspiration and think you will be a real help to others on this forum as others will be for you.
All the best for the rest of your journey

Jmblankenship 07-19-2011 02:18 PM

Thanks! I appreciate the affirmation.

I couldn't agree more. I think in the past i have settled into this "finally I made it i can just relax" mentality when i reached my goal. And really it requires constant mindfulness forever. I think over time the choices become easier to make, but the desires are still always going to be there. But now that slice of pizza or luscious chocolate cake seem less worth it in the end, so they call my name a little bit less loudly than they once did. So i guess that is progress.

I remember a couple months into my dieting i found myself literally pacing my kitchen going from pantry to fridge to cabinet. Chanting to myself "i will not eat anything else tonight. I will not eat anything else tonight." like i was being chased by this ravenous food monster. But then somehow it dawned on me, this actually isn't a monster chasing me down. this is just a choice. And I've already made it. And somehow however slight, or simple that shift was, I was instantly calmer and more peaceful about it. And now those choices make me feel powerful, and not deprived. You know? Does that make any sense? lol probably not.

I make my living as a baker and caterer, so I'm constantly surrounded by delicious food. but somehow i have been able to separate work from life, and don't even really feel tempted by it any more. But late at night i do get a sweet tooth. I find that SF gum, SF italian sodas, or even a small square of very dark chocolate, etc can give me a little taste of sweet without throwing me into a shame spiral.

Congrats on all of your success! And keep up the great work! If we can do this, we can do anything!!! =)

Jmblankenship 07-19-2011 02:21 PM

Thanks Carrieann!

The last little bit of weight is always by far the hardest to lose. So give yourself some credit! You are doing great! Speaking of which, You are gorgeous at this weight or any weight! Now it's just about feeling as great as you look. Rock it out, girl! =)

alaskanlaughter 07-19-2011 02:37 PM

wow!! welcome and congrats on your amazing weight loss so far!

NEMom 07-19-2011 02:46 PM

All I can says is WOW! Congrats on your amazing success!
I definitely relate to being scared of gaining the weight back. I had a couple of not so good weeks and was afraid of stepping on the scale afraid I would see it back to where I started, I did have a 2 lb gain but I was glad it was only 2lbs. I still have to work on having a treat in moderation because I am still going overboard when I have a treat.

MaineFiddler 07-19-2011 03:16 PM

Wow, your story is so inspiring! Certainly gives me hope! :)

Sunshine87 07-19-2011 03:24 PM

Your story is so inspiring! I think you will find a lot of support in the maintainers forum.

puneri 07-19-2011 03:39 PM

Congrats i am so proud of you. Do not give up. Slowly but surely you will reach your destination.i am 59years old. I started exercising
6 months back. A month later, I got trainer. That trainer was of no use, so i changed my trainer. She told me i was eating very less proteins.i started reading books. I got 17 day diet and i am following that for last 40 days.
Now i started seeing results.
So, keep reading different books, getting knowledge. Decide a plan for yourself and stick to it.
You are so young, your matabolic rate is higher, you will see results faster.
If you want support, always talk to us, but please do not loose hope.
god bless you.

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